700字范文 > 英语口语是怎样练成的Unit 5:Family members 家庭成员

英语口语是怎样练成的Unit 5:Family members 家庭成员

时间:2023-08-11 06:32:37


英语口语是怎样练成的Unit 5:Family members 家庭成员

英语口语是怎样练成的; 教你用最简单的方法,学最流利的英语口语,快速天掌握基本对话,是一款专为企业白领,政界精英,商务人士量身定制的快速智能口语训练工具。

家庭成员 入门篇



What does your father do?


Where does he work?


How does he go to work?


What does your mother do?


Where does your mother work?


How does your mother go to work


Does your father like his job?


Does your mother enjoy her work?


what do you do?


Do you enjoy your studies?

Situational dialogues 情景对话

A:what does your father do?

B:My father is an office clerk

A:Where does he work?

B:He works in Beijing.

A:How does he go to work?

B:He goes to work by bus.

A:What does your mother do?

B:My mother is a teacher.

A:Where does your mother work?

B:She works in a middle school.

A:What does she teach?

B:She teaches Chinese.

A:How does your mother go to work?

B:She goes to work by subway.

A:Does your mother enjoy her work?

B:Yes ,she enjoys her work.My mother is a good teacher.

A:What do you do?

B:I am a middle school student.

A;Do you enjoy your studies?

B:Yes, I do ,I enjoy my studies and I am a straight A student.


What does your father do?

What does your uncle do?

What does your brother do?

Where does he work?

Where does she work?

Where does saly work?

How does he go to work?

How does she go to work?

How does saly go to work?

What does your mother do?

What does your sister do?

What does your aunt do?

Where does your mother work?

Where does your aunt work?

Where does your sister work、

How does your mother go to work?

How does your aunt go to work?

Does your father likes his job ?

Does your uncle likes his job ?

Does your bother likes his job ?

oes your mother enjoy her work ?

Does your aunt enjoy her work ?

Does your sister enjoy her work ?

What do you do?

What does he do ?

What does she do?

Do you enjoy your studys?

Do you enjoy your work?

Do you enjoy your life?
