700字范文 > 国民主义 nationalism英语短句 例句大全

国民主义 nationalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-18 16:43:13


国民主义 nationalism英语短句 例句大全




1.The Realistic Socialism:Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism;现实社会主义:世界主义和国民主义

2.Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland祖国统一民主主义战线

3.The Three People"s Principles are the platform of the Kuomintang.三民主义为国民党所奉行之主义。

4.The Capitalism, Social Democracy and Welfare Country;资本主义、社会民主主义和福利国家

5.Agreed Framework of 21 October 1994 between USA and DPRK美国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国之间

6.Nationalism, Internationalism and Marxist Thought on International Relations;民族主义、国际主义与马克思主义国际关系思想

7.nationalistic education民族[国家]主义教育

8.a native or inhabitant of Communist China or of Nationalist China.共产主义中国或民族主义中国的本地人或居民。

9.On the Russian populist s view of individual socialism;试析俄国民粹主义的个人主义社会主义观

10.Imperialism and colonialism are a twofold evil.帝国主义和殖民主义是双重的罪恶。

11.Nationalism and Patriotism:the Perspective of Ethics;民族主义与爱国主义:一种伦理学视角

12.The Wrong Cognition of Chinese Liberalism to Nationalism;中国自由主义对民族主义的错误认知

13.Democratic People"s Republic of Korea朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜)

14.These constitute the whole of the new-democratic national economy.这些,就是新民主主义的全部国民经济。

15.Democratic people"s Republic of Korea was their victim.朝鲜民主主义人民共和国。

16.the Democratic People"s Republic of Korea朝鲜民主主义人民共和国

17.General Department of Atomic Energy of the Democratic People"s Republic of Korea朝鲜民主主义人民共和国原子能总局

18.Nationalism Perspective Analysis of International Relationship Democratization;国际关系民主化的民族主义视角分析


New Democratic China新民主主义中国

3)New democratic state新民主主义国家

4)international democracy国际民主主义

1.Focusing on Sakuzo Yoshinos notion ofinternational democracy, it examines the implications of his theory for SinoJapanese and SinoKorean relations.日本近代历史上曾存在过的两种对立的国际政治理念———追求霸权和重视通商贸易,吉野作造提倡国际民主主义,他一方面继承了幕末以来横井小楠流派的国际政治理念,另一方面为20世纪代日本的协调外交的出现在思想上做了先期的启蒙和理论准备。

2.In mid-19th century and 1920"s, Japan witnessed two clashes between the two contrasting political ideas, pursuing military hegemony and stressing mutual commerce, and it was in the second clash that Sakuzo Yoshino put forth his concept ofinternational democracy, which became Japan"s first voice of coordination in international affairs.吉野作造在第二次交锋中提出的国际民主主义思想,成为其后日本协调外交的先声。

5)People"s democratic patriotism人民民主的爱国主义

6)Nationalized Patriotism民族主义化的爱国主义


