700字范文 > 人均资本量 capital stock per capita英语短句 例句大全

人均资本量 capital stock per capita英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-13 23:47:06


人均资本量 capital stock per capita英语短句 例句大全

人均资本量,capital stock per capita

1)capital stock per capita人均资本量

1.Based on the substitute principle and profit maximization,neo-classical economics get the proposition that the relationship between profit rate andcapital stock per capita is negatively monotony.根据“替代原理”和利润最大化的假定,新古典学派得出命题:利润率与人均资本量之间存在着反向单调关系。

2)Per Capita Capital人均资本

1.By relaxing the hypothesis in the model of Solow economic growth which is described as the marginal output of per capita capital is decreasing,we proposed that it s possible that the accumulation of per capita capital is not sufficient enough to counterbalance the diluting effect caused .本文通过放宽索罗模型中人均资本边际产量递减这一假设条件,提出在存在人均资本边际产量递增阶段时可能出现人均资本的积累不足以抵消人口增长因素和折旧因素对它的稀释作用,从而导致经济系统内部人均资本无法自行增长,使经济陷入"贫困陷阱",而外资作为一种外来力量则可以有效地将该国经济推出这一陷阱。

3)Public Capital Marginal Production人均资本边际产量

4)per capital human capital人均人力资本


1.An Analysis of the Regional Income Disparity between East and Central and Western Parts of China Based on Per Capital Gini Coefficient;基于基尼系数人均人力资本的中国地区收入差距分析

2.The Theory of Dynamic Equilibrium in Human Capital:A Survey and a enlightment;人力资本动态投资均衡理论及其启示

3.Nash Equilibrium Mechanic of Environmental and Human Capital;环境资本与人力资本的纳什均衡动态机制

4.Decision-making model of human capital investment for enterprises under wage negotiation system;工资协商制下企业人力资本投资决策均衡模型

5.The Goals of the Finance Based on the Human Capital:the Interest Equalization;人本财务的目标——物质资本与人力资本的利益均衡

6.On the non-equilibrium of institutions of human capital investment in regional economic development;论区域经济发展中人力资本投资的制度非均衡

7.Application Research of Human Capital Measurement Model Based on Labor s Average Wage;基于劳动者平均工资的人力资本计量模型研究

8.Balanced Selection of Human Capital s Accumulation in China s Economic Growth;中国经济增长中人力资本积累的均衡性选择

9.Supply-and-Demand Equilibrium of Human Capitals in the Construction of New Countryside;新农村建设中人力资本的供需均衡与机制构建

10.Supply-and-demand Equilibrium of Human Capitals and Its Mechanism Innovation in Construction of New Countryside;新农村建设中人力资本的供需均衡与机制创新

11.Inbalance between Supply and Demand of Rural Human Capital and Agricultural Modernization;农村人力资本供求非均衡特征与农业现代化

12.Research on the Impact on Economic Growth of Human Capital Inequality of China我国人力资本不均等对经济增长的影响研究

13.Issue of Human Capitals during Balanced Development of City and Countryside:Based on the Theory of Equilibrium城乡均衡发展过程中的人力资本问题研究——基于均衡理论的视角

14.Analysis on Correlation of Human Capital and Revenues Per Tax Staff of Our Country Local Taxation System;我国地方税务系统人力资本与人均征收额相关性分析

15.From Human Capital to View the Influence of Average Education Time on the Difference of Regional Income;从人力资本角度看人均受教育年限对区域收入差异的影响

16.Analysis of the Unbalance of Investment and Income in Rural Human Capital-Comparing with City;我国农村人力资本投资收益非均衡性分析——兼与城市的比较

17.Production factor allocation, information balance and human capital investment--China countryside human resources market"s cultivation生产要素配置、信息均衡和人力资本投入——论我国农村人力资源市场的培育

18.Technology Choice, Human Capital and the Employment Equilibrium:the Difference between U. S. A and Japan in a Comparative Perspective;技术选择、人力资本与就业均衡——美日差异的比较研究


Per Capita Capital人均资本

1.By relaxing the hypothesis in the model of Solow economic growth which is described as the marginal output of per capita capital is decreasing,we proposed that it s possible that the accumulation of per capita capital is not sufficient enough to counterbalance the diluting effect caused .本文通过放宽索罗模型中人均资本边际产量递减这一假设条件,提出在存在人均资本边际产量递增阶段时可能出现人均资本的积累不足以抵消人口增长因素和折旧因素对它的稀释作用,从而导致经济系统内部人均资本无法自行增长,使经济陷入"贫困陷阱",而外资作为一种外来力量则可以有效地将该国经济推出这一陷阱。

3)Public Capital Marginal Production人均资本边际产量

4)per capital human capital人均人力资本

5)Per capita physical capital人均物质资本

6)per capital investment gap人均资本差距


人均资源占有量人均资源占有量resources per capitarenlun ziyuan zhanyouliang人均资谏占有,(~es per caPita)人均拥有的资源数量。又称资源人均占有量。是资源总量除以人口总量得到的平均值。它是衡量一个国家或地区按人口平均的资源丰度的一个重要指标。世界人均资源占有量随着资源的不断消耗和人口的不断增加,呈现出明显的递减趋势。1982年,世界人均土地面积为2.79公顷,人均耕地面积为0.32公顷,人均森林面积为0.92公顷,人均草原面积为0.68公顷。到了1卯2年,由于人口增加,世界人均土地面积降为2.35公顷,人均耕地面积降为0.抖公顷,人均森林面积降为0.70公顷,人均草原面积降为0.61公顷。l卯2年人均土地、耕地、森林和草原面积分别比1982年下降了16%、25%、25%和ro%。其他非再生性资源,如煤、石油、天然气和金属矿产等的人均占有量,随着人们不断开发利用和人口增加,也在不断减少。中国是一个资源大国,同时又是一个人口大国。虽然各种主要自然资源,如土地面积、耕地面积、草原面积和森林面积等资源总量均居世界前列,但是按人口平均的资源占有量却普遍偏少。中国现有人均土地面积0.78公顷,人均耕地面积0.08公顷,均为世界平均水平的113;人均森林面积0.11公顷,仅为世界平均水平的16%;人均草原面积0.33公顷,也仅为世界平均水平的54%。此外,矿产资源的人均占有量不足世界人均占有量的一半,居世界第so位,其他各种自然资源的人均占有量也远远低于世界平均水平。由于中国人口基数大,虽然人口增长速度得到了一定控制,但人口总量还在继续增大,人均资源的占有量同世界平均水平的差距还将继续拉大。(朱建华)
