700字范文 > 经营权转让 Operational right transfer英语短句 例句大全

经营权转让 Operational right transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-24 02:09:57


经营权转让 Operational right transfer英语短句 例句大全

经营权转让,Operational right transfer

1)Operational right transfer经营权转让

1.This paper discusses the possibility of the operational right transfer and give particular emphasis on assignment of the right.文章在重点分析了旅游资源经营权转让可能性的基础上,就旅游资源经营权应该如何转让等问题,提出了整体租赁经营、股份制经营、上市公司经营、整合开发经营四种转让模式。


1.A Study Summary of the Operation Right Transformation of Scenic Spots in Mainland;我国风景名胜区经营权转让研究评述

2.Research on Developments after Scenic Spots Transfer of Operation Rights;旅游区经营权转让后的若干发展问题研究

3.Interest main body s relation coordination in tourism resources operation right transition;旅游资源经营权转让中利益主体的关系协调

4.A dynamic game analysis on protection after transfering the managerial authority of scenic spot;经营权转让后旅游景区保护的动态博弈分析

5.Construction of the System Dynamical Model for Transferring Tourism Scenery Area Operation Right;旅游景区经营权转让系统动力学模型的构建

6.A Study on the Institutional Arrangement for the Transfer of Management Right of Tourist Resources in China;我国旅游资源经营权转让中的制度安排研究

7.Transfer of the control right of city bus lines;城市公共交通运输线路经营权转让问题

8.On the Problem and Countermeasures of Operation Right Transferral of a Scenic Spot;旅游景区经营权转让存在问题分析与对策研究

9.The Research on Problems in Transfering the Franchise of Tourism Senic Spot论旅游景区经营权转让过程中应注意的问题

10.On Operation Right Negotiation Reform of Long-term Economic Plant of Guangxi Agriculture Reclamation;浅议广西农垦长期经济作物岗位经营权转让改革

11.A Research on the Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in the Process of Road Concession Right Transfer;公路经营权转让中逆向选择风险与道德风险研究

12.An Empirical Case Study of Local Government Behavior of Transferring Operational Rights of Scenic Areas in Fenghuang County;景区经营权转让中的地方政府行为研究——以凤凰城为例

13.Optimization of Operation Right Transfer of Wildlife Edible Fungi Resources--A Case Study at Xiaoshao Village in Yunnan Province;野生食用菌资源经营权转让优化分析——以云南省小哨村为例

14.On the Causality in the model of Operation Right Transfer System in Tourism Scenery Areas;旅游景区经营权转让系统模型中因果关系的探讨

15.Analysis on the Practical Problem of the Transfer of the Operation Authority in Scenic Spots Based on the Change of Policy;基于政策演变的景区经营权转让的实践问题分析

16.Practice and Thoughts on Transferring the Management Right of Yongtai Scenic Spot;旅游景区经营权转让的实践与思考——以福建永泰景区旅游为例

17.On the Transfer of Management Right of Tourism Resources : Taking the Bifengxia (Ya an, Sichuan) Model as an Example;旅游资源经营权转让问题探讨——以四川雅安“碧峰峡模式”为例

18.Local Government Dominated Tourism Operational Right Transfer:Effects on the Community"s Ability to Benefit自然保护地旅游经营权转让中社区获益能力的变化


transfer of management right经营权转让

1.Analyzing the problems existing in thetransfer of management rights,the author thinks that the key to solving the problem is scientific and reasonable institutional arrangement.转让旅游资源经营权已成为当前我国许多景区管理和经营改革过程中引入企业化经营的一种制度创新模式,目前在旅游资源经营权转让问题上存在一些政策的禁区和理论的障碍。

3)transfer of operation rights经营权转让

1.Research on Developments after Scenic Spots Transfer of Operation Rights;旅游区经营权转让后的若干发展问题研究

4)Road right of management transfer公路经营权转让

5)transferring the operational rights of scenic areas景区经营权转让

1.At present,transferring the operational rights of scenic areas brought huge transformation to the management system of the scenic areas esp.目前,景区经营权转让运作引起了中国特别是欠发达地区景区经营管理体制的巨大变革。

6)operation privilege transfer特许经营权转让


