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瑕疵 flaw英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-20 20:11:23


瑕疵 flaw英语短句 例句大全



1.Differences between productflaw guarantee responsibility and product responsibility;产品瑕疵担保责任与产品责任的区别

ments on Legal Remedies of Resolution Flaws of General Meeting of Shareholders;论股东大会决议瑕疵的法律救济

3.The Flaw of Company s Instauration Registration and Legal Relief;公司设立登记瑕疵及其法律救济


1.The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw .美中无瑕疵,本身是瑕疵。

2.She found him perfect.她觉得他毫无瑕疵。

3.The material is flawed throughout.那个材料处处瑕疵。

4.mar or impair with a flaw.由于瑕疵沾污或消弱。

5.O she had not these ways决不可能寻见瑕疵,

6.inherent defect固有缺陷,固有瑕疵

7.flaws on the reverse of the silk这丝织品背面的瑕疵

8.In good order and condition情况良好,毫无瑕疵

9.There isn"t a spot on her reputation.她的声誉没有半点瑕疵.

10.In defective condition情况不很完整,有瑕疵

11.Exchange defective merchandise at a store.在商店里退还瑕疵品

12.A feather - shaped flaw, as in a precious stone.羽状瑕疵宝石中的羽状裂痕的微瑕

13.An imperfection that mars or impairs; a flaw or defect.瑕疵,缺点或污点损害或破坏的不完美之处;瑕疵或缺点

14.Research on the Legal Liability of the Shareholder with Defect in Capital Contribution and the Right Relief for the Shareholder Without Defect in Capital Contribution;出资瑕疵股东的法律责任及出资无瑕疵股东权利救济之研究

15.Something about it just wasn"t right.这就说明,它们的布局都是存在瑕疵的。

16.The wine glasses are sell at half price because of blemish In the crystal酒杯因晶质玻璃有瑕疵以半价出售

17.The wine glasses are sold at half price because of blemish in the crystal.酒杯因晶质玻璃有瑕疵以半价出售。

18.No design flaws present that compromise product quality.设计上没有危及产品质量的瑕疵。


defect[英][di"fekt][美]["di,f?kt, d?"f?kt]瑕疵

1.On The Defect Of Legal Provisions Of lneffective Civil Act;浅谈我国无效民事行为法律规定的瑕疵

2.The Defect Guarantee Responsibility of the Contract Sellers:A New Understanding;出卖人瑕疵担保责任的再认识

3.Although it hasn t been clarified in the Constitution,the indemnity liability and the indemnity caused by thedefects in public installation are stipulated in the indemnity system in Korea.在韩国,尽管没有明确的宪法根据,但国家赔偿法除了规定公务员职务不法行为引起的国家赔偿责任之外,还确立了公共营造物的设置或管理上的瑕疵引起的国家赔偿制度,并通过广泛的学术讨论与较完善的判例制度,将这一制度加以具体化,确立了赔偿责任构成要件理论、赔偿责任主体制度、赔偿标准等,并形成了其特色。


1.It is disputable whether the institution of guarante offlaws of things should be prescribed in the Contract Law.物的瑕疵担保制度是否被规定在《合同法》中,是一个有争议的问题,瑕疵担保制度在本质上是一种不完全履行的类型,但其具有独立的制度价值,所以在德国民法典中成为与履行障碍法并列的制度,即使在德国债法改革后也是如此。

2.Guo Moruo as a translator has left us with valuable cultural heritages either in theory and practice,but it can not be denied that there still exist someflaws in them.翻译家郭沫若无论在翻译理论还是在翻译实践方面都给我们留下了宝贵的文化遗产,但同时也留下了某些瑕疵。

3.Needless to say,there are someflaws in the books,especially the latter.对《于丹〈庄子〉心得》正文中在学术与语言的规范方面存在的多种瑕疵,加以辨析补正,强调学术与语言的规范是不容忽视的。


1.Theblemish of sharehold s capital subscription is a normal occurance during the corporation s creation and operation.股东出资瑕疵是公司设立及运营过程中经常出现的情况,这极有可能对公司、其他已适当履行出资义务的股东、公司的债权人、公司高层经营管理者造成不同的损害,有效防范股东出资瑕疵的首要机制是对各相关利益主体设定明确的责任。

2.However, they still have theblemishes, such as infringing the legislative, offending the basic principle of the criminal law and the basic theory of the joint crime, differences existing among the judicial interpretation, and the inoperable and unreasonable aspects in the judicial interpretation itself.然而,它们仍然存在着侵犯立法权、违反刑法的基本原则、违反共同犯罪的基本理论、司法解释之间存在分歧以及司法解释本身的不可操作、不合理等方面的瑕疵。

5)authoritative slight defect权威瑕疵

6)defect detection瑕疵检测

1.An improved multichannel Gabor filter algorithm for fabricdefect detection一种改进的多通道Gabor滤波器布匹瑕疵检测方法

2.Present a multichannel Gabor filter scheme for textiledefect detection.给出一种基于多通道Gabor滤波技术实现高速实时布匹瑕疵检测方法。

3.To meet accuracy and real-time requirements of the fabricdefect detection,this article proposed a detection method based on image energy,through discussions of several texture analysis methods.为了满足布匹瑕疵检测的准确性和实时性要求,通过对几种纹理分析方法的讨论,提出了一种基于能量的瑕疵检测方法;该方法利用图像极坐标系下的傅立叶频谱,得到图像纹理频谱能量的分布情况;由于纹理的空间周期性,其图像的能量在对应的频率处会有峰值出现;如果将这些频率处集中的能量置零,通过傅立叶逆变换得到的图像纹理会被模糊甚至去除,瑕疵与纹理的对比度得到增强;这时再进行边缘检测和二值化处理,即可将瑕疵从背景中提取出来,从而完成瑕疵的检测;实验证明,该方法检测速度快,准确率高,能够满足检测要求。


瑕疵1.亦作"瑕玼"。 2.玉的斑痕。亦比喻人的过失或事物的缺点。 3.谓指摘毛病。
