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测报 forecast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 07:03:37


测报 forecast英语短句 例句大全



1.Population Dynamics and Three Forecasting Methods of Adults of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) in Regimental Farm 3 of the First Agricultural Division;农一师3团棉铃虫成虫种群动态及三种测报方法比较研究

2.Forecast of Occurrence Level of Dendrolimus punctatus by Markov Chains;利用马尔可夫链方法测报马尾松毛虫发生级别

3.Application of Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps in theforecast and control of jujube pest insects;佳多频振式杀虫灯在枣树害虫测报及防治中的应用


1.Regional Monitoring Report区域监测报告(莫内报告)

2.Report on the Monitoring of Multilateral Population Assistance多边人口援助监测报告

3.A simple measuring and reporting system applied in hydrological forecasting in the Lushan Region简易测报系统在庐山地区水文测报中的应用

4.Equipments for hydrological measuring and reporting-Remote measuring water level recorderGB/T11830-1989水文测报装置遥测水位计

5.Equipments for hydrological measuring and reporting-Remote measuring rainfall gageGB/T11831-1989水文测报装置遥测雨量计

6.Simulate alarm condition to test audible and/or visible alarm.模拟警报条件以测试声光警报。

7.Review measure report and quality report and quality cost.监控测量报告、质量报告和质量成本。

8.monitoring and forecasting of plant diseaseand insect pest植物病虫害预测预报

9.motion detector [alarm system]影像探测器〔警报系统〕

10.warning and detection systems,military军用警报与探测系统

11.automatic smoke type fire alarm测烟式失火自动报警器

12.measurement-control-warning system for harmful gas有害气体测控报警系统

13.automatic thermo type fire alarm测温式火警自动报警器

14.telemetering systems for earthquake predication地震预报网遥测系统

15.The weather forecast predicts sunshine for tomorrow.天气预报预测明天天晴。

16.earthquake [weather] prediction地震预测 [天气预报]

17.Accountability, Monitoring and Reporting Unit问责、监测和报告股

18.Surveillance, Forecasting and Impact Assessment监测、预报和影响评价



1.Occurrence andPrediction of Corn Armyworm in Jiuzhaigou District;九寨沟县玉米粘虫的发生及测报

2.Application of sex pheromone in the prediction and control of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner);棉铃虫性诱剂在测报和防治上的应用研究

3.Problems and Measures of thePrediction of Tobacco Diseases and Pests针对测报工作中存在的问题,提出了解决途径,并就病虫害测报工作技术发展与防治提出了建议。

3)monitoring report监测报告

1.Looking through environmentalmonitoring report is the last link of QA for environmental monitoring.环境监测报告的审核是环境监测质量保证工作的最后环节。

2.The differentiation between two types construction project in which compile themonitoring report and survey report respectively on the basis of pollution exhaust and ecological impact were given in this article.分析、阐述了在建设项目竣工环境保护验收中,以污染排放为主和以生态影响为主两类建设项目分别编制监测报告与调查报告的区别,并提出编制报告时应注意的几个问题。

3.The paper analyzes the existing problems frommonitoring report of abrupt polluting accident,and the meaning to improve the report.分析了现有应急监测报告存在的问题和改进的意义,提出了从内容格式、提高综合分析能力和加强完整性和连贯性方面改进的建议。

4)monitoring and predicting监测预报

1.The new method ofmonitoring and predicting landslide disasters is proposed,and the new method is based on the Decision-making Method of information processing.文章简要评述了地质灾害基础理论与应用技术发展现状、滑坡灾害多种监测预报判据的利弊。


1.Study on the Seasonal Population Dynamics and Prediction of Apodemus agrarius;黑线姬鼠种群数量动态及预测预报模型研究

2.The seasonal population dynamics andprediction models of Mus musculus in central region of Guizhou Province;黔中地区小家鼠种群数量动态及预测预报模型

3.Study on theprediction of occurrence period of Spodoptera litura;斜纹夜蛾发生期预测预报的探讨——有效积温预测法


1.Groundwater resourceforecast system based on GIS technology;基于GIS技术的地下水资源预测预报系统

2.Population Dynamics of Laphygma exigua Hübner and Its Application in Forecasting and Prediction;甜菜夜蛾种群消长规律及其在预测预报上的应用

3.Forecast Methods and Integrated Management of Ostrinia Furnacalis;亚洲玉米螟预测预报方法及综合防治


