700字范文 > 温湿度控制 temperature and humidity control英语短句 例句大全

温湿度控制 temperature and humidity control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-28 07:05:32


温湿度控制 temperature and humidity control英语短句 例句大全

温湿度控制,temperature and humidity control

1)temperature and humidity control温湿度控制

1.The design of atemperature and humidity control system based on GA and decoupling control;基于遗传算法和解耦控制的温湿度控制系统的设计

2.The storehousetemperature and humidity control system design based on 2051 monolithic computer;基于2051的库房温湿度控制系统设计

3.Objective To research and evaluate the ventilation and heat exchange character of the sealed-cabintemperature and humidity control system in manned space flight on the ground.目的在地面条件下研究、评估载人航天飞行中密闭舱内温湿度控制系统的通风和换热特性。


1.Design of Temperature & Humidity Control System of Temperature-Stress Test Machine;温度—应力试验机温湿度控制系统设计

2.Experimental Study on Control Accuracy of Inverter Thermostatic and Humidistat Air Conditioner变频恒温恒湿空调机温湿度控制精度实验研究

3.Application of Fuzzy Control in the Temperature and Humidity Control for Intelligent Greenhouse;模糊控制在智能温室温湿度控制中的应用

4.Fuzzy control of temperature and humidity in greenhouse based on PIC16F877A基于PIC16F877A的模糊控制在温室温湿度控制中的应用

5.Application of Fuzzy Control in Greenhouse Temperature and Humidity Control System模糊控制在温室温湿度控制系统中的应用

6.Design of Temperature and Humidity Control Systerm Based on LTM8901基于LTM8901的温湿度控制系统设计

7.Design of Hygrothermal Control System in Medium-sized Multifunctional Radon Chamber中型多功能氡室温湿度控制系统设计

8.The Design of Temperature-Humidity Control System for Tobacco Baking Room Based on Fuzzy Control;基于模糊控制的烟叶烤房温湿度控制系统设计

9.Greenhouse Temperature and Humidity Control System Design Based on the ARM Microprocessor;基于ARM微处理器的温室温湿度控制系统设计

10.Research on Software Platform of Temperature & Humidity Control System Based on Linux;基于Linux的温湿度控制系统的软件平台研制

11.Research on the Solution of the Cultural Relic s Humidity Index and Showcase s Environment Control Technique;文物保存湿度指标的确定方法及展柜温湿度控制技术研究

12.Implement Application Software in Embedded Temperature and Humidity Control System;嵌入式温湿度控制系统的上层软件实现

13.Research on Measuring and Controlling System for Temperature and Humidity in Multi-Incubator Based on MCU;基于单片机的多孵化箱温湿度控制系统的研究

14.The Application of Field-bus in the Control System of Grain Depot s Temperature and Humidity;现场总线在粮库温湿度控制系统中的应用

15.The Study of Temperature and Humidity Control System Based on the Current Data Gather;基于通用数据采集器的温湿度控制系统的研究

16.The Fuzzy- Control Wireless Monitoring System of Temperature and Humidity基于模糊控制的温湿度无线监控系统

17.It automatically controls temperature and humidity in your house.它能自动控制您房间的温度及湿度。

18.Application analysis of independent temperature-humidity control air conditioning systems in high humidity area高湿地区温湿度独立控制系统应用分析


control of temperature and humidity温湿度控制

3)Temperature and Humidity control温、湿度控制

4)balance control of temperature and humidity平衡温湿度控制

5)controller of temperature and humidity温湿度控制器

6)independent temperature and humidity control温湿度独立控制

1.A new semi-central air conditioning system of evaporative cooling and dry fan-coil unit in the base of the theory ofindependent temperature and humidity control is presented in this paper.本文在温湿度独立控制的原理基础之上,根据西北地区的气候特点,提出了将干式风机盘管与蒸发冷却相结合的半集中式空调系统。

2.A new semi-central air conditioning system of evaporative cooling and fan-coil unit in dry coil is presentsed based on theindependent temperature and humidity control theory.在温湿度独立控制的原理基础之上,根据西北地区的气候特点,提出了干式风机盘管与蒸发冷却相结合的半集中式空调系统,并对该系统的设计过程进行了分析。

3.The technique aboutindependent temperature and humidity control is a good method for reducing the energy consumption of air-condition system in large public construction.温湿度独立控制技术是降低大型公共建筑能耗的一种有效的方法。


