700字范文 > 人和自然 man and nature英语短句 例句大全

人和自然 man and nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-11 17:00:28


人和自然 man and nature英语短句 例句大全

人和自然,man and nature

1)man and nature人和自然

1.In his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844,Karl Marx expounded the unity ofman and nature by way of labor,and revealed that the alienated labor led to the disappearance of the unity ofman and nature,and proposed that the communist society was the return to the unity ofman and nature.马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,不仅通过劳动阐述了人和自然应然的合一关系,而且还揭示出异化劳动导致了人和自然应然合一的丧失,通过分析异化劳动,提出在扬弃了异化劳动的共产主义社会是人和自然应然合一的复归。


1.THE SCIENTIFIC THEORY OF "MAN NATURE"--Main Aspects of Dialectical Nature“人和自然”的科学理论——辩证自然观的重要内容

2.Externalities from Government Conduct and Harmonious Development between Human Being and Nature;政府行为外部性与人和自然和谐发展

3.Category of Artificial Nature and Its Structural Features;人工自然范畴和人工自然的结构特性

4.People use natural science to understand and change nature.人类利用自然科学去理解和改造自然。

5.The Model of Natural Power--the Mathematical Demonstration of HarmoniousRelation between Human and Nature;自然能模型——人与自然和谐的数理证译

6.Nature and artifice hand in hand.自然和人工携手同行。

7.The Unity of Natural Humanitarianism and Human Naturalism;自然的人道主义和人的自然主义的统一

8.A sp1endour and harmony of nature invites the soul.大自然绚丽和谐的风光令人陶然忘情。

9.Harmonious relationship between man and nature;民胞物与——论人与自然、人与人的和谐

10.One who believes in and follows the tenets of naturalism.自然主义者信仰和追随自然主义信条的人

11.Seeking a Harmonious Human-Nature Relationship: An Analysis on Thoreau s Ambivalent Natural View;寻求人与自然的和谐—试析梭罗矛盾的自然观

12.On the Evolution of Views of Nature and the Strategy of Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature;论自然观的嬗变及人与自然和谐相处的方略

13.Harmonious Development of Human Being and Nature Relying on the Value Guidance of Natural Ecosystem人与自然界的和谐发展及自然生态价值引导

14.A human being or an organization with legal rights and duties.自然人;法人具有法律权利和义务的自然人和组织

15.Man is an integral part of nature:the cultural connotation of harmony between man and nature;天人合一:人与自然和谐的文化意涵

16.Death of a Beauty: The Wrestle between Man and Nature;美人之死:人类和自然的抗衡与较量

17."The Combination of Man and Nature" Advocating the Harmonious Existence of Man and Nature;“天人合一”:倡导人与自然和谐相处

18.Taking Human Orientation to Promote Harmonious Development between Man and Nature;以人为本,促进人与自然的和谐发展


Relationship between the nature and human beings人和自然关系

3)harmony between man and nature人与自然的和谐

1.The author,looking at theharmony between man and nature from an .从生态视角透观人与自然的和谐,文章认为这只是人性完善的逻辑起点与基本方式,要完成人之为人,尚有许多路要走。

4)harmony between human and nature人与自然和谐

1.The essence ofharmony between human and nature is the full development of human,and the aim of environmental law ofharmony between human and nature is the balance of environmental benefits.人与自然和谐的哲学本质是人的全面发展,其法制目标是人的环境利益平衡。

5)the harmony between man and nature人与自然和谐

6)harmony between human and nature人与自然的和谐

1.The aesthetic spirit in Chinese landscape paintings isharmony between human and nature,with philosophical basis of "integration of man and nature".中国山水画的美学精神是人与自然的和谐,它的思维模式和哲学基础是"天人合一"。


