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身心之学 Practice and Mind study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-15 08:23:52


身心之学 Practice and Mind study英语短句 例句大全

身心之学,Practice and Mind study

1)Practice and Mind study身心之学

2)Yi of psychology and human body身心之易

3)psychosomatic medicine身心医学

1.This article to discuss the origin and basic content and relative pathological and physiological mechanism,states it how to effective guiding clinical and maintain the physical and psychological health and prevent and treat somatopsychic disease,enriching the connotation of modernpsychosomatic medicine.《黄帝内经》"形神合一"理论蕴含着丰富的身心医学思想。

4)psychosomatic medicine心身医学

1.Promoting Psychosomatic Medicine Development by System Biology系统生物学将会促进心身医学的发展

2.Zhu Dan-xi′s academic thoughts ofpsychosomatic medicine were expressed as follows: (1) The theory was based on pathogenic factor of phlegm, so as to improve the pathogenesis ofpsychosomatic medicine.丹溪的心身医学思想主要表现在:(1)从痰邪立论,完善中医心身疾病的病因病机;(2)法从《内经》,集中医治疗实邪郁证之大成,创六郁辨证;(3)在心身疾病的治疗原则上,主张以调气为主,祛痰为先,辨证施治,同时提出了许多行之有效的方药。

3.The treatment and rehabilitation of tumor are explored from the perspective ofpsychosomatic medicine.从心身医学角度探讨肿瘤的治疗和康复。


1.Promoting Psychosomatic Medicine Development by System Biology系统生物学将会促进心身医学的发展

2.Studies on the Correlations between Psychosomatic Medicine and Conversion of Medical Model;心身医学发展与医学模式转换的相关研究

3.The Origin of "Psychosomatic Medicine" of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Clinical Research for SLE;“心身医学”理论中医药学溯源及其对SLE的临床研究

4.Psychosomatic Approach to Relationship Among Emotion, Health and Diseases;从心身医学的角度谈情志与健康、疾病的关系

5.Curing by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Study of Psychosomatic Medicine about Hyperthyroidism甲状腺功能亢进症的心身医学方面研究及中医药治疗的最新进展

6.The Analyses of Five Shen and the Unity of Body and Shen;“五神”及“形神合一”解析——论中医学情志病理论的基本内容及其与心身医学的关系

7.Revelation of the psychosomatic idea of traditional chinese medicine on conversion of medical model中医心身思想对医学模式转换的启示

8.An Approach to the Medical Psychology Teaching Reform Based on "Physical and Mental Unity" Concept基于“身心统一”观的医学心理学教学改革探讨

9.On "Body-mind Inter-promotion" Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine;试述中国传统医学中的“身心互动”理论

10.Role of Health Qigong in Promoting Physical and Mental Health of Disabled Medical Students浅论健身气功对医学院校残疾学生身心健康的促进作用

11.Study on Medical Students Psychosomatic Health and Its Related Factors;医学生心身健康状况及其相关因素研究

12.Research on relationship between coping style, personality and psycho-somatic response of medical students;医学生特质应对与个性心身反应的相关性研究

13.Analysis of the Investigation of Physical and Mental Health of Undergraduates at Military Medical Universities;军医大学本科生身心健康现状调查结果分析

14.Correlation of coping styles in dealing with things and persons with the body and mental health in medical researchers医学研究人员应对方式与身心健康的关系

15.Modeling Psychology & Psychosomatic Research Based on Complexity & TCM Fundamental Theories运用复杂性理论研究中医学心理及心身相关理论模型

16.Report on the Research on Health Tendency of Today s Chinese People Social Psychological Medical Approach;当今中国人人际关系与身心健康的关系──社会心理医学研究

17.Research on Impact of Health Oigong(Baduanjin) on Mental Health of Medical College Students;健身气功·八段锦对医学院校大学生心理健康影响的研究

18.Medical Observation of Changes of Heart Functional Features in Gymnasium for College Girl Students;大学生女子健身操 心功能变化特征的医学指标观察


Yi of psychology and human body身心之易

3)psychosomatic medicine身心医学

1.This article to discuss the origin and basic content and relative pathological and physiological mechanism,states it how to effective guiding clinical and maintain the physical and psychological health and prevent and treat somatopsychic disease,enriching the connotation of modernpsychosomatic medicine.《黄帝内经》"形神合一"理论蕴含着丰富的身心医学思想。

4)psychosomatic medicine心身医学

1.Promoting Psychosomatic Medicine Development by System Biology系统生物学将会促进心身医学的发展

2.Zhu Dan-xi′s academic thoughts ofpsychosomatic medicine were expressed as follows: (1) The theory was based on pathogenic factor of phlegm, so as to improve the pathogenesis ofpsychosomatic medicine.丹溪的心身医学思想主要表现在:(1)从痰邪立论,完善中医心身疾病的病因病机;(2)法从《内经》,集中医治疗实邪郁证之大成,创六郁辨证;(3)在心身疾病的治疗原则上,主张以调气为主,祛痰为先,辨证施治,同时提出了许多行之有效的方药。

3.The treatment and rehabilitation of tumor are explored from the perspective ofpsychosomatic medicine.从心身医学角度探讨肿瘤的治疗和康复。

5)Somatopsychic medicine心身医学

6)Theory on mind-body心身学说


