700字范文 > 系统性基因沉默 systemic gene silencing英语短句 例句大全

系统性基因沉默 systemic gene silencing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-03 16:47:53


系统性基因沉默 systemic gene silencing英语短句 例句大全

系统性基因沉默,systemic gene silencing

1)systemic gene silencing系统性基因沉默

2)silent gene沉默基因

1.In this review, the current progress on identification of the new antibiotics throughsilent gene activation was elucidated and the successful development of two antibiotics, MM2002 (angucyclines) and notinorhodin using thesilent gene activation technique, was discussed in detail.本文综述了采用基因工程手段激活沉默基因以开发新型抗生素和活性物质的发展动态。

2.Gene targeting in livestock fibroblasts has proven extremely difficult to achieve, particularly onsilent gene locus.其中,沉默基因位点的重组尤为困难。

3)Gene silence基因沉默

1.Research and countermeasure against the plant transgene silence;植物转基因沉默研究与对策

2.With the widely application of transgene technology in the fields of high level biologies, more and more attention was payed to gene silence.随着转基因技术在高等生物中的广泛应用 ,转基因沉默受到越来越多的重视。

3.RNA interference(RNAi) is a phenomenon of gene silence induced by double stranded.RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是一种由双链RNA介导的基因沉默现象。


1.Gene silencing can be divided into two types: position effect and homology dependent gene silencing (HdGS).基因沉默大体可以分为两类:位置效应引起的基因沉默和同源依赖的基因沉默。

2.Homology-dependent gene silencing (HdGS), which is the generic term for transcriptional gene silencing (TGS), post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) and RNAmediated virus-resistance (RmVR) have been shown to frequently occur in transgenic plants.其中,同源依赖的基因沉默又可以分为转录水平的基因沉默和转录后水平的基因沉默。

3.Modification of Plant Height via RNAi Suppression of OsGA20ox2 in Rice;OsGA20ox2基因沉默降低水稻株高的研究

4.Silencing of Ethylene Receptor Gene ETR1 of Arabidopsis Thaliana Via RNA Interference(RNAi);双链RNA介导的拟南芥ETR1基因沉默

5.Cat3 Gene Silencing Mediated by Double-Strand RNA in Arabidopsis Thaliana;双链RNA介导的拟南芥Cat3基因沉默

6.Effects Analysis of Tobacco γ-tubulin Gene Silencing;烟草γ-tubulin基因沉默的效应分析

7.Cultivating High-yield Chinese Kale by Inhibiting Expression of C220 Gene芥蓝C220基因沉默创建高产植株的研究

8.Effect of a Novel PEI Derivative on the Gene Silencing新型PEI衍生物对基因沉默作用的研究

9.Inheritance of Transgenic Silence of HMW-GS Genes in Hybrids and Backcrosses of Wheat小麦HMW-GS转基因沉默效应的遗传分析

10.Analysis the Mechanism of Antisense Transgene Mediated Gene Silencing;反义转基因介导的基因沉默机制的研究(分析)

11.Cloning of the Capsicum Annuum CTOM1 Gene and Construction of the Expression Constructs for the Gene Silencing;辣椒CTOM1基因的克隆与基因沉默表达质粒的构建

12.Cloning of ACC Synthase Gene and Vector Construction of Gene Silencing from Peach桃果实中ACC合酶基因克隆及基因沉默载体构建

13.Effects of NKX3.1 gene knockdown on gene expression profile in LNCaP cellsNKX3.1基因沉默对LNCaP细胞基因表达谱的影响

14.The Effect of TF Gene Silencing on HUVECs with Placental Abruption;组织因子基因沉默对胎盘早剥HUVECs的影响

15.Gene silencing is also concerned with the growth of the organism.同时,基因沉默还与生物的生长发育有关。

16.The Study of Tiam1 Gene"s Silencing on Lymphangiogenesis in Colon Cancer;Tiam1基因沉默对结肠癌淋巴管生成的影响

17.Experimental Study of OPN Gene Silencing Mediated by siRNA in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma;siRNA沉默OPN基因治疗喉鳞癌的实验研究

18.Study of HER2 Gene Silencing by RNA Interference;RNA干扰沉默HER2基因的实验研究


silent gene沉默基因

1.In this review, the current progress on identification of the new antibiotics throughsilent gene activation was elucidated and the successful development of two antibiotics, MM2002 (angucyclines) and notinorhodin using thesilent gene activation technique, was discussed in detail.本文综述了采用基因工程手段激活沉默基因以开发新型抗生素和活性物质的发展动态。

2.Gene targeting in livestock fibroblasts has proven extremely difficult to achieve, particularly onsilent gene locus.其中,沉默基因位点的重组尤为困难。

3)Gene silence基因沉默

1.Research and countermeasure against the plant transgene silence;植物转基因沉默研究与对策

2.With the widely application of transgene technology in the fields of high level biologies, more and more attention was payed to gene silence.随着转基因技术在高等生物中的广泛应用 ,转基因沉默受到越来越多的重视。

3.RNA interference(RNAi) is a phenomenon of gene silence induced by double stranded.RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是一种由双链RNA介导的基因沉默现象。



2.RNA interference(RNAi) was dsRNAs (double-stranded)-induced sequence-specificgene-silencing mechanism.RNA干扰 (RNAinterference ,RNAi)是由双链RNA诱导的、序列特异的基因沉默机制。

5)gene silencing基因沉默

1.Biological effects of RelBgene silencing on the dendritic cells derived from bone marrow;RelB基因沉默对骨髓树突细胞生物学效应的影响

2.Inhibition effects ofgene silencing of ornithine decarboxylase on cervical cancer cell growth;鸟氨酸脱羧酶基因沉默抑制宫颈癌细胞生长的研究

6)systematic RNA silencing系统性RNA沉默


沉默沉默taciturnity沉默(taeiturnity)心理咨询的技巧之一,指给来访者提供充分的时间和空间反省与倾诉其个人的心理问题和症结所在。它既是尊重和接纳的表示,又是自我反省的需要。主要有两种功能:一是暗示功能,即通过对来访者讲话及其停顿不做言语的回应,以暗示对方继续讲;二是同感功能,即对来访者讲精神创伤、深入自我剖白时,以沉默来确保其自我宣泄与反省的时间与空间,并表示对其此时此刻心情由衷的理解。美国咨询心理学家认为心理咨询既是听与说的艺术,又是沉默的艺术。对沉默的要求:(l)少做逻辑分析,少说教别人,多认同他人观念,多体验其感受。(2)首先要置身于当事人境地之中,然后再帮他认清其成长中的障碍,寻求自救良方。(3)多听寡言,通常需要体语(如点头、注视等表情变化)和言语助词(如“嗯”、“噢”等)来积极辅助。 (都金山撰牟丈博审)
