700字范文 > 【双语】张潮·《幽梦影》(12)


时间:2020-05-18 11:28:16




A man must have pride in his character [literally “in his bones”], but not in his heart. Not to have pride in character is to be with the common herd, and to have pride in one’s heart does not belong to a gentleman.


No one can know everything. The best and highest kind of man knows something, but is sure that there is something he does not know and seeks it. Next come those who know one point of view, but admit another point of view when told. Next come those who will not accept it when told, and the lowest are those who know one side of a question and hate to have people tell them the other side.


A military man who does not talk lightly of war is also a cultured man; a cultured man who does not rest with his smug opinions has something of the conqueror’s spirit.


A literary man discussing wars and battles is mostly an armchair strategist; a military man who discusses literature relies mostly on rumors picked up from hearsay.

(林语堂 译)
