700字范文 > 宋朝汝窑瓷器鉴定有哪些方法


时间:2020-02-05 17:34:23



We mainly talk about the identification tips of imperial porcelain in the late heyday of Ru kiln:

The identification of Ru kiln must first make clear the history of Ru kiln. Ru Kiln, recorded in historical materials, "This dynasty used Dingzhou white porcelain as its awn, which was not suitable for use, so it ordered Ruzhou to make green kilns. Therefore, Hebei Tang Deng Yaozhou had them, and Ru Kiln was the chief." At the beginning of the song dynasty, there was no ru kiln. according to historical records, the treasury in the beginning of the song dynasty collected porcelain from five major kilns, "Ming yue Rao dingqing". The early Ru kiln, like Yaozhou kiln, belonged to the tribute kiln of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the burnt porcelain was brought to the court. Therefore, the Ru kiln is divided into early, middle and late phases. The characteristics of Ru kilns in different periods are different.



First, Ru kiln belongs to stoneware, with low firing temperature and bad magnetization. The knock sounds like a peck of wood, and there will never be a clear echo of later porcelain. In other words, Ru kiln is not a real porcelain and cannot be appreciated according to the porcelain appraisal standard.


Second, Ru kiln porcelain fetal bone is a local specialty porcelain clay containing extremely high aluminum oxide, and also contains a large amount of iron, which cannot be washed clean. Therefore, the rib of your kiln seems to be made of copper with some copper color through the glaze. The ancients did not understand, so-called bronze bones of you. In fact, the essence is not copper, but the color of iron oxide.


Third, the ancient Ruyao people identified that those with crab claws and tiny Zhi Ding with sesame flowers were true. Crab claw pattern is a kind of pattern that appears faintly in glaze, also known as chicken claw pattern. There is only one isolated case of Ru kiln porcelain without grain handed down from ancient times, which is collected in Taipei Palace Museum. At present, whether it is a Qing Dynasty imitation remains to be studied. Sesame flower Zhi Ding is very image, your kiln Zhi Ding must be very small, even less than a grain of sesame. It is also shaped like a sesame seed. The newly imitated kiln furniture does not pay attention to ancient porcelain, and sesame Zhi Ding is generally larger.


Fourth, the Ru kiln model should be based on the standard ones handed down from ancient times and unearthed. Some new imitators are made in the shape of forgeries, which are worn by Zhang Guanli and pass through the times. It must be carefully distinguished. Memorizing all unearthed and handed down Ru kiln ware types is one of the keys to identify Ru kiln porcelain.


Fifth, there are very few characters on Ru kiln porcelain. In general, only Fenghua, Cai and other funds are available, which are carved after the Song Dynasty. Many of the new imitation Ru kilns are inscribed with poems written by Emperor Ganlong or simply inscribed with the names of Zhenghe, Xuanhe and Song Huizong. Don"t you know that Song Huizong or nobody called him that when he died, only future generations (after Yuan and Ming Dynasties) dared to boldly mention Song Huizong and posthumous title? These are all fake fakes.


Sixthly, the specific features of Ru kiln porcelain, such as curled legs, thin and light wares, are the key points of identification. The new imitations of Ru kiln porcelain are generally heavier and thicker because they cannot be used in real objects, while the real ones are often lighter and lighter. In addition, the skeleton of the baby has been buried for many years, and the authenticity can be basically distinguished once it is used.

