700字范文 > 对因过敏性鼻炎 哮喘和鼻息肉引起的慢性鼻窦症状进行鼻腔冲洗的假说形成研究 阿里巴

对因过敏性鼻炎 哮喘和鼻息肉引起的慢性鼻窦症状进行鼻腔冲洗的假说形成研究 阿里巴

时间:2022-02-28 23:16:29


对因过敏性鼻炎 哮喘和鼻息肉引起的慢性鼻窦症状进行鼻腔冲洗的假说形成研究 阿里巴

Rabago D,Guerard E,Bukstein D.

Department of Family Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wis, USA.david.rabago@fammed.wisc.edu


BACKGROUND: Rhinosinusitis is a common, expensive disorder with a significant impact on patients" quality of life. Chronic sinus symptoms are associated with allergic rhinitis, asthma, and nasal polyposis.


Saline nasal irrigation is an adjunctive therapy for rhinosinusitis and sinus symptoms. Prior studies suggest that saline nasal irrigation may be effective for symptoms associated with allergy rhinitis, asthma, and nasal polyposis.


OBJECTIVE: To assess the degree to which subjects using nasal irrigation for chronic sinus symptoms also reported improvements in symptoms related to allergy, asthma, or nasal polyposis.


DESIGN: Qualitative study using in-depth long interviews of 28 participants in a prior qualitative nasal irrigation study. All participants were receiving daily nasal irrigation.


RESULTS: Transcripts of interviews were systematically examined. Twelve of 21 subjects with allergic rhinitis spontaneously reported that saline nasal irrigation improved symptoms. Two of 7 subjects with asthma and 1 of 2 subjects with nasal polyposis reported a positive association between saline nasal irrigation use and asthma or nasal polyposis symptoms. Transcript content was organized into themes that included: (1) Saline nasal irrigation resulted in improvement of allergic rhinitis and asthma symptoms, and (2) Saline nasal irrigation should be used for symptoms of allergic rhinitis.


CONCLUSIONS: This hypothesis-generating study offers qualitative evidence that suggests patients with frequent rhinosinusitis and daily sinus symptoms, symptoms of concomitant allergic rhinitis, asthma, or polyposis may improve with saline nasal irrigation. The parent studies offer strong evidence that saline nasal irrigation is an effective adjunctive treatment for symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis. Larger prospective studies are needed in patients with these diagnoses.


对因过敏性鼻炎 哮喘和鼻息肉引起的慢性鼻窦症状进行鼻腔冲洗的假说形成研究 阿里巴巴 z20...
