700字范文 > 中小学学生 primary and middle school students英语短句 例句大全

中小学学生 primary and middle school students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-13 22:53:18


中小学学生 primary and middle school students英语短句 例句大全

中小学学生,primary and middle school students

1)primary and middle school students中小学学生

1.Both the students and parents are chosen to investigate the safety condition ofprimary and middle school students on their way to and after school.以学生、家长为调查对象,对中小学学生上、下学途中的安全状况进行调查。


1.View Nationwide Body-Building from Study State of MiddleSchool and Primary School Students;从中小学学生的学习状况看全民健身

2.A Study of Sociological on "Appraisal of Excellence" among Primary and Middle School Students中小学学生“评优”现象的社会学研究

3.These are primary school pupils and those are secondary school students.有小学生也有中学生。

4.Guiding the Students to Learning Actively in the Maths Teaching在小学数学教学中引导学生主动学习

5.The Research on Students Participationin Maths Teaching in Primary School;关于小学数学教学中学生参与的研究

6.Secondary School Places Allocation Primary 6 Identification Form中学学位分配小六学生证

7.Group Work in College English Teaching;关于大学英语教学中的学生小组活动

8.An ethical & cultural approach to the problematic children in primary and high schools;中小学“问题学生”产生的伦理文化探讨

9.The Research of Training Students Questions Consciousness in Primary Science Teaching;小学科学教学中学生问题意识培养策略的研究

10.Thinking about Art Teaching Taught in Primary and Senior School Through Student s Interest in Art Learning;从学生的美术学习兴趣思考中小学美术教学

11.The Exploration of Training Students Innovating Consciousness in Mathematical Teaching of Primary School;小学数学教学中培养学生创新意识的探索

12.Research on How to Develop the Students Creative and Exploring Abilities in Mathsmatics Class in Primary Schools;小学数学课堂教学中学生创新能力培养研究

13.How to Improve Student s Innovative Polarity in the Scientific Teaching of Primary Schools;如何在小学科学教学中提高学生创新积极性

14.An Initial Study of Cultivating the Innovation Consciousness in Maths Teaching in Elementary School小学数学教学中培养学生创新意识的初步研究

15.Research on the Cultivation of Students" Question Consciousness in Science Teaching in Primary School小学科学课教学中学生问题意识培养的研究

16.An Exploration for Students in Primary & Middle Schools and Overseas Students on Teaching Chinese Pictophonetic Characters;面向中小学生和留学生的形声字教学研究

17.The Research of Group Cooperative Learning in the Junior School Biology Teaching;小组合作学习在初中生物学教学中的应用研究

18.How to Achieve the Goal of Student-Centered Teaching;中小学课堂教学中如何真正体现学生的主体性



1.Students improper concepts of mathematics lie mostly in their attitudes towards mathematics and learning.中小学学生的不良数学信念,主要表现在如何对待数学、如何对待数学学习两个方面。

3)middle and primary school students中小学生

parison Analysis on Physical Fitness of Li Minority Middle and Primary School Students in Hainan Province With the Han Nationality in China;海南省黎族中小学生与全国汉族中小学生体质对比分析

2.[Objective]To learn the long-term changes of the figure development ofmiddle and primary school students in Shahekou District of Dalian and provide scientific basis for the improvement of children s work.目的了解大连市沙河口区中小学生形态发育的长期变化,为进一步做好儿少卫生工作提供科学依据。

3.Objective To understand the psychological health status of themiddle and primary school students,and to provide some advice of their mental health care.目的了解十堰地区中小学生心理健康现状。

4)Primary and middle school students中小学生

1.Analysis of HBsAg infection status of primary and middle school students in Futian district of Shenzhen;深圳市中小学生HBsAg感染状况分析

2.A Review of the Primary and Middle School Students Mental Health in the Countryside;我国农村中小学生心理健康的研究综述

3.On lightening of the burdens of primary and middle school students;当前中小学生“减负”问题论析

5)Primary and secondary school students中小学生

1.Perception of Accidental Injuries among Primary and Secondary School Students and Their Parents;广州市天河区中小学生意外伤害认知情况调查

2.On the Developing Reasons and the Rectifying Strategies for the Immoral Quality of Primary and Secondary School Students;中小学生品德不良的成因与矫治

3.In order to understand the situation of the primary and secondary school students flat-feet occurrence in the region where minority nationalities inhabit,the routine method of footprint is adopted to make the selective examination into the students coming from the Suma Village of the Laershan Town of the Fenghuang County at the junction of Hunan and Guizhou Provinces.为了解少数民族聚居区中小学生扁平足状况 ,采用常规的印迹法 ,对地处湘、黔交界的凤凰县腊尔山镇苏马河村中小学生进行了抽样调查 。


1.Investigation of refractive status ofstudents in Nanjing urban area;江苏省南京市区中小学生屈光状态调查

2.A Case-control Study of Aggressive Behavior and Family Factors Among the Elementary and Middle School Students;中小学生攻击行为与家庭因素的病例对照研究

3.Analysis on the result ofstudents’ HBs Ag detection in Yangquang;阳泉市中小学生HBs Ag检测结果分析


第11届世界中学生运动会第11届世界中学生运动会Di 11 Jie Shijie Zhongxuesheng Yundonghui第n届世界中学生运动会国际中学生体育联合会主办的世界性综合运动会,限17岁以下的在校中学生参加。1998年10月13一19日第11届世界中学生运动会在中国上海市举行,这是世界中学生运动会首次在欧洲以外的国家举行。有28个国家和地区的1300多名运动员参加比赛。获金牌总数前3名的国家是:中国(41枚)、意大利(13枚)和法国(10枚)。中国体操运动员邢傲伟获6枚金牌,是本届运动会获金牌最多的运动员。世界中学生运动会始办于1974年,1990年以前每2年举办1届,后改为每4年举办1届,迄今已举办过n届。
