700字范文 > 听说技能 listening and speaking skills英语短句 例句大全

听说技能 listening and speaking skills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 00:01:07


听说技能 listening and speaking skills英语短句 例句大全

听说技能,listening and speaking skills

1)listening and speaking skills听说技能


1.A Study of the Effect of After-listening Retelling Practice on Students" Listening and Speaking Skills论听后复述与学生英语听说技能发展的有机结合

2.The Factors of Teaching Affecting College Non-English Majors′ Proficiency in Applied Listening & Speaking and the Strategies;影响非英语专业大学生实用性听说技能的教学因素及对策

3.Listen! It can speak English.听,它能说英语呢。

4.This course deals with all basic language skills: aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.本课程涉及了听,说,读,写这四项语言的基本技能。

5.Excellent English proficiency &computer operating skills.英语听说读写流利;良好的计算机操作技能。

6.On the skill training of listening,speaking and numbers in English interpretation teaching;试谈口译教学中听说及数字技能的训练

7.An Experimental Research on the Model of Improving Students Ability in Listening,Speaking and Writing by Using Specialized Material;英语教学听说写互动技能训练模式初探

8.Enhancing Skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Chinese in the Target-language Environment;目的语环境中汉语听说读写技能的发展

9.Improving Listening and Speaking Competence with Modern Teaching Technology in College English Class;运用现代教育技术提高大学英语听说能力

10.A Research on the English Learning Skills for the Minority University Students少数民族大学生英语听说读写技能培养探究

11.He can neither see nor talk .他耳不能听,口不能说。

12.I hear there may be a few copies left.我听说可能还剩下几本。

13.Do you follow what I am saying?你能听懂我说的话吗?

14.I was so disappointed when I heard that you could not come.听说你不能来,我很失望。

15.All I want you to do is to listen a moment.我只想你能听我说一下。

16.Maybe I can help. Tell me what it is, Susan.也许我能帮忙。说给我听听 ,Susan。

17.We particularly focus on listening and speaking skills, and also give consideration to other three skills in this training group.我们这个培训班主要侧重于听和说两大技能,兼顾另外三方面的技能。

18.Listening Process and the Training of Listening Skills;听力理解过程与英语听力技能的训练


English listening and speaking skills英语听说技能

3)applied listening and speaking skill实用性听说技能

4)Speaking and Hearing Skills听说技巧

5)Improving Listening and Expressing Skills in Interpretation Teaching口译听说技能训练

6)listening and speaking ability听说能力

1.Analyzing the Reasons for Students Poor Listening and Speaking Ability in Higher Vocational and Technological Colleges and the Countermeasures;浅析高职高专学生英语听说能力差的原因及对策

2.This paper deals with the problem of how to train the studentslistening and speaking ability and how to improve their comprehensive qualities by way of pre-words and discussion so as to adapt themselves to the social development.探讨了如何利用导言和讨论训练学生的英语听说能力并提高他们的综合素质,以适应社会发展的需要。

3.The English teaching in China over-emphasizes grammatical analysis,and neglects training studentslistening and speaking ability.我国目前大学英语教学中存在着重语法分析,轻听说能力培养的问题。


听说1.听我所说。 2.听人所说。 3.方言。听话。参见"听说听道"。
