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药房 Pharmacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-15 04:23:31


药房 Pharmacy英语短句 例句大全



1.Application of Logistics inPharmacy Dispensing Work;物流学原理在药房调剂工作中的应用与体会

2.Thinking of Strengthen Hospital Out-patient ServicePharmacy Quantity Management;加强医院门诊药房质量管理的思考

3.Application of Evidence-based Medicine Principle inPharmacy Administration;循证医学原理在药房管理中的应用


1.And you give it to the pharmacist to get your medicine.然后你到药房去拿药。

2.Please take it to the dispensary .你把它拿到药房去取药。

3.I"ll give you a prescription and you can get your medicine from a pharmacy.我会写药方给你,你可以到药房配药。

4.who used to run the drugstore in town.他过去在镇上经营药房。

5.Excuse me, is there a drug store near here?对不起,附近有药房吗?

6.Where is the pharmachy?药房在什么地方呢?

7.e you bought it in the drugstroe ?你是从药房买到的吗?

8.There. Take it to a pharmacy.给,把这个拿到药房去。

9.Will you just run down to the drug-store?你到药房跑一趟好吗?

10.Quantitative management of medicine in ward pharmacy of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University医院病房药房药品数量化管理模式的探讨

11.I will bring stuff from the drugstore for your hands."我到药房去给你的手弄点药来。”

12.Take this prescription to your local chemist"s.拿这张处方到附近的药房配药。

13.The druggist has recommended me to try this ointment for sunburn.药房老板劝我试用这种药膏治疗晒斑。

14.The drugstore mainly carries medicine and cosmetics.药房主要出售药品和化妆品。

15.With the doctor" s prescription,I came to the pharmacy to get the medicine.拿着大夫的处方,我来到药房取药。

16.Our drug store has filled prescriptions without mistakes for fifty years.本药房按方配药,五十年无差错。

17.Study on New Pattern of Drugstore Trusting in Nanjing City;对南京医药“药房托管”新模式的分析

18.Retrospective analysis of pharmaceutical care in GPP drug-store;社会药房开展药学服务的回顾性分析



1.Influential factors of pharmaceutical care offered by communitypharmacies in foreign countries;国外社会药房开展药学服务的影响因素

2.Methods:The objectives and objective systems were built in outpatient-department,inpatient-department and emergencypharmacies.结果:住院药房、门诊药房和急诊药房贵重药品帐物达到完全相符,普通药品盘点误差率分别为0。

3)ward pharmacy病房药房

1.Quantitative management of medicine inward pharmacy of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University医院病房药房药品数量化管理模式的探讨

4)drugstore in hospital医药药房


6)pharmacy drugs药房药品


药房1.炮制药物或贮存药材的房舍。亦指炼丹房。 2.出售西药的商店,有的兼营中成药。 3.医院或诊疗所里供应药物的部门。 4.花药之房。
