700字范文 > 新西兰兔 New Zealand rabbit英语短句 例句大全

新西兰兔 New Zealand rabbit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-29 17:09:11


新西兰兔 New Zealand rabbit英语短句 例句大全

新西兰兔,New Zealand rabbit

1)New Zealand rabbit新西兰兔

1.Study on 3D-SC artificial skin materials for repairing injured skin inNew Zealand rabbits;3D-SC人工皮肤材料对新西兰兔损伤皮肤的修复实验研究

2.Investigation of NARC-1 Protein Expression in Atherosclerotic Lesion of New Zealand RabbitNARC-1蛋白在新西兰兔动脉粥样硬化病变中的表达

3.METHODS MaleNew Zealand rabbits were divid- ed into control group and treatment group,7 for the control group,and other 13 rabbits for the treatment group.方法雄性新西兰兔20只,正常对照组7只,实验组13只。


1.Effects of dietary cholesterol intake on bile acids metabolism in New Zealand white rabbits高胆固醇摄入对新西兰兔胆汁酸代谢的影响


3.Study on Antipyretic Effect and Mechanism of Jinyinhua in Pyretic Rabbits金银花对发热新西兰兔解热作用机制的研究

4.Nacre-induced osteogenesis in the femoral condyles of New Zealand rabbits珍珠层粉在新西兰兔股骨髁内的成骨试验

5.The infectious rate of louse in Guinea pigs and mite in New Zealand rabbits was all 100% revealed by sacrifice method.用处死法测得豚鼠体表长虱和新西兰兔体表疥螨的感染率均为100%。

6.Effects of Simulated Weightlessness on Pressure-volume Relationships of Femoral Vein of New Zealand Rabbits.模拟失重对新西兰兔股静脉压力-容积关系的影响

7.Influence of chitin derivatives on blood biochemical indexes related to fracture healing in New Zealand rabbits甲壳质衍生物对新西兰兔骨缺损愈合相关血生化指标的影响

8.Effects of Lysine on Growth and Reproduction Performance in New Zealand Rabbits and Its Molecular Mechanism;赖氨酸对新西兰兔生长和繁殖性能的影响及其分子机制初探

9.Preparation of Sustained-release Alpha-lipoic Acid Tablet and Its Pharmacodynamics in New Zealand Rabbits;α-硫辛酸缓释片的制备及其对新西兰兔药效学研究

10.The Different Effects of Momordicin on Vascular Stenosis of Rabbits after Carotid Arterial Transluminal Balloon Angioplasty and Perivascular Common Carotid Collar Placement;苦瓜蛋白对新西兰兔颈动脉球囊拉伤/套环后狭窄的影响

11.Experimental Study of Biological Effect on Mucous Membrane of Nasopharynx in New Zealand Breed Rabbits by Nd: YAP Laser;Nd:YAP激光对新西兰兔鼻咽粘膜生物作用的实验研究

12.The Study of Biological Characters of SPF New Zealand Laboratorial Rabbit;SPF级新西兰实验兔生物学特性的研究

13.Metho ds: 12 New Zealand rabbits aged 7,8,9 and 10 months old and 3 in eac h age group, were killed under anesthesia.方法 :7、8、9、10月龄新西兰纯种兔各 3只。

14.Methods 40 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups.方法40只新西兰白兔,随机分为4组,每组10只。

15.Effect of Omeprazole on Tachycardia-induced Electrical Remodeling of Rabbit Atria;奥美拉唑对新西兰白兔心房电重构的影响

16.The expression of PCNA in cornea and corneal limbus of New Zealand big ear rabbitPCNA在新西兰大耳兔角膜及角膜缘的表达

17.Reparation of skin defect using autologous platelet-rich gel in New Zealand rabbits自体富血小板凝胶修复新西兰大白兔皮肤缺损

18.MethodsFifteen New Zealand whits albino rabbits were randomly divided into group A,B,and C.方法选取成年健康纯种新西兰白兔 15只 ,随机分为a、b、C 3组。


new Zealand rabbits新西兰兔

1.NO-1886 decreases postprandial triglyceride and free fatty acids in New Zealand rabbits;NO-1886降低脂负荷新西兰兔血清甘油三酯和游离脂肪酸

2.Influence of chitin derivatives on blood biochemical indexes related to fracture healing in New Zealand rabbits;甲壳质衍生物对新西兰兔骨缺损愈合相关血生化指标的影响

3.Safety of chronically oral administration of compound povidone iodine in New Zealand rabbits;新西兰兔长期应用复方聚维酮碘片的安全性


1.Experimental study on beeswax ointment in diabeticrabbit s model of wound healing;蜂蜡膏促进糖尿病新西兰兔创面愈合的实验研究

2.Methods Thirtyrabbits divided randomly to 3 groups,Group A: simple impact group;Group B: normal dosage CGRP-impact group(CGRP 0.方法成年新西兰兔随机分为3组,A组:对照组;B组:伤后应用常规剂量CGRP组(0。

3.Objective :To investigate the effect of pravastatin on the left ventricular mass ofrabbit with insulin resistance(RIR),which were fed with high-sucrose chow ,and its possible mechanisms.方法:30 只健康雄性新西兰兔随机分成3 组:(1)对照组(C):普通饲料喂养12 周;(2)高蔗糖组(HS):高蔗糖饲料喂养12 周;(3)普伐他汀组(P):高蔗糖饲料喂养12 周,后4 周每天加喂普伐他汀每只5mg/kg。

4)New Zealand white rabbit新西兰兔

1.Histological changes in the midgut epithelium of Ixodes sinensis after biting naive and immunizedNew Zealand white rabbits;中华硬蜱叮咬不同免疫力新西兰兔后中肠上皮组织的形态动态变化

2.Functional studies of tissue-engineered human corneal endothelium by corneal endothelial transplantation inNew Zealand white rabbits体外重建组织工程人角膜内皮在新西兰兔角膜内皮移植中的应用

3.A comparison trial of the weight gain of Yufeng yellow tabbit,New Zealand white rabbit and harbin white rabbit was carried out.豫丰黄兔与新西兰兔、哈白兔进行增重对比试验表明,豫丰黄兔在增重、饲料转换率方面都略高于新西兰兔,而稍低于哈白兔,经t检验差异不显著(P>0。

5)New Zealand White Rabbits新西兰兔

1.Methods:Two groups of New Zealand White rabbits received regular rabbit chow (the normal control) or high fat high sucrose diet for 4 months.目的用新西兰兔建立一种新的糖尿病动物模型 ,探讨一氧化氮在糖尿病肾病发病机制中的作用。

6)New Zealand White rabbits新西兰白兔

1.In this study, 80New Zealand White rabbits were divided into 5 groups according to body weight, and protein levels of 5 groups were 13.选用2月龄新西兰白兔80只,分为5组,日粮蛋白水平分别为13。

2.A total of 48 pregnant New Zealand white rabbits with approximate size in early two litters and same body condition were randomly divided into three groups to study the effects of the pawpaw on reproductive performance and lactation performance.选取前2胎产仔数相近、体况一致的新西兰白兔妊娠母兔48只,随机分成3组,探讨木瓜粉对母兔繁殖性能、泌乳量及血清激素等指标的影响。


《晚邮报》(新西兰)(Wɑnyou Bɑo新西兰惠灵顿市的独家英文对开晚报。1865年创刊。原为爱尔兰都柏林人H.布伦德尔家族所有,后由布伦德尔兄弟公司经营。属独立报业公司。除刊有国内外重要新闻和评论外,有关家庭生活和娱乐的新闻较多。每天出20~40版,日发行量 9.2万份(1986)。
