700字范文 > 大学英语六级翻译预热练习及译文


时间:2021-07-25 18:31:37





小年(the Little New Year)比农历新年早一个星期,也称祭灶节(the Kitchen God Festival )。灶神监察家家户户的道德品质。春节最特别的传统,就是小年时 烧一张灶神(Kitchen God)像,送灶神的灵魂上天汇报这个家庭过去一年中的作为。之后,人们在火炉旁张贴新的灶神像,迎接灶神归来。接下来一年,灶神会监督并保护这家人。由于灶神和农历新年有密切联系,使得灶神节被称为小年。现在 尽管在小年这天祭祀灶神的家庭少了,但是很多传统节日活动仍然很流行。


The Little New Year, which falls about a week beforethe Lunar New Year, is also known as the KitchenGod Festival. The Kitchen God oversees the moraltrait of each household. As one of the mostdistinctive traditions of the Spring Festival, a paperimage of the Kitchen God is burned on Little New Year, dispatching the god's spirit to Heaven toreport on the family's conduct over the past year. The Kitchen God is then welcomed back bypasting a new paper image of him beside the stove.Then the Kitchen God will oversee andprotect the household in the following year. The close association of the Kitchen God with theLunar New Year has resulted in the Kitchen God Festival being called the Little New Year.Although very few families still make sacrifices to the Kitchen God on this day, many traditionalfestival activities are still very popular.


秦朝是中国历史上第一个统一的、多民族的、中央集权的、封建王朝(feudal dynasty)。尽管秦朝只持续了,但是它在中国历史上扮演着重要角色,对后续朝代产生了重大影响。为了巩固国家统一,维持秦朝永传万代,秦始皇在政治、经济、军事和文化上进行了很多改革。政治上,他宣布自己就是这个国家的皇帝,手握重权。经济上,他统一了度量衡(weights and measures)和货币。另外,他还统一了文字以及车轮之间的距离。世界奇迹—万里长城也是他命令建造的。


The Qin Dynasty was the first unitary,multi-nationaland power-centralized,feudal dynasty in Chinesehistory.Although lasting only for 15 years,it playedan important role in Chinese history and exerted agreat influence on the foltowing dynasties.Tostrengthen the unity of the nation and to perpetuate the Qin Dynasty,Emperor Qin Shi Huangcarried out many reforms in politics,economy,military affairs and culture.In politics,he declaredhimself the emperor of the stale in possession of all major powers.In economy,he standardizedweights and measures as well as money.In Addition,he standardized the written characters andthe distance between two wheels.The miracle of the world,the Great Wall of China was alsobuilt under his order.


人的生命,终会消失,如同晚秋的落叶终会飘向地面。不忍分别是人之常情,但恐怕每一个逝者都不愿留给生者的只是哀伤的记忆。记得夏衍走时,留给大家的是一曲深情的《绿叶青葱》;光未然走时,人们听到的依然是那激昂的《黄河颂》…人走了,如蜡烛燃尽,如油灯耗干,如落叶归于泥土,如溪水流入江海…但蜡烛、油灯都曾照亮过人间;落叶曾用青绿展现盎然生机;溪水一路丁冬,给人们带来无尽欢乐。 用一种别样的告别,不是更温暖和美好吗?


It is quite common for people unable to bearseparation.Every decedent,however,might not bewilling to leave the living more than sad memory.XiaYan passed away with an affectionate piece ofmusic Leaves Are Green while Guang Weirandeparted the world with a still inspiring Ode to theYellow River.Just as leaves fall into earth and steamsflow into the sea…so people will pass away.Yet,leaves showed their vitality through the color ofgreen,while thinking stream once brought people joy.Isn't it warmer and greater to hold amemorial serviced in this unique way?


翻译家金堤先生去世后,告别活动“颇为不拘一格”。其家人的告别邀请信中写道: “我们邀请各位朋友和我们一起庆祝他87年丰富的生活,纪念他一丝不苟的精神。留几句话与他告别,喝一杯故乡的酒为他送行。” 那天,在音乐和花丛中,金先生的从容和欢乐,通过家人和朋友的娓娓诉说,弥漫开来,温暖着每个人。 这样的告别,不免让人心生感喟:通常,与逝者告别,往往是到那个肃穆的地方:哀乐低回,人们踽踽而过,低头,默哀,垂泪,悲不自胜,那哀伤似比寒风更彻骨。


After interpreter Mr.Jin Di passed away,,his memorial services was quite uncommon.In his letter,they wrote:We invite all the friends to celebrate the 87 years of colorful life he lived and commemorate his meticulous attitude for work.We will say a few parting words and drink a cup of wine for his departure.On that day,among music and clusters of flowers,Mr.Jin's easy-going and happy happy life was told by family members and friends,which warmed the soul of every one present.Such farewell would draw nothing but signing emotion from one's heart.Saying farewell to the passed is usually a grief moment mournful songs are singing and people are sadly stepping away,lowering their heads,silently mourning with more bitter grief than cold wind.Just as leafs in the deep autumn return to the land so every season will die.
