700字范文 > 最重要的 | 小学重点英语短语汇总全了

最重要的 | 小学重点英语短语汇总全了

时间:2019-08-18 22:04:24


最重要的 | 小学重点英语短语汇总全了


in front of the cinema 在电影院前

up and down 上下

at weekends 在周末

watch cartoons 看动画片

clean the kitchen 打扫厨房

watch TV 看电视

wash clothes 洗衣服

water the flowers 浇花

go home 回家

feed the fish 喂鱼

plant trees 种树

go to school 去上学

visit the zoo 参观动物园

play volleyball 打排球

go to the supermarket 去超市

write in the diary 在日记上写

like drinking tea 喜欢喝茶

Christmas presents 圣诞礼物

open it for me 为我打开它

the presents under the Christmas tree 在圣诞树下的礼物

so many 这么多

the woman beside him 在他旁边的妇女

watch the dragon boat races 观看龙舟比赛

Christmas trees 圣诞树

get off 下车

after lunch 午餐后

go for a walk 去散步

be glad to see 很高兴见到…

have a chat 聊天

twin sisters 双胞胎姐妹

look the same 看起来很像

ten years older than 大10岁

some of the boys 男孩中的一些

in my class 在我班里

Don’t worry. 别担心。

do more exercise 做更多锻炼

get stronger 变得更强壮

get up early 早起

jog to school 慢跑去学校

at Christmas 在圣起得早诞节

go to Beijing 去北京

this afternoon 今天下午

play with balloons 玩气球

sing and dance 唱歌跳舞

play with friends 和朋友玩

see a Beijing opera 看京剧

see a play 看演出

the weather in New York 纽约的天气

their plans for the weekend 他们的周末计划

join us 加入我们

the GardenTheater 花园剧院

by the way 顺便问问

tomorrow afternoon 明天下午

at the concert 在音乐会上

come with Jim 和Jim一起来

go on an outing 去远足

have a picnic 野餐

the best season 最好的季节

in summer 在夏天

most of the time 大多数时间

in the countryside 在乡下

like spring best 最喜欢春天

which season 哪个季节

make snowmen 堆雪人

need warm clothes for winter 冬天需要温暖的衣服

Sounds great. 听起来不错

have classes 有课,上课

the trees turn green 树木变绿

walk along the street 沿着街走

get off at the second stop 在第二个车站下车

get to the shoppingcenter 到达购物中心

a book about animals 一本关于动物的书

run out of the shop 跑出商店

come to help 过来帮助

get my purse back 拿回钱包

start to run 开始跑

run along the stree t沿着街跑

high jump 跳高

for one year (要)一年

long jump 跳远

know the weather 知道天气

next week 下个星期

like to play with lanterns 喜欢玩灯笼

eat chocolate eggs 吃巧克力蛋

in January or February 在一月或二月

eat rice dumplings 吃粽子

a popular holiday 一个流行的节日

in China 在中国

listen to him 听他讲

in the grass 在草丛中

watch the moon 赏月

at Easter 在复活节

on different holidays 在不同的节日

last year 去年

make pumpkin lanterns 制作南瓜灯笼

give presents to your friends 把礼物给你的朋友

eat moon cakes 吃月饼

play with lanterns 玩灯笼

visit their relatives and friends 拜访他们的亲戚和朋友

eat lots of delicious food 吃许多美味的食物

of course 当然

last Spring Festival 上个春节

in October 在十月

myfavoriteholiday 我最喜爱的节日

last Halloween 去年万圣节

dress up in costumes 用戏服装扮

public signs 公共标志

on the wall 在墙上

go to bed 睡觉

a lot of /a lot 大量的;许多

stay away from… 远离……

walk on the grass 在草地上走

play computer games 玩电脑游戏

the bird’s cage 鸟笼

have dinner 吃饭

watch TV 看电视

go home 回家

have an ice cream 吃一个冰激凌


1. The successful man is the average man, focused.



2. Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear.


-----Anthony Robbins


3. Focus on the solution, not on the problem.


-----Jim Rohn吉姆.罗恩

4. Concentration is the secret of strength.


-----Ralph Waldo Emerson


5. Focus on your potential instead of your limitations.


-----Alan Loy Mcginnis


6. The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear.


-----Brian Tracy 博恩.崔西

7. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined.



8. Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself.


-----Marcia Wieder 玛尔西亚.韦德

9. Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.


-----Nido Qubein 尼杜.库比恩

10. Focused will is incredible .If you have a dream and you don't give up no matter what obstacles come up ,then life's problems will fall away and you will get what you want .It happens ,It works .




hi, 都快过去了你的英文名还叫 Tom 、 Tony 、Strong 吗?还不来让线话专业的老师来给你起个专业、好听、有逼格的英文名?比如寓 意“ 强大的战士 '的William、象征“光明”的Lucas《 卢卡斯 )、寓意“快乐的姑娘”的ailsa …… 是不是很有范儿?

关注公众号:线话英语 回复 “英文名” 填写表单,即可获得 专业老师为你定制的英文名。首次活动,只有 100 个名额哦,先到先得!







