700字范文 > 初中英语人教版七年级下册短语


时间:2018-11-08 23:18:09







be/come from:来自

live in Paris:住在巴黎

write to me soon:快点给我写信

play sports:运动、锻炼

tell sb about…:告诉某人关于……

in November:在十一月

like playing sports:喜欢做运动(常考)

Excuse me:打扰了

take/have a walk:散步(常考)

have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself:玩得开心, 玩得高兴(常考)

turn left/right:向左/右转

go straight:一直走(常考)

go through the park:穿过公园

on the right:在右边

Welcome to China:欢迎来中国

next to the restaurant:饭店隔壁

take/have a taxi / by taxi:乘出租车

go down /along/up Long Street:沿着长街走(常考)

have a good trip:旅途愉快

the way to school:去学校的路(常考)

. post office: 邮局

pay phone: 公用电话

. next to:靠近…

across from:在…对面(常考)

between… and…. :在……和……之间(常考)

in front of the library: 在图书馆前面

near here=in the neighborhood:在附近

on your right:在你的右边

. welcome to… : 欢迎到……来

take a walk through:步行穿过……

. pass… :经过……

at the beginning of… : ..….的开头(常考)

the way to my home: 去我家的路(常考)

next Sunday:下个星期天

let sb do sth:让某人做某事。(常考)

kind of=a bit =a little:稍微、有点

kind of interesting:有点有趣

be from South Africa:来自南非

be friendly to sb:对某人友好

like doing sth:喜欢做某事(习惯性的)(常考)

like to do sth:喜欢做某事(偶尔一次的、未发生的)(常考)

be/keep quiet:保持安静

during/in the day:在白天

at night=in the night:在晚上

. play with one’s friends:和朋友一起玩

. sleep during the day:在白天睡觉

. get up:起床(常考)

What does he do?=what’s he?=What’s his job?:他是干什么的?(常考)

work with sb:和某人一起工作

work at/in…..:在……工做

work for…:为……工作

give sth to sb=give sb sth:给某人某物

get sth from ….:从……得到……

wear a white uniform:穿着白色的制服(状态)

put on your coat:穿上你的衣服(动作)(常考)

talk to/with sb:和某人交谈

talk about sb/sth:谈论……

ask sb questions:问某人问题

be late for sth.:做某事迟到(常考)

go out to dinners:出去就餐

be busy:忙碌(常考)

. an interesting job:一个有趣的工作

. work hard: 努力工作

. hard work:艰苦的工作

. in/at a hospital:在医院

. a lot of=lots of:很多,许多

want to do… :想要做……(常考)

. shop assistant:售货员,店员

bank clerk:银行职员

. TV station:电视台

police station:警察局

pop singer:流行歌手

. go out:出去

. a library assistant:图书管理员

in the future:在将来

read a book=read books=do some reading:读书

go to the movies:看电影

do (one’s)homework:做家庭作业

That sounds good / nice.:那听起来还不错

write a letter:写信

This TV show is boring / isn’t interesting.:这个电视剧无聊

wait for…. :等候……(常考)

wait for sb to do sth:等候某人做某事

. swim=have a swim=go swimming:游泳

. shop=go shopping=do some shopping:购物

. in the library:在图书馆

. play basketball:打篮球(常考)

. Thanks for your letter. :谢谢你的来信

. thanks/thank sb for doing sth:谢谢某人做某事(常考)

. the next photo:下一张图片

. at home:在家里

. be with sb:和某人在一起

. the last photo:最后一张图片

. talk on the phone:打电话

. TV show:电视节目

. This is…. :这是……(介绍人用)

How’s the weather in Yunnan today?= What’s the weather like in Yunnan today? :今天云南的天气怎么样?

cook dinner/supper:做晚饭

play computer games玩电脑游戏

How’s it going? :你怎么样?(两人见面时)

pretty good:相当好(常考)

fine/nice weather好天气:

in the rain:在雨中

a windy night:一个有风的晚上

. on vacation:(介词)在度假(常考)

. take a vacation:在度假(动词)

. be hot/cold/warm/cool/humid:热的/冷的/温暖的/凉爽的/潮湿的

. take photos=take a photo:拍照(常考)

on the beach:在沙滩上

. a group of students:一群学生

. play beach volleyball:打沙滩排球

. look cool/beautiful/young:看上去很酷/漂亮/年轻

. be surprised to do sth惊讶做……

. be surprised at…. :对……感到惊讶(常考)

. have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself:玩的高兴

. wear scarfs :戴围巾

. play the guitar:弹吉他

short/curly/long/straight hair:短/卷/长/直发

. medium height/build:中等高度/身材

. look like:看起来象(常考)

. stop doing sth.:停止做某事(常考)

. wear glasses:戴眼镜(常考)

. a new look:一个新的形象

. black/brow/blonde hair:黑色/棕色/金黄色的头发

. last month:上个月

. would like sth.:想要某东西(常考)

. orange juice: 桔子汁

. green tea:绿茶

. phone number:电话号码

. do one’s homework:做家庭作业

. play soccer:踢足球

. clean one’s room:打扫某人的房间

. go to the beach:去海滩(常考)

. play tennis:打网球

. go to the movies:去看电影

. last weekend:上周末

do some reading:阅读

. practice English:练习英语

. study for the match test:为数学考试准备

. last week :上周

. on Saturday morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night:在星期六的早晨/下午/晚上/深夜(常考)

. go for a walk:去散步(常考)

. play with:与…一起玩

. a busy weekend:一个繁忙的周末

. look for:寻找(常考)

. It’s time to do sth.:是做某事的时候了(常考)

. visit sb:拜访某人

. summer camp:夏令营

. visit museum:参观博物馆

. on vacation:度假

. all day/night/year:整天/夜/年

. be crowded:拥挤(常考)

. find sb. doing sth.:发现某人正在做某事(常考)

. be lost:迷路

. help sb.do sth.:帮助某人做某事(常考)

. make sb. do sth.:使某人做某事(常考)

. be tired:疲倦

. decide to do sth.:决定做某事(常考)

. the Great Wall:长城

. talk/game/spors show:谈话/游戏/体育节目

. can’t stand:不能容忍(常考)

. think of:认为(常考)

. agree with sb.:同意某人意见(常考)

. in fact:事实上;实际上(常考)

. a thirteen-year-old boy:一个13岁的男孩

. sports shows:体育节目

. ask sb. about sth:问某人关于某事

. be late for class:上课迟到

. listen to music:听音乐

. have to :不得不

. what else:别的什么

. sports shoes:运动鞋

. go out:出去

. after school/class:放学/下课以后

. What’s up?:什么事?(常考)

. make dinner:做饭

. wear a uniform:穿制服

wash the clothes:洗衣服

