700字范文 > 关联产业 correlative industry英语短句 例句大全

关联产业 correlative industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-09 12:13:04


关联产业 correlative industry英语短句 例句大全

关联产业,correlative industry

1)correlative industry关联产业

1.Because of the strong correlativity between automobile andcorrelative industry, the automobile industry can drive development of more than 150 industrial departments up and down the industrial chain, and displays a national comprehensive power in science and technology.本文依据投入产出分析方法,建立相应数学模型,从定量方面分析汽车工业对其关联产业的带动效用,旨在为我国汽车工业的发展壮大提供参考。

2)Industrial relationship产业关联

1.Analysis of the Industrial Relationship of Tourism Industry in Guangdong Province;广东省旅游业产业关联分析

parative analysis of the industrial relationship and status of real estate industry:The cases of the situation in Beijing,Shanghai and Xiamen city房地产业关联关系与地位度量分析:以北京、上海、厦门为例

3.Based on the relationship analysis of financial services industry in OECD countries and the difference of industrial relationship between China s financial industries and that of foreign countries, this paper studies the difficulties and the development that China s financial service is confronted with.本文在对OECD国家金融服务业的产业关联进行比较分析的基础上,对中外金融服务业产业关联的差异以及中国金融服务业发展存在的问题作了客观的描述,提出了进一步发展中国金融服务业的政策建议。


1.The Connection of Enterprise Cluster s Competitive Advantages with Industry Interrelation and Synergy;产业关联、产业协同与集群竞争优势的关联机理

2.Analysis of effect of industry linkages on attraction of FDI in industry clusters;产业集群中产业关联对FDI引力分析

3.Industry Relevancy Analysis of Producer Services in China;中国生产性服务业产业关联效应分析

4.An Analysis on Linkage and Spread of Tourism Industry in Gansu;甘肃省旅游产业关联及产业波及分析

5.Analysis of Industrial Relationship and Industrial Spread of China s Logistics Industry;我国物流产业的产业关联和产业波及分析

6.The industry-related analysis of food-industry and agriculture in China;我国食品工业和农业的产业关联分析

7.Research on the Inter-industrial Correlation by Neural Network基于神经网络下的产业关联关系研究

8.An Analysis of Enterprise Relationship andEnterprise Spread in the Tourist Industry --Taking Guangdong as an Example;旅游业的产业关联和产业波及分析——以广东为例


10.The Industrial Relation Analysis and International Comparison of China"s Commercial Sector我国商业的产业关联分析及国际比较

11.On the Industry Relevance and Industry Spread of Tourism in Urumqi乌鲁木齐市旅游产业关联和产业波及分析

12.Mutual Relations Analysis of Leading Industry and Industry Convergence Development Policy in Dalian;大连市主导产业关联分析及产业融合发展对策

13.Industry associated analysis on the producer services of Hubei province;湖北省生产性服务业产业关联效应分析

14.The Strategy of the County Economic Industry Development under the Perspective of Industry Association;刍议产业关联视角下的县域经济产业发展策略

15.To Find out Problems in Sport Industry Development from Industrial Relevancy Angle;从产业关联角度揭示体育产业发展存在的问题

16.Analysis on Sports Industry Relevance and Industry Spreading Effect in Xinjiang;新疆体育产业关联和产业波及效应分析

17.Practicale Research on Shenyang s change of Industrial Relevancy and Industrial Structure;沈阳市产业关联和产业结构变化的实证研究

18.The Industrial Association and Spreading Effects Resulting From Modern Logistics Industry现代物流产业发展的产业关联与波及效果研究


Industrial relationship产业关联

1.Analysis of the Industrial Relationship of Tourism Industry in Guangdong Province;广东省旅游业产业关联分析

parative analysis of the industrial relationship and status of real estate industry:The cases of the situation in Beijing,Shanghai and Xiamen city房地产业关联关系与地位度量分析:以北京、上海、厦门为例

