700字范文 > 基站建设项目 Base depot items of basic construction英语短句 例句大全

基站建设项目 Base depot items of basic construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-17 12:24:24


基站建设项目 Base depot items of basic construction英语短句 例句大全

基站建设项目,Base depot items of basic construction

1)Base depot items of basic construction基站建设项目

2)Project of RBS constructionRBS基站建设项目

3)station construction project场站建设项目


1.General model of road plaza construction and instance analysis;公路场站建设项目评判模型及实例分析

2.A Research on the Cost Management of the Construction Project of China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL) Yards中海集装箱场站建设项目成本管理研究

3.The Research of the Supervision on the Nuclear Project Construction;核电站建设项目工程建造监理的研究

4.Study of Economic Benefits Post Evaluation of Transformer Substation Project;变电站建设项目经济效益后评价研究

5.Study on the Risk of Construction Projects in the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations电动汽车充电站建设项目群风险研究

6.Pre-evaluation of Occupational Hazards on A Construction Project of Reclaimed Water Station某中水站建设项目职业病危害预评价

7.Research on the Design of FCI Project in Power Market Construction;电力市场建设中FCI项目设计研究

8.Summary of Design Consultative Field Service Experience of Important Construction Project;浅谈重大建设项目设计咨询驻场服务

9.A Comparative Study of the Market Financing Models of Highway Construction Projects;公路建设项目市场融资方式比较研究

10.The Study of the Financing Mode of Step Hydroelectric Project in Basin of Han River汉江流域梯级电站建设项目融资模式研究

11.The Researcher on Project Risk Management of Transformer Substation s Construction in Zhuzhou Electric Bureau;株洲电业局变电站建设项目风险管理研究

12.Application of Project Management in Hydroelectric Power Station;项目管理在水电站建设工程中的应用研究

13.Research of Project Management on Web of E-government;项目管理在电子政务门户网站建设中的应用

14.Research on Selecting and Optimizing of Management Model of Construction Projects to Each Hydropower Station;单体水电站建设项目模式的选择与优化

15.The Study of Project Scheduling Planning and Control of Enterprise Website Construction;企业网站建设项目的进度计划与控制研究

16.The Study of Schedule Management and Risk Management in the Construction of Repeater Project;直放站建设项目的进度及风险管理与应对研究

17.Practice and Consideration of Ertan Hydropower Station Construction Project Management;二滩水电站建设项目管理的实践与思考

18.A Fuzzy Decision Method for Optimizing Service Station Investment and Construction Projects;优选加油站建设投资项目的模糊决策法


Project of RBS constructionRBS基站建设项目

3)station construction project场站建设项目

4)transformer substation project变电站建设项目

1.Then the practical application oftransformer substation project was given.本文在变电站建设项目风险管理理论研究的基础上,识别出了变电站建设项目可能遇到的各种风险;并从风险产生的原因角度构建了具体的变电站建设项目风险评价指标体系;通过对几种常见的项目风险评价方法的分析,提出了改进的LEC风险评价法;并对变电站建设项目案例进行了实证,提出了防范不同程度风险的策略与建议。

5)capital construction project基本建设项目

1.This paper analyzes the function of internal audit ofcapital construction project and discusses the risks that exist in the internal audit ofcapital construction project, and then some countermeasures are put forword.针对基本建设项目的特点,重点分析了基本建设项目内部审计的作用,提出了基本建设项目内部审计的风险以及化解风险的对策。

6)construction project建设项目

1.The analytical model of safety cost rate for theconstruction project;建设项目安全成本率分析模型

2.Discussion on safety evaluation of power plantconstruction project;火力发电建设项目安全评价问题探讨


