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肌松 muscle relaxation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-21 20:13:23


肌松 muscle relaxation英语短句 例句大全

肌松,muscle relaxation

1)muscle relaxation肌松


1.Study on Clinical Effect of Priming of Nonpolarized Muscle Relaxants;预注非去极化肌松剂临床肌松效应的研究

2.Improvement on enema for patients with anal sphincter loosening肛门括约肌松弛病人灌肠方法的改良

3.flabby, wrinkled flesh;松软、褶皱的肌肉;

4.flabby muscles, thighs, flesh, etc松弛的肌肉、 松软的大腿、 松软的肉.

5.Muscular my foot! You"re flabby.强壮个头!你是肌肉松软。

6.the relaxation or relief of muscle spasms.放松或减轻肌肉的痉挛。

7.You should loosen up (your muscles) before playing any sport.运动之前应先放松(肌肉).

8.Relax your muscles to rest them.松弛肌肉休息一下。

9.Let your muscles relax slowly.让你的肌肉慢慢放松.

10.Train Triceps, avoid loose, flabby upper arm. Improve muscle tone.练习肱三头肌,防止上臂肌肉松弛。

11.Myotonia: Disorder causing difficulty relaxing contracted voluntary muscles.肌强直:随意肌收缩后松弛困难的一种肌肉疾

12.After effectively relaxes various spots muscle which the movement ties tight.有效放松运动后紧绷的各部位肌肉。

13.They are also taught to relax the muscles of the throat.他们还会学习如何放松喉咙的肌肉

14.the old man"s muscles were sagging flabbily.这位老人的肌肉逐渐地松弛下来。

15."Rest ", in terms of muscle relaxation and so on,“休息”,从使肌肉得到放松等方面来看,

16.tending to relax or relieve muscular or nervous tension.倾向于放松、减轻肌肉或神经紧张程度。

17.Measure around the fullest part of the biceps, fairly generously.十分宽松地围量二头肌最丰满处。

18.The middle ear muscle relaxes 2 to 8 ms later.中耳肌肉的放松要稍迟2-8毫秒。


muscle relaxant肌松药

1.A comparative study on the use of traction test and righting reflex test for measuring the ED_(50) ofmuscle relaxant;攀网法与翻正反射法测定肌松药ED_(50)的比较

2.Objective:To approach the clinical application of tracheal intubation withoutmuscle relaxant after induction of anesthesia with sevoflurane in infant.目的:探讨无肌松药下七氟烷诱导气管插管在婴幼儿麻醉中的临床应用。


4)point pressing muscle relaxation点穴松肌


1.Tenolysis, volar plate release of the PIP joint and Zplasty of the skin were performed simultaneously in 4 patients.其中4例同时行指屈肌腱松解及近侧指间关节掌板松解、皮肤Z字成形术。

6)Muscle relaxant肌松剂

1.Purpose To improve the reliability of monitoring by the range of suitable muscle relaxant’s concentration under the condition of successful motor evoked potential monitoring.目的确定适合运动诱发电位(MEP)术中监测的肌松剂浓度范围,以提高监护可靠性和手术安全性。


