700字范文 > 叙事角色 narrators英语短句 例句大全

叙事角色 narrators英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-08 22:32:57


叙事角色 narrators英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper discusses two factors of the art of narration: thenarrators and the narrative angle of view.叙事艺术包括诸多因素,本文仅涉及叙事角色和叙事视角。


1.On the Narrators and the Narrative Angle of View of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;论《聊斋志异》的叙事角色和叙事视角

2.The Narrator and Characters in A Rose for Emily;《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》中的叙事者和角色

3.Audience As A Different Role in Movie Narratives;观众:作为电影叙事体中的不同角色

4.A Study of the Shift of the Narrative Point of View and the Language Styles of The Assistant;《店员》的叙事角度转换与语言特色研究

5.Narrative Inquiry and Teacher s Role --Concurrently Answer Whose Method the Narrative Inquiry Is;叙事研究与教师角色——兼答叙事研究到底是谁的方法

6.The Culture Implication and Narrative Function of Princess Role in Folk Tales;民间故事中公主角色的文化意义与叙事功能

7.The Deflection From "Part" To "Narrator" --On Novel of the Frist Person Narration in Seventeen Years;由“角色”向“叙述者”的偏移——十七年第一人称叙事小说论

8.Narrative Literature and Non-human Role:Exemplifications of Destiny and Time;叙事美学与非人物角色——以命运与时间为例

9.Imitation or Narration:On the Expression of the Roles by Video Reporter模仿还是叙事?——试论摄像记者的角色表现

10.On Narrative Feature of Lu Xun s Divorce from the Narrative Point of View;论鲁迅小说《离婚》叙述视角的叙述特色

11.On Narrative Structure of The Professor s House from the View of Perspective;从叙述视角看《教授的房子》的叙事结构

12.Narrative Modes with HE as the Narrator;“他”作为叙事者的两种窄视角叙述模式

13.Multiple Points of View and The Disappearance of Narrative Authority--On As I Lay Dying from the Narrative Point of View;多角度第一人称叙事与叙述权威的消亡——论《我弥留之际》的叙事视角

14.The Special Narration of the Chinese Films;说书人叙事——中国电影中的独特叙事角度

15.The Art of Narrative Viewpoint of Tang s Legend and the Independence of Its Style;唐传奇叙事视角艺术及其叙事文体的独立

16.A Rebellion of Narration--On the Narrative Tactics of The Yellow Wallpaper叙事符号的反叛——解读《黄色墙纸》的叙事策略

17.The glue that holds the processes together is narrative: using personas to create stories that point to design.将这些过程黏合在一起的是故事叙述,即使用人物角色来讲述针对设计的故事。

18.On Feature of Lu Xun s Kong Yiji from the Narrative Point of View;论鲁迅小说《孔乙己》叙述视角的叙述特色


point of view叙事视角

1.On the basis of narratology,this paper attempts to explore how thepoint of views,narrative focus and the tone contribute to understanding of the theme of the fiction.结合叙事学理论,探讨叙事视角,叙事聚焦,叙事语气如何推动对此小说主题的理解。

2.Thepoint of view of Fitzgerald s masterpiece The Great Gatsby is new and unique.菲茨杰拉德的代表作《了不起的盖茨比》的叙事视角新颖、独特。

3.Based on the semantic difference between the progressive aspect and the simple aspect,the paper distinguishes,in the stream of consciousness works,what is written from a character spoint of view and what is written from the author spoint of view.文章指出在特定的语境中 ,以进行体形式所呈现的事件是从故事中一个人物的视角传达的 ,而且同其前文叙述现在时再现的人物言语和思想所采用的视角是一致的 ,进而从语言结构的角度探讨进行体、叙事视角和连贯的关系并说明进行体的衔接功能。

3)narrative perspective叙事角度

1.In this article the author,from itsnarrative perspective and writing feature,explored the novel,and presents the writer s writing aim perfectly.笔者通过对这篇小说的叙事角度和写作特点进行剖析,以期探究作者的写作意图。

