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「今日美文朗读」全球顶尖CEO推荐的书 你看过哪些?

时间:2023-05-14 03:50:57


「今日美文朗读」全球顶尖CEO推荐的书 你看过哪些?

伊藤賢治 - 永遠の一瞬


00:00 03:56

OWN CEO - Oprah Winfrey


《 杀死一只知更鸟》

Oprah Winfrey heads OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network). Her all-time favourite book is ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee. This book talks about how a little girl views the people around her. Winfrey quotes, "I remember reading this book and then going to class and not being able to shut up about it." She further says, "I read it in eighth or ninth grade, and I was trying to push the book off on other kids. So it makes sense to me that now I have a book club, because I have been doing that since probably this book."


Ender"s Game

Facebook CEO - Mark Zuckerberg


by Orson Scott Card


Mark Zuckerberg is the present CEO of Facebook. According to his Facebook profile, his favourite book is ‘Ender"s Game’ by Orson Scott Card. However, Zuckerberg corrected this and called ‘The Aeneid’ by Virgil as his favourite book. This is actually a Latin epic poem, which talks about a Trojan named, Aeneas, how he traveled to Italy and became an ancestral Roman.



Oracle CEO - Larry Ellison


by Vincent Cronin

《拿破仑传 》

Larry Ellison is the present CEO of Oracle. Though a number of books are among his ‘like’ list but he absolutely loved reading ‘Napoleon’ by Vincent Cronin. This book is deemed by far the best biography ever written on the great general, Napoleon Bonaparte. This book is so eloquently written that it seems almost like a novel. Ellison quotes, "It"s interesting to read about him for a couple of reasons: to see what one man of modest birth can do with his life, and to see how history can distort the truth entirely."


The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World

Coca Cola CEO - Muhtar Kent


by Niall Ferguson

《货币的上升:世界金融史 》

Muhtar Kent is the present CEO of Coca Cola. His favourite book is ‘The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World’ by Niall Ferguson. This book talks about the “human story behind the evolution of finance.” He quotes, “I love books on economic observations." He further says, "This is one of the best.”

穆泰康是可口可乐公司的现任CEO。他最喜欢的一本书是Niall Ferguson写的《货币的上升:世界金融史》。这本书讲述的是“在金融变革背后的人的故事”。穆泰康评价说:“我喜欢经济观察类的书籍。这本书这类书中最好的之一。”

The Catcher in the Rye

Microsoft CEO (Former) - Bill Gates


by J.D. Salinger

《麦田守望者 》

Bill Gates is the former CEO of Microsoft. His favourite book is ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by J.D. Salinger. A few themes explored in the novel are rebellion, alienation, angst and confusion. Gates quotes, "I didn"t actually read Catcher in the Rye until I was 13, and ever since then I"ve said that"s my favorite book." He further said, "It"s very clever. It acknowledges that young people are a little confused, but can be smart about things and see things that adults don"t really see. So I"ve always loved it."


The Remains of the Day

Amazon CEO - Jeff Bezos


by Kazuo Ishiguro


Jeff Bezos is the present CEO of Amazon. He cites 2 books as among his most favourites, namely – ‘The Remains of the Day’ by Kazuo Ishiguro and ‘Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies’ by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras. Bezos quotes, "If you read The Remains of the Day, which is one of my favorite books, you can"t help but come away and think, I just spent 10 hours living an alternate life and I learned something about life and about regret."


背景乐:伊藤賢治 - 永遠の一瞬

