700字范文 > 象征主义文学 literature of symbolism英语短句 例句大全

象征主义文学 literature of symbolism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-16 18:32:52


象征主义文学 literature of symbolism英语短句 例句大全

象征主义文学,literature of symbolism

1)literature of symbolism象征主义文学

1.There are two major schools in modernistic literature,literature of symbolism and literature of futurism.它最主要的流派是象征主义文学和未来主义文学。


1.Evolution and aberrance: An analysis of the relations between Russian romanticism and symbolism;流变与变异——俄国浪漫主义文学与象征主义文学关系之初探

2.The comparison between imagist poems and the theory of "imagery" and "sense" in Chinese poems;象征主义文学意象派诗歌与中国诗歌意象论的比较

3.The Artistic Paradox of Symbolism;象征主义文学艺术立场、审美追求的艺术悖论

4.The Artistic Paradox of the Symbolist creating;生命与思想的内在张力——象征主义文学创作论的艺术悖论

5.On T.S.Eliot"s Acceptance and Development of Symbolism in The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock“情歌”不关情——从艾略特的《情歌》看其对象征主义文学的接受与发展

6.On the Musical Pursuitin Neo-Literary System Poetry;论新文学象征主义诗歌之音乐性追求

7.Melezhkovski s Theory of Symbolism and Views on Literature;梅列日科夫斯基的象征主义理论及文学主张

8.Analyzing the Symbolism in Chinese Modern Literature;中国现代文学进程中象征主义的一种解读

9.A Transient Guest as a Symbolic Drama and Its Status in the History of Literature;作为象征主义诗剧的《过客》及其文学史地位

10.The Feeling and Symbolization of Zola Naturalism Literary Narration左拉自然主义文学叙事的感受性与象征化

11.The Symbolism Features of Medieval Christian Aesthetics;论中世纪基督教美学的象征主义特征

12.On the Characteristics of Phenomenology and Its Influence on the Humanism in Psychology;试论现象学的特征及其对心理学中人文主义的影响

13.The Cosmo-Symbolism in the Portraiture of Han Dynasty and its Aesthetic Signification汉画像宇宙象征主义图式及美学意义

14.The symbolism in The Old Man and The Sea;论《老人与海》中的象征主义(英文)

15.Symbol: Intervention or Escaption--Porbe into the Poetics of Yeats s Symbolic Poetry;象征:介入还是逃逸——叶芝象征主义诗学理论初探

16.Dionysos Worship and Symbolism --The Achievement of V.Ivanov on Literary Theory酒神崇拜与象征主义——维·伊凡诺夫的文学理论建树

17.Lingering at the Margin of Order--the fate of symbolism in the history of modem literary theory;在秩序的边缘徘徊——象征主义在现代文学理论史中的命运

18.The Development and Influence of Imagism and Symbolism on Chinese and Overseas Literature;象征主义与意象主义在中外文坛上的发展与影响



1.Situated in one of them, the modern ChineseSymbolism-Poetics also has strong demands, especially on the earnest attention and positive construction of the poetry noumenon.20世纪中国新诗的发展是一个不断走向现代化的过程,置于其中的中国现代象征主义诗学也具有一种强烈的现代化诉求,突出表现为对“诗本体”的热切关注和积极构建。


1.The Study on theSymbolism in the Art of Ancient Furniture in Southern Anhui;皖南古民居家具艺术的象征主义研究

2.Lingering at the Margin of Order——the fate of symbolism in the history of modem literary theory;在秩序的边缘徘徊——象征主义在现代文学理论史中的命运

3.The origination of Li Jin-fa andSymbolism;李金发与象征主义之滥觞

4)literary impressionism文学印象主义


6)literary symbolization文学象征


