700字范文 > 美国五十州的颜值大盘点 | 第二弹

美国五十州的颜值大盘点 | 第二弹

时间:2019-03-20 10:30:53


美国五十州的颜值大盘点 | 第二弹

45. Connecticut 康涅狄格州

Poor Connecticut (not literally, of course). Not only will most New Englanders disavow it for its close ties to New York -- "half the state is Yankees country!" -- but it also came out as the runt among the region"s hill-and-valley idyll. Most of the state is flat, and although it"s got some quaint towns along the coast, and comely streams further inland towards the Berkshires, nonde suburbs and urbanized areas are the norm. Plus, at this point in its march towards the ocean, even the mighty Connecticut River has lost some steam.

简称CT,毗邻纽约,也是New England 新英格兰 区域中最南的一州,虽然大部分New Englanders都否认它新英格兰的身份--因为它离纽约这个典型美国州实在太近了。不过康州的土地依然是很典型的北美风貌,一个字:平。不过由于位于东海岸时尚前缘和纽约身侧,这里还是非常都市化的。康涅狄格州坐拥Connecticut River康涅狄格河,是美国新英格兰最大的河流,发源于新罕布什尔州的康涅狄格湖(是的,另一个州的同名湖,美国人就是这么会命名)。康州还是全美第二个将同性婚姻合法化的州份。

44.Oklahoma 俄克拉何马州

A certain sort of person could protest this low ranking, because Oklahoma at least brings its share of variety. That panhandle stretches out and kisses New Mexico on the cheek, and the eastern edge along the Arkansas border is a surprisingly diverse mix of electric-green hills and jungly mid-American forests. Suffice it to say that Oklahoma is probably prettier than you expect, but then again, your expectations were low for good reason.

简称OK,可以说是非常OK了。俄州有美国最大的印地安原住民人口。OK长得像个锅,西边是个锅柄直指新墨西哥州,右边和阿肯色州相交的地方有绿油油的山丘和典型美中丛林。知名美国男演员及电影制片人布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt就出生在这里。

43. Mississippi 密西西比州

Right now hundreds of Mississippians are reading this and saying, "Holy cow! There"s a state ranking where we"re NOT in the bottom five!" Thank your lucky stars for that funky, frolicsome Gulf Coast, Mississippi. Your lovely magnolias and charming Southern foliage notwithstanding, you"re 21 miles of undeveloped white sandy beach and some pristine swamps away from being the Indiana of the South.


42. Ohio 俄亥俄州

High in the middle and round on the ends, Ohio has a well-earned reputation as flat and forgettable. But the hilly southern part of the state is prettier than people realize -- it does border Kentucky and West Virginia, after all. And while no one would mistake the southern shore of Lake Erie for Big Sur, Ohio"s nearly 300 miles of Great Lake coastline offer outstanding open-water vistas from the tops of roller coasters.

俄亥俄州是第一个加入联邦的州,简称OH。“俄亥俄”来源于当地土著易洛魁族语,意为“美好之河(Beautiful River)”。为了表达敬意,美国海军以“Ohio”命名过多艘军舰。俄亥俄毕竟坐拥Lake Erie 伊利湖的三百英里海岸线,而Lake Erie是北美洲五大湖之一,也是世界第十三大湖。

说到这里要讲个小笑话,Angel上日语课的时候老师说,日语“Good morning“怎么说呢?就是Ohio[蜜汁微笑](懂日语的小伙伴请开始笑)。

41. New Jersey 新泽西州

Look, even if New Jersey hadn"t gone and covered the bulk of the state with jughandles and suburban sprawl, it still wouldn"t be a stunner. But then it did go and litter the state with freeways, develop the beaches to the breaking point, and come down with a case of 105 superfund sites -- more than any other state. That said, if you can manage to escape the sprawl, many parts of the state are lovely, with rolling hills and glacial lakes, nicer beaches as you get further south, and the Delaware Water Gap -- a truly beautiful and underappreciated stretch of earth that NJ shares with Pennsylvania.

缩写NJ,是美国第四小以及人口密度最高的州,新泽西与纽约只有一河之隔。曾获得格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)的美国R&B歌手、演员、电影制作人与并曾担任模特儿的惠特妮·伊丽莎白·休斯顿Whitney Elizabeth Houston就来自这里。
