700字范文 > While my father was an officer of the British army in South Africa we lived in a 1 house.

While my father was an officer of the British army in South Africa we lived in a 1 house.

时间:2024-04-30 09:46:24


While my father was an officer of the British army in South Africa  we lived in a 1 house.


While my father was an officer of the British army in South Africa, we lived in a 1 house. One 2 my father and sister and I were sitting together. He was 3 the window. I suddenly 4 that he was turning very pale. I sat 5, for I did not want to 6 my sick sister. Soon father said in a 7 voice, “Kate and Joan, a friend of mine is 8 here to see me this evening, and I wish to be 9 him. Will you go up to your own room?” We 10, went to our room and closed the door.

Soon I heard a 11 like that of a door burst in, and then a climb of feet. They were hurrying 12 the narrow stairs. Fearing that there was 13 near, I seized the pistol(手枪) on the table. Then I heard my father cry out, For God’s sake(快!), child, 14 the door. I did so. To my horror(恐怖), I saw, 15 my father’s shoulder, a gorilla(大猩猩), the worst enemy of the soldier in 16. He was 17 my father. I raised the pistol and fired. The animal fell backwards with 18 loud cry. Father took the 19 smoking pistol from my hand, and fired another shot, which 20 the gorilla.

It happened that father had 21 us upstairs because he thought he would be able to 22 the door ––– which was twenty feet away –––23 the animal reached it. However, the gorilla was too 24 for him; and this was the cause of the 25 flight(逃跑) up the stairs.

1. A. two-storeyed B. two storeyed C. two-storeys D. two storeys

2. A. o’clock B. night C. evening D. time

3. A. towards B. opposite C. inside D. behind

4. A. knew B. learned C. felt D. noticed

5. A. still B. lonely C. sadly D. unhappily

6. A. hurt B. frighten C. lose D. trouble

7. A. loud B. sad C. calm D. pleasant

8. A. moving B. staying C. running D. coming

9. A. friendly to B. alone with C. helpful to D. careful with

10. A. promised B. trembled C. obeyed D. replied

11. A. sound B. cry C. voice D. shout

12. A. to B. down C. through D. up

13. A. some difficulty B. a thief C. some danger D. an accident

14. A. open B. close C. pull D. draw

15. A. on B. above C. over D. from

16. A. South America B. Africa C. South Asia D. Europe

17. A. aiming at B. marching towards C. shooting at D. running after

18. A. an exciting B. a calm C. an angry D. a natural

19. A. still B. yet C. even D. already

20. A. hit B. murdered C. frightened D. killed

21. A. taken B. sent C. driven D. forced

22. A. push B. lock C. guard D. defend

23. A. until B. when C. before D. though

24. A. quick B. huge C. heavy D. stupid

25. A. anxious B. fearless C. excited D. hurried1---25 ACBDA BCDBC ADCAC BDCAD BBCAD





1. A。类似的表达法有:one-eyed(独眼的),three-legged(三条腿的)等(注:这是九十年代以来,高考英语完形填空题中唯一道纯语法题,从此以后这样的纯语法题再也没有在高考完形填空题中出现过)。

2. C。这里选 A,D 显然不行,选 B(night)与语境也不符,因为既然是“晚上”,父亲又怎么能通过窗子看到外面的大猩猩呢? 另外须注意的是下文(第8空之后)也出现了 evening 这样的暗示性的词。

3. B。这里若选 C,D 都显然不行。选 A(towards)的话,这是一个动态介词,表示“朝……方向”,也不行,而选 B 刚好符合语境:正由于父亲坐在窗子对面(opposite the window),所以才能通过窗子看见外面的大猩猩。

4. D。“我”发现父亲的脸色变得苍白,这是由视觉得出的结果,所以这里选 noticed 最合语境。

5. A。这里的 still 意为“一动不动”。

6. B。父亲发现大猩猩,脸色变得苍白,此时按理我要问问父亲出了什么事;但是由于妹妹有病(sick),所以我坐着一动不动(still),这显然是为了不“使妹妹受惊吓”,所以选 frighten 正合语境。

7. C。联系上面的语境:为了不让妹妹受惊吓,这时父亲虽然知道大猩猩来的危险,但仍用“平静的”(calm)的声音借故要我们上楼去。

8. D。因为这是直接引语,从语境上看此处应用一般将来时态(注:此题虽有其语境因素,但也有一定的语法特征。这类题在以后的高考完形填空题中很少出现)。

9. B。此句的下文是:父亲要我们上楼去,也就是说他要与这位“朋友”单独相处(alone with)。

10. C。这里的 obeyed 意为“照办”。这从下文显然可知。

11. A。联系下文,这显然是指听到“像门被冲开的声音(heard a sound like that of a door burst in)”,因为从常识上说,“门被冲开”不可能发出像 cry, voice, shout 等之类的声音。

12. D。因为上文说:“我”和妹妹上了楼,下文又说:父亲叫“我”开门。这就说明现在父亲正在“上(up)”楼梯。

13. C。下文说:我从桌上拿起了手枪,这说明是“有危险”。

14. A。因为“我”和妹妹上楼后,把门关了起来,所以现在父亲是叫我们把门 “打开(open)”。

15. C。此题 A, B 选项易排除。但为什么选 C 而不选 D 呢?当时的情景是:父亲在楼梯上,“我”从上往下看,通过父亲的肩膀,看到其后的是一只大猩猩。这里用 over 表示“我”与父亲有一段距离;若用 from,它表示的是“我”从父亲的肩膀那儿往下看(即“我”和父亲在一起,不合语境)。

16. B。这道题其实很简单,从某种角度上来说它主要考察考生是否细心。因为前文第一句就出现了in South Africa 这样的暗示。粗心的考生此处会选有可能 A(South America)。

17. D。若选 A(aiming at), C(shooting at)这显然不合情理,因为大猩猩怎么会能“瞄准”或“射击”?选 B(marching towards)与语境也不符。

18. C。大猩猩被我打了一枪,并从楼梯上退下去。从常识上看,此时大猩猩应该是发出一个“愤怒的”(angry)的声音。

19. A,20. D。指当时父亲从我手上接过还在(still) 冒烟的枪,又开了一枪;这一枪就击毙(killed)了大猩猩。

21. B。若选 C(driven), D(forced),显然不合上文语境:父亲对孩子说“请你们上楼到自己的房间去好吗?”若选 A (taken) 也不对,因 take指自己亲自带去。选 B(sent)正合语境要求。

22. B,

23. C,

24. A。父亲之所以强作镇静把我们叫上楼去,一方面是为了使有病的妹妹不受惊吓,另一方面则是他以为他能够赶在大猩猩进屋之前(before)把门闩(lock)好。但是,父亲未来得及,因为大猩猩太快(quick)了。

25. D。这可以从文章中的暗示得知。
