700字范文 > 美国留学 美国大学 美国俄亥俄大学

美国留学 美国大学 美国俄亥俄大学

时间:2021-01-13 18:06:19


美国留学 美国大学 美国俄亥俄大学



Ohio University is a public research university in Athens, Ohio, United States. One of America's oldest universities, its charter was approved in 1804 and opened for students in 1809.The university maintains a selective admission rate with further admission requirements for its schools.The Heritage College of Medicine maintains its separate select admissions criteria.

Ohio University offers more than 250 areas of undergraduate study.On the graduate level, the university grants master's degrees in many of its major academic divisions, and doctoral degrees in selected departments.Ohio University is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching classifies Ohio as a Research University (high research activity) under the Basic Classification category.



Based in Athens in the US, Ohio University offers over 250 undergraduate majors, including: Finance; Women’s, gender and sexuality studies; Russian; Political science; Nutrition; Journalism strategic communications; Entrepreneurship.

At the moment, undergraduate tuition fees for international students are US$20,922 a year, while living costs, including accommodation and meals, are about US$16,320. Financial assistance is available, including grants, subsidized loans and a number of scholarships for international students.


目前,本科国际生每年的学费为20,922 美元。生活费(包括住宿费和伙食费)约为16,320美元。此外,学校也提供经济援助,包括补助金、补贴贷款和多项奖学金。

faculty staff and students





In 1786, 11 men gathered at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern in Boston to propose development of the area north of the Ohio River and west of the Allegheny Mountains known then as the Ohio Country. Led by Manasseh Cutler and Rufus Putnam, the Ohio Company petitioned Congress to take action on the proposed settlement. The eventual outcome was the enactment of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which provided for settlement and government of the territory and stated that "…schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."

In 1803, Ohio became a state and on February 18, 1804, the Ohio General Assembly passed an act establishing "The Ohio University." The University opened in 1808 with one building, three students, and one professor, Jacob Lindley. One of the first two graduates of the University, Thomas Ewing, later became a United States senator and distinguished himself as cabinet member or advisor to four presidents.

Twenty-four years after its founding, in 1828, Ohio University conferred an A.B. degree on John Newton Templeton, its first black graduate and only the third black man to graduate from a college in the United States. In 1873, Margaret Boyd received her B.A. degree and became the first woman to graduate from the University. Soon after, the institution graduated its first international alumnus, Saki Taro Murayama of Japan, in 1895.

1786年,11个人在波士顿的Grapes Tavern 聚集,计划开发当时的俄亥俄谷地。俄亥俄谷地位于俄亥俄河以北,阿利根尼山脉以西。在Manasseh Cutler 和Rufus Putnam的带领下,俄亥俄公司向国会请求,批准开发俄亥俄谷地。最终在1787年,国会通过西北法令,同意批准开发和管理这片领土,并鼓励在当地设立学校,推动当地教育。

1803年,俄亥俄州成立。1804年2月18日,州议会通过了成立俄亥俄大学的法案。1808年,俄亥俄大学开放,有一栋楼,三名学生,一名老师(Jacob Lindley)。首次毕业生有两人,托马斯·尤因是其中之一。托马斯·尤因后来成了参议员,并担任了四任总统顾问。

成立24年之后,1828年,俄亥俄大学向约翰-牛顿-坦普尔顿授予文学学士学位。约翰-牛顿是学校的第一个黑人毕业生,也是第三个从美国高校毕业的男性黑人。1873年,玛格丽特-博伊德成为第一个从俄亥俄大学毕业的女学生。不久,1895年,学校毕业了第一个男国际生Saki Taro Murayama (日本)。

