700字范文 > 酒店英语口语一学就会10


时间:2023-08-11 17:18:56



Waitress–W, Green–G, Reed–R

W: Good evening.

G: Good evening. A table for three, please.

W: Sorry, sir. All seats are taken.

But if you don’t mind waiting for a few minutes.

The booth will be ready for you.

G: All right. Pleease keep it for us. Thank you.

Three minutes later.

W: The booth is ready, sir. Please come this way. I am sorry you’ve had to wait.

Saturday is a busy day for us.

G: That’s all right. We didn’t wait for long anyway.

What are the specialties of your restaurant?

W: We have beef in tomato sauce(茄汁牛肉), sweet and sour spare-rib(糖醋排骨),

mushroom and diced chicken(蘑菇鸡丁), and roast mutton(烤羊肉)

G: Sounds good. Do you serve seafood here?

W: Yes. We have shrimp(大虾), lobster(龙虾), crab(海蟹), oyster(海蛎) and fish.

G: Wonderful. What do you fancy, Professor Reed? This is going to be my treat.

R: That’s very kind of you, but you really shouldn’t do that.

Well, let’s go Dutch. How is that?

G: I insist, it’s my pleasure to treat you. Please do the ordering.
