700字范文 > 唐诗英译:李商隐《登乐游原》(10家译本)


时间:2019-01-25 07:26:02








To Ancient Tomb Mount

Towards dusk I felt a sense of gloom

I drove my carriage to visit the ancient tombs

The setting sun shines its brilliance so sublime

O only if this grandeur was not a reflection of the dying time

(S L Kong)

Ascending the Leyou Height

Li Shangyin

Feeling indisposed and listless at dusk,

I drove my chariot to an ancient height.

The setting sun looks glorious indeed,

Only it is so close to night.

(丰华瞻 译)

On the Plain of Imperial Tombs

Li Shangyin

At dusk my heart is filled with gloom;

I drive my cab to ancient tomb.

The setting sun seems so sublime,

But it is near its dying time.

(许渊冲 译)

A Spin Round Ancient Plain

Li Shangyin

Late in the afternoon, feeling out of sorts,

I drove out to Ancient Plain for a spin.

The sunset was in full glory

–Only too close to evening.

(龚景浩 译)

I am feeling a bit unwell toward evening;

My carriage takes me to mount the ancient champaign.

Of boundless charm and beauty is the sun setting;

Only it being late, the dusk is soon to reign.


Leyou Plateau

Li Shangyin (813-858)

The afternoon almost over,

depressed, I drive

in a small carriage

to the ancient Leyou Plateau-

splendid as the sinking sun shines,

the evening comes close.


The Gladdening Upland

Toward eve, troubled I feel,

So drive my cart to the Old Plain.

How wonderous looks the sundown!

What a pity ’tis nearing dusk.


The Leyou Plateau

Towards evening, feeling restless,

I drive my carriage up to this ancient plateau.

The setting sun is magnificent,

But the dusk is drawing near!

(Jake Holman)


Li Shangyin


With twilight shadows in my heart

I have driven up among the Leyou Tombs

To see the sun, for all his glory,

Buried by the coming night.

(Herbert A. Giles)

It’s late in the day, my heart’s not well at ease,

To the ancient plateau, up, in a carriage I go.

Sublime is the beauty of the sun while yet unset,

Too soon, alas, is dusky darkness to follow.

