700字范文 > 铸造合金 Cast Alloy英语短句 例句大全

铸造合金 Cast Alloy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 05:29:40


铸造合金 Cast Alloy英语短句 例句大全

铸造合金,Cast Alloy

1)Cast Alloy铸造合金

1.On the basis of orthogonal experiment, the effect of Mg content and heat treatment on mechanical properties of near eutectic Al Si cast alloys modified with Sr has been investigated.以正交试验为基础 ,通过调整Mg含量和热处理工艺 ,分析它们对Sr变质近共晶Al Si铸造合金力学性能的影响。

2.The effect of carbon content on element segregation and corrosion resistance of the cast alloy Fe 30Ni 20Cr 6Mo has been investigated.研究了Fe-30Ni-20Cr-6Mo铸造合金中微量元素C对合金元素偏析和耐蚀性的影响。

3.Effect of microstructure and element distribution of an iron base cast alloy Cr30Nil7Mo2Cu solidified at different rates upon the erosion-corrosion behaviour in flowing suspension of solid particles in strong acidic medium has been investigated by metallograph, XRD, EPMA and hardness tests.用扫描电镜、X射线衍射、电子探针等手段测定及分析了Fe基铸造合金Cr30Ni17Mo2Cu以不同速度凝固后的显微组织和主要合金元素分布,在含固相颗粒的强酸性双相流介质中测定了冲刷腐蚀性能。


1.Principles of Cast Alloy & Melting铸造合金原理及熔炼

2.Casting defects analyzing and prevention of aluminum alloy cast by traveling magnetic field铝合金铸件移动磁场铸造的铸造缺陷及防止

3.Zinc alloy ingots for castingGB/T8738-1988铸造锌合金锭

4.Aluminium alloy ingots for castingGB/T8733-1988铸造铝合金锭

5.t-chromium alloy for high frequency casting高频铸造用钴铬合金

6.loy for dental casting牙科铸造用钴铬合金

7.cast copper alloy for propeller螺旋桨用铸造铜合金

8.Bearing alloy ingots for castingGB/T8740-1988铸造轴承合金锭

9.Aluminium-silicon alloy ingots for castingGB/T8734-1988铸造铝硅合金锭

10.cast Alnico hard magnetic alloys铸造铝镍钴硬磁合金

11.The Effect of Cupola Coke on Improving Quality of Alloy Iron Casting铸造焦对提高合金铸铁件质量的作用

12.CAD System for Cylindric Magnesium Alloy Casting by Low Pressure Casting Process;圆筒型镁合金铸件低压铸造工艺CAD

13.Improvement on Casting Process for Frame Casting of Magnesium Alloys某型框架体镁合金铸件铸造工艺改进

14.Improvement of Strength and Toughness of Casting Aluminium Alloy ZL107 with Minim Alloy Element;ZL107铸造铝合金的微量合金强韧化

15.Simulation of Casting Stress of Low-pressure Casting Aluminum Alloy Wheel低压铸造铝合金轮毂铸造应力的数值模拟

16.Solidification Behavior and As-cast Microstructure of Permanent Mould Casting Mg-10Zn-2Al alloy金属型铸造Mg-10Zn-2Al合金的凝固行为及铸态组织

17.Objective To compare the effects of the gold alloy casting crown with Ni-Cr alloy crown on MR images.目的比较金合金铸造冠与镍铬合金铸造冠在磁共振成像时的差异。

18.Research on Aluminum Alloy and High Chromium Cast Iron Prepared by Solid-Liquid Mixed Casting Process固液混合铸造铝合金和高铬铸铁的研究


casting alloy铸造合金

1.A new type of multi-function system for testing linear shrinkage, stress and hot cracking ofcasting alloy is introduced in the paper.介绍一种新型铸造合金线收缩-应力-热裂特性综合测试系统。

2.Transformation of the microstructure and the hardness of Gx180CrWV-20casting alloys during different heat treatments were studied and analyzed.研究了Gx180CrWV 20铸造合金在不同热处理条件下组织结构和硬度的变化以及热处理温度和磨损试验温度对其高温磨损性能的影响。

3.To test solidification characteristics of variouscasting alloy accurately is very significant for optimizing casting technique and getting castings with sound property and appropriate dimensions.精确测定不同铸造合金的凝固特性对于优化铸造工艺、获得满足性能和尺寸要求的铸件具有十分重要的意义。

3)Cast alloys铸造合金

4)casting aluminum alloy铸造铝合金

1.This paper discusses the molybdenum blue spectrophotometer method to determine high silicon content incasting aluminum alloys by reducing the quantity of samples and relative silicon content.探讨了铸造铝合金中高硅的钼蓝光度分析方法,通过采取减少试样引入量、减少硅的相对含量等方式,使 方法得以适用;提出了方法的最佳分析条件,从而使分析的结果在国家标准的误差范围之内。

2.The effects of solid solution treatment and ageing on the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of a new corrosion resistantcasting aluminum alloy were introduced.主要介绍了不同的固溶和时效处理制度对新型耐蚀铸造铝合金力学性能、耐蚀性能的影响 ,通过对金相组织观 察和能谱分析 ,结合相图进行了讨论 ,指出 Mg2 Si相的充分固溶和均匀析出是决定 Al- 2 Mg- 3Si合金综合性能的关键因素 ,并根据材料实际应用情况最终确定了该新型耐蚀铸铝的热处理制度。

3.Through the improvement of traditional coloring technologies, a coloring technology forcasting aluminum alloy to obtain a reddish brown color film was developed.研究了着色液中 Cu Cl2 含量、着色时间等因素对铸造铝合金 ZL 1 0 5表面着赭红色效果的影响 ,并考察了膜的耐腐蚀性能。

5)Cast Magnesium Alloy铸造镁合金

1.Application of Rare Earth Metals inCast Magnesium Alloy;稀土在铸造镁合金中的应用

2.Study on morphologies of the structure and formation mechanism for microporosity in cast magnesium alloy;铸造镁合金氢致气孔形成机理的研究

3.The current research status on the grain refinement technology of zirconium free case magnesium alloys and zirconium containing cast magnesium alloys are reviewed from the aspects of grain refinement methods and theories of grain refinement.从晶粒细化方法和晶粒细化机理两个方面总结了不含锆铸造镁合金和含锆铸造镁合金晶粒细化技术的研究进展 ,并指出新型高效晶粒细化剂的开发和晶粒细化机理的研究是镁合金晶粒细化技术研究的重点。

6)casting magnesium alloy铸造镁合金

1.Development of spectral certified reference materials ofcasting magnesium alloy;铸造镁合金光谱标准物质的研制

2.Constitutive equation ofcasting magnesium alloy ML308 based on void-cell model基于孔洞体胞模型铸造镁合金ML308的本构方程