3.Based on the relationship analysis of financial services industry in OECD countries and the difference of industrial relationship between China s financial industries and that of foreign countries, this paper studies the difficulties and the development that China s financial service is confronted with.本文在对OECD国家金融服务业的产业关联进行比较分析的基础上,对中外金融服务业产业关联的差异以及中国金融服务业发展存在的问题作了客观的描述,提出了进一步发展中国金融服务业的政策建议。

3)Industrial Correlation产业关联

1.Analysis of the PotentialIndustrial Correlation Manufacturing between China and Japan;中日制造业潜在产业关联分析

2.Research onIndustrial Correlation in Manufacturing Industry between China and Japan中日制造业产业关联研究

3.As viewed from the industrial correlation, the inter-relations among the enterprises in the industrial park can be classified into the vertical and horizontal relations.从产业关联的角度,把工业园区企业之间的相互关系划分为纵向与横向关系,应用系统论与图论将这种相互关系拓扑为一个网络,并以此表示工业园区关系网络;在此基础上,引入NK关联网络模型,研究了工业园区关系网络中的关系及其变化对工业园区关系网络的构成与发展的影响,并分析了工业园区关系网络的主要效应。

4)industrial linkage产业关联

1.The mechanism is analyzed by using theindustrial linkage theory.文章拟用产业关联理论来分析煤电联动机制。

2.This paper analyzes,from horizontal product linkage,vertical industry linkage as well as domestic and international markets,theindustrial linkage s impacts on the energy price system,market structure and ownership structure.本文从横向产品关联、纵向产业关联以及国内外市场关联三个方面分析了能源工业内部的产业关联及其对能源价格体制、市场结构、所有制结构等方面的影响。

3.This paper combines input-output analysis and interpretive structural modeling(ISM),proposes an analytical approach to hierarchy recognition of industry linkages,and presents its algorithm,the basic characteristics of recognized hierarchy and its advantage over previousindustrial linkage analysis.将投入产出方法与解释结构建模相结合,取长补短,提出了基于这两种方法相结合的产业关联层次识别的分析方法,并呈现了该方法的算法步骤、识别层次结果的基本特性以及其与以往产业关联分析方法的比较优势。

5)industry linkage产业关联

1.An analysis of theindustry linkage impacts of Henan tourism;河南旅游业产业关联效应分析

2.By using the theory of input and output and taking the input and output table of Xinjiang as basis,this research systemically carried out quantitative analysis of theindustry linkage and industry spread effect.本文运用投入产出理论,以2002年新疆投入产出表为依据,对旅游业的产业关联和产业波及进行了定量分析,通过旅游业的投入结构、产出结构、中间需求率、中间投入率、感应度及感应度系数、影响力及影响力系数等重要指标的计算,探讨了新疆旅游业与其他产业之间的关联程度,以及对其他产业的后向拉动作用及前向推动作用。

3.By using the relational theories ofindustry linkage from tourism economics and taking the input-output table of Gansu Province as basis,this paper systemically carries out quantitative analysis of theindustry linkage and industry spread effect.运用旅游经济学中产业关联的有关理论,以甘肃省投入—产出表为依据,对旅游业的产业关联和产业波及效应进行定量分析,通过对旅游业的投入结构、产出结构、影响力及影响力系数、感应度与感应度系数等指标的分析,探讨甘肃省旅游业与其他产业之间的关联程度、旅游业对国民经济各产业部门的拉动作用、各产业部门对旅游业的推动作用。

6)Industrial Connection产业关联

1.This paper analyzes shipbuilding industry spread effect on the basis of input-output theory,China′s 2002 input-output tables,shipbuilding industrial connection,influential factors,sensitivity factors and production induced factors.运用投入产出法,根据我国投入产出表,通过我国船舶工业产业关联面、产业关联度、影响力系数、感应度以及生产诱发系数等指标,系统分析船舶工业的产业波及效应,结果表明:船舶工业与其他产业具有广泛而紧密的关联,对相关产业产生了重要的影响。


