700字范文 > 非主流科学 non-mainstream science英语短句 例句大全

非主流科学 non-mainstream science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-19 23:52:22


非主流科学 non-mainstream science英语短句 例句大全

非主流科学,non-mainstream science

1)non-mainstream science非主流科学

1.Under such circumstances,the mild visual angle and the inimitable method of feminism showed a bran-new prospect for the development of science,so as to reconstruct the connotation of science itself and thereby procure a sound position fornon-mainstream science in the field of the history of science and technology.籍此可对科学本身的内涵进行重构,从而为非主流科学在科技史界赢得地位。

2)popular science主流科学


1.The Forward March to Mainstream Economics --The Progress of Ecological Economics in China向着主流科学前进——生态经济学在中国的发展

2.But he states that IVF and ICSI are much safer and more effective in human than in livestock and that the same would hold true for cloning--a claim rejected by main stream scientists.然而这一观点受到了主流科学家的反对。

3.Stevenson" s claims are not widely accepted by mainstream scientists.史蒂芬森教授的研究目前无法被其他主流科学家们所接受。

4.Analysis on the Main Schools of Modern Scientific Philosophy and their Scientific Views;试析现代科学哲学的主要流派及其科学观

5.On the Mainstream of the Economic Science in the 21st Century andComprehensive Economics;论21世纪经济科学主流与综观经济学

6.Mastery of Financial Development Mainstream,Facilitating Subject of Finance Innovation;把握金融发展主流 促进金融学科创新

7.On the Development of the Scientific Revolution and the Popular Economics in West;论科技革命与西方主流经济学的发展

8.The philosophical foundation of western major economics is philosophy of science.西方主流经济学的哲学基础是科学哲学。

9.Mapping of science studies: Research groups and representative scientists;当代国际科学学主流学术群体及其代表人物

10.On the Scientific Pholosophy Origins of the Western Main Psychology Schools;谈西方心理学主要流派的科学哲学渊源

11.Origin and Structure of Scientific View of Mainstream Psychology--Comparing Scientific View of Mainstream Psychology with that of Classic Physics;主流心理学科学观的来源与结构——经典物理学与主流心理学科学观比较分析

12.Reality and Science:the Choice of Modern Mainstream Economics Research Model;现实与科学:现代主流经济学研究范式的选择

13.Channel Woman/Gender Studies into the Mainstream of China s Social Sciences Research;将妇女/性别研究纳入中国社会科学研究的主流

14.The Development of Laser Technology and Its Main Scientific and Technical Origins;激光技术的发展历程及其主要科学技术源流

15.Most articles in this Science magazine are deliberately selected and adopted from popular magazines in the UK or USA, such as Discovery.科学》杂志中的文章主要精心选材于英美流行的科普杂志,如《发现》等。

16.Scientifically Locating, Laying Stress on Feature and Setting up a First-class Comprehensive Civilian-run Institute Put Engineering First;科学定位 突出特色 铸造以工科为主综合性一流民办高校

17.The Confluence of Scientism and Humanism in the Sight of Paradigm Theory;从范式理论的发展和困境看科学主义与人文主义的合流

18.Application of Teaching Theory of Constructivism to Teaching of Logistics in Vocational College;建构主义教学理论在高职物流学科教学中的应用


popular science主流科学


4)non-mainstream literature非主流文学

1.Thenon-mainstream literature will be a key topic in the study of ancient literature in the new century.进入新世纪,非主流文学将成为古代文学研究的一个关键话题。

5)non-mainstream aesthetics非主流美学

1.Aestetic Hegemonism and Its Crisis --An analysis of the background of thenon-mainstream aesthetics;美学的霸权主义及其危机——非主流美学崛起的背景分析

6)informal scholarly communication非正式科学交流

1.Theinformal scholarly communication based on Web2.0的非正式科学交流是基于用户创造内容、互动、分享理念的新的科学交流方式,借助于Web2。

2."E-print Archive"is aninformal scholarly communication system which is advocated by the Open Access Movement.介绍电子预印本文库是开放存取运动推荐的一种非正式科学交流系统。


非非主义1986年周伦佑、蓝马、杨黎等人在四川创立了非非主义诗歌创作理论以及一系列非非主义的写作原则,非非主义理论和诗歌作品在《非非》杂志和《非非评论》报刊载。非非主义提倡对语言的作用进行深入的分析和研究,以实验的方式将其符号意义之外的功能还原,在诗歌中实现各种前文化探索。20世纪1990年代以后,周伦佑等在复刊后的《非非》上提出“红色写作”概念,非非主义进入所谓的“后非非”阶段。[编辑]相关连接中国诗歌库 中国诗歌史 [编辑]参见现代诗歌现代诗人诗人列表Image:Organization template.gif 这是一个与组织相关的小作品,您可以帮助维库扩充其内容。