2.This dissertation applied the basic theories ofnarrative perspective into the research of Chinese movie"s narration, by combining the theoretical analysis and the interpretation of the texts, to study the applications of Chinese movie"snarrative perspective.本文将叙事学中叙事角度研究的基本理论应用于中国电影叙事研究当中,采用理论分析与文本解读相结合的方式,探寻中国电影在叙事角度运用上的独特发展轨迹。

3.In the perspective of narratology: a unique mirror image and studying view-fields, on the basis of reading and analyzing Zhao Shuli s novel texts carefully in three levels: "the narrative time, the narrative structure and thenarrative perspective", w.本文以陈平原《中国小说叙事模式的转变》中对“叙事模式”的概念厘定与理论分层为本文一以贯之的主线及借以展开论述的话语支撑,从叙事结构、叙事时间与叙事角度三个层面,对赵树理的小说文本进行了细致的读解、剖分。

4)narrative perspective叙事视角

1.This essay tries to analyze the creation characteristics in terms of its anachronies, arrangement ofnarrative perspective, and symbolism; it attempts to probe into the.本文试图从时序颠倒、叙事视角、象征等方面简要分析福克纳在这篇小说中的创作特色,并由此来探讨该小说的深刻内涵及其艺术性。

2.Onnarrative perspective,it relies on t.它在叙事话语上,采用"说新闻"的播报方式,注重轻松性、口语化和自然美;在叙事结构上,"调侃新闻"、"奇观展示"一显一隐地表征着两条行进路线,生成文本意义;在叙事视角上,运用富有交流性、亲切感的第二人称叙事视角,借助柔性叙事策略,有效缩短受传双方的距离。

3.Her image is a uniquenarrative perspective which is arranged purposely by the writer.她是一个小人物,地位低微,但却是一个不容忽视的艺术形象,是作者安排的一个独特的叙事视角。

5)narrative angle of view叙事视角

1.Yan Geling,a writer,has utilized thenarrative angle of view of the first person,the second person and the third person in his works,"Chinese hibiscus",narrating the love story of the first generation of Chinese immigrant which crossed races.作家严歌苓在《扶桑》中运用了第一人称、第二人称、第三人称叙事视角,讲述了中国第一代移民跨种族的爱情故事。

2.By analyzing the reasons which generate the ambiguity of The Castle from the form and thenarrative angle of view perspectives,this essay points out that The Castle is a modern fable characterized by the incompleteness.本文从小说形式和叙事视角两方面对《城堡》的多义性生成的原因进行了分析,认为《城堡》的现代寓言性质及它的未完成性使得这部小说寓义复杂而深刻。

3.This paper discusses two factors of the art of narration: the narrators and thenarrative angle of view.叙事艺术包括诸多因素,本文仅涉及叙事角色和叙事视角。

6)narrative angle叙事角度

1.Based on analysis,a lot of texts in this type from thenarrative angle,the narrative time and the narrative structure were discussed.从叙事角度、叙事时间和叙事结构三个方面对现代文学史上大量此类小说作了较为细致的文本分析,对该文体的叙事特征进行了较为深入的论述,认为中国现代书信体小说以单视角为主,多为回顾时态的嵌套式双线叙事结构。

2.Previous studies stress on the similarity of Jin Sheng-tan s novel theory ofnarrative angle to the west narrative theory.以往的研究多侧重于揭示金圣叹的小说叙事角度论与西方叙事学之间的相通之处。

3.There is obvious difference between the classical Chinese novels and the vernacular novels, the main difference is that the former used to see from more neutralnarrative angle and first personalnarrative angle.中国古代文言小说的叙事角度与白话小说有着明显的区别 ,这主要表现在前者更多地使用“中立型叙事视角”和“第一人称叙事视角”进行叙事。


