700字范文 > 身体形态 body shape英语短句 例句大全

身体形态 body shape英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-24 02:03:06


身体形态 body shape英语短句 例句大全

身体形态,body shape

1)body shape身体形态

1.Impact of comprehensive intervention therapy of reducing fat on thebody shape of adolescent female students with simple obesity;综合减肥处方对肥胖青少年女学生身体形态的影响

2.Research on the score standard and evaluation criterion of thebody shape of students in physical education department of normal college;关于师院体育系学生身体形态评分标准评价标准的研究

3.Application study ofbody shape measurement and evaluation in selection of female fashion models;身体形态测量与评价方法在女模特选材中的应用研究


1.An Analysis of Zhang XiangSheng s Early Stage of Physical Confornation and Function;张祥森早期身体形态与身体机能分析

2.A Dynamic Study of the Body Shape and Performance of College Students in 10 years;大学生身体形态和机能动态研究

parison of physical shape, physical functions and physical stamina between urban and rural college students in Liaoning province;辽宁省城乡大学生身体形态、身体机能、体能比较

4.A Test and Analysis of Condition of the Body Configuration and Physical Constitution of College Students;大学生身体形态和身体素质状况测试分析

5.Effects of Shaping Training on the Improvement of Women s Body Forms;“舍宾形体雕塑训练”对改善女性身体形态的研究

6.The Influence of Body Training of Senior Middle School Female Students on Their Body Shape and Body Functions浅析形体训练对高中女生身体形态、机能的影响

7.a representation of a bodily form (especially of a person).对身体形态(尤其是人)的表现。

8.The analysis of monitor result of adult s bodily shape in Gansu Province;甘肃省成年人身体形态监测结果分析

9.The Influence of Gymnastics on the Girls Students Physical Figure;健美操对女生身体形态与素质的影响

10.The Research of Students’ Body Form Development of Dongxiang Nationality of Gansu Province;甘肃省东乡族学生身体形态发育研究

11.Study on physique feature of excellent Wushu athletes;武术套路优秀运动员的身体形态特征

12.Selecting Body Types of Soccer Players by AHP Method;用AHP法对足球运动员身体形态选材

13.The Research about the Characteristics of Chinese Outstanding Fitness Young Ladies Body Shape;关于中国优秀健身小姐身体形态特征的研究

14.Influence of aerobic training upon youngirls physical posture;有氧健身操对女青年身体形态和机能的影响

15.Fitness Yangko"s Impact on College Students" Body Shape and Physiological Functions健身秧歌对大学生身体形态和生理机能的影响

16.An Analysis of Hubei Junior Middle School Students Morphological Function Development;湖北省初中生身体形态机能发育动态分析

17.Characteristics of the body shape and physical strength of college board-shoe players;大学生板鞋运动员身体形态及体能特征

18.Analysis on Status Quo of Selecting Gymnastic Talents Based on Body Shape in Zhejiang Province;浙江艺术体操运动员身体形态选材现状分析


body physique身体形态

1.Contrastive analysis ofbody physique and performance of women heptathlon athletes;浙江省与国外女子七项全能运动员身体形态及成绩的比较研究

2.This paper made analysis onbody physique of our junior woman volleyball players based on internal general pattern.立足于对我国少年女子排球运动员的身体形态所特有的内在规律进行研究,为我国排球运动的主管部门和各省、市运动队的教练员提供相关的信息和科学决策依据,为提高选材的质量和实施科学化训练而服务。

3.Facing the selection test on our top-level swimmier for Olympic Games,this paper studied elite swimmer characters such asbody physique,physical function and water feeling through using the method of data test,game video,mathematical statistics,comparative study on national swimming team in 1980,1996,2000,2002,.通过文献资料研究发现,在我国游泳界目前开展对优秀运动员特别是高水平运动员选材方面的研究几乎还是空白,面对奥运会我国高水平运动员的选拔已迫在眉睫,拟通过形态数据测试、比赛录像、数理统计、比较研究等方法,以1980、1996、2000、2002、的我国国家队运动员作为我国优秀游泳运动员代表,开展身体形态、水感指标的测试研究。


1.A research on the status quo of the inhabitants’physique and fitness in Yanbian Korean prefecture;延边州国民身体形态现状研究

2.Analysis onphysique characteristics of adults in Huizhou;惠州市成年人身体形态特征研究

3.Current situation of thephysique, physical stamina and skill of backup talents of men s athletic volleyball in China;我国男子排球后备人才身体形态和体能、技能的现状

4)physical shape身体形态

1.An analysis of thephysical shape and function of college students;大学生身体形态和机能分析

parison ofphysical shape, physical functions and physical stamina between urban and rural college students in Liaoning province;辽宁省城乡大学生身体形态、身体机能、体能比较

3.Dynamic analysis ofphysical shape and functions of Buyi students;布依族学生身体形态机能动态分析

5)body form身体形态

1.Study on the Present Condition and Characteristics and Calculation in Growth of Students Body Form of Shanxi Teachers University;山西师大学生身体形态发育的现状、特点及预测

2.Investigation diathesis and methods of college studentsbody form and function;女大学生身体形态、素质及机能的调研分析与对策研究

3.The paper analyzes the features of thebody form of elite Chinese women athletes,those of broadsword and cudgel,sword and spear items,and discusses the indices ofbody form and the relationship between the form and the performance of the athletes in hope of paving the way for selecting athletes and for their training.通过测试,以定量的方法对我国女子高水平刀棍和剑枪运动员身体形态特征进行比较分析,获得我国女子刀棍、剑枪运动员的身体形态指标,找出与运动成绩密切相关的指标,以此作为我国武术女子运动员选材、选项的科学理论依据。

6)morphological growth身体形态发育

1.By using the data of the national supervision on Chinese students physical fitness and health,regression equations of middle school students standard body weight by height index are established,the concept ofmorphological growth degree is introduced,and the group levels ofmorphological growth of middle school students in different provices are compared.利用全国学生体质与健康监测数据,建立了中学生身高标准体重的回归方程,引入了身体形态发育度的概念,比较了各地区中学生身体形态发育的群体水平。


