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学科化 subject英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-30 02:36:58


学科化 subject英语短句 例句大全



1.By analyzing the conception and creating background ofsubject information service,the paper puts forward the fundamental thoughts and patterns ofsubject information service system constructing in university library from two sides,which include the system constitute,the manage and operational mechanism ofsubject information service.文章从分析学科化信息服务的产生背景、基本概念入手,重点从学科化信息服务系统的构成、学科化信息服务管理与运行机制两大层面论述了高校图书馆学科化信息服务体系构建的基本思路和模式。


1.The Subject-oriented Information Service Again Exploration into "Subject Librarians" in National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences再论中国科学院国家科学图书馆“学科馆员”的学科化信息服务

2.Discipline-institutionalized research and multidisciplinary research of higher education;高等教育的学科化研究与多学科研究

3.Discussion on the Subject-based Service of University Library and the Subject Librarians论高校图书馆学科化服务与学科馆员

4.Subjectization and Scientification of the Category and System of Pedagogy of Ideological and Political Education;论思想政治教育学范畴体系的学科化和科学化

5.Construction of China s Discipline of Public Administration:Scientification and Sinolization;中国行政学学科建设:科学化和中国化

6.The primary scientificalization is a kind of scientificalization process of the arbitrariness of the scientific rationality.初级科学化是一种科学理性独断的科学化过程。

7.On Features in Middle School Chemistry Teachers Scientific Quality and Teaching;中学化学教师的科学素养与化学教学的科学性

8.A Research on Discipline Culture in the Process of Discipline Construction in College;大学学科建设进程中的学科文化研究

9.Management and culture construction of disciplines in institutions of higher education;论高等学校学科管理与学科文化建设

10.Strength Scientific Instruction and Cultivate Students Comprehensive Quality;强化科学方法教育 培养学生科学素质

11.The Position of the Philosophy of Science and Technology in the Age of Globalization;全球化时代的科学技术哲学学科定位

12.Life Science and Inorganic Chemistry生命科学与无机化学

13.Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica中国科学院化学研究所

14.a scientist who specializes in chemistry.专门研究化学的科学家。

15.The cultural science education sports discipline class of Henan Province philosophy social sciences takes the lead.河南省哲学社会科学的带头学科是文化科学教育体育学科门类。

16.Optimization of Chemical Classroom Teaching to Cultivate The Student Science Quality;优化化学课堂教学 培育学生科学素养

17.Optimization Design to Industrialization Pattern of Science and Technology in Technology University;理工科大学科技产业化模式优化设计

18.marked by or characteristic of specialization in a mechanical or scientific subject.以机械或者科学学科的专门化为特点。


Chemistry subject化学学科

1.It researchs a semantic model of chemistry subject and its formulized description,so as to realize the semantic analysis,automatic integration and reuse of educational resources in the subject.为了方便管理和有效使用各类教育资源,让计算机理解各门学科中概念的语义,本文采用了建立学科语义模型的方法,研究了化学学科的语义模型及其形式化描述。

3)chemical science化学科学

1.There are two kinds of formal beauty inchemical science: the first is outside formal beauty, it incentive human"s organs through all kinds of formal factors such as color, sound, taste etc.化学关是在化学科学的实践活动中人类对客观自然界(化学研究对象)规律的揭示,是实现人的自由创造而显示出的人的本质力量,化学美通过一定的形式体现出来,化学科学中存在着两种形式美:一种是事物的外在形式美,它通过各种形式因素(色、线、形、声、质、味等)直接作用于人的感官,具有鲜明的可感性,是一种感性之美;化学科学中更重要的还存在着事物的内在形式美,这种内形式即是抽象的“内容的结构形态”,又是一种科学理性之美。

4)general chemistry工科化学

1.Teaching ofgeneral chemistry and the training of right personality;工科化学教学与健全人格的培养

2.The article elaborates about in the process ofgeneral chemistry teaching how to explain the importance of establishment of science concept and the key statue of the subject electing in the entire process of sci-technology innovation by some examples.文章论述在工科化学教学过程中,如何通过一些案例来分析说明先建立科学概念的重要性和选题在整个科技创新中的重要地位,强调化学与社会、经济、技术的联系,突出科学思维方法和创新能力的培养。

3.The paper reflects the effect of the presentgeneral chemistry teaching and analyses the contributing factors through the questionnaire.对合肥工业大学工科化学课程的教学效果进行了问卷调查,分析了影响工科化学教学效果的因素,并在此基础上提出了相应的对策。

5)scientific culture科学文化

1.Some thoughts on constructing the science ofscientific culture;构建科学文化学的几点思考

2.Unification ofscientific culture and human culture;论科学文化与人文文化的融合

3.In this paper were discussed the definition,structure,characteristics of the eco-culture,and also was discussed the relationship between eco-culture andscientific culture,humanity culture,folk-custom culture and religion culture.本文探讨了生态文化的定义、结构、特性,及其与科学文化、人文文化、民俗文化和宗教文化的关系。

6)general scientificize大科学化


《标准化是一门新学科》《标准化是一门新学科》Standardization-a New DisciplineB心卫hunhua Shi Yimen XinxLJek6《标准化是一门新学科》(%26翔叨阮心必以蜘一aN‘JD改动红配)首次较系统地论述标准化是一门学科的著作。印度囚C.魏尔曼著,1盯2年发表。由苏锡田、张玉麟等译成中文,科学技术文献出版社于1980年出版。全书共26章。主要内容包括:标准化的目的和作用,标准化的领域和内容,企业、行业、国家、地区和国际各级标准化的组织和工作程序,标准的计划、编制和贯彻执行,计量制度和单位,质量认证标志与说明性标签,标准化教育与训练,标准化的经济效果,标准化的数理手段,发展中国家和消费者标准化问题等。同时,对未来标准化工作的发展也作了展望。(赵全仁崔华)
