700字范文 > Indonesia is known as the country of islands. It has 17 508 islands. But in recent years

Indonesia is known as the country of islands. It has 17 508 islands. But in recent years

时间:2020-04-18 03:43:32


Indonesia is known as the country of islands. It has 17 508 islands. But in recent years


Indonesia is known as the country of islands. It has 17,508 islands. But in recent years, the popular tourist destination has lost some of its shine.

Due to rising sea levels caused by global warming, 24 Indonesian islands have gone under the sea. Scientists say 2,000 more will disappear before 2030. In the past three years, the Southeast Asian nation also witnessed its islands destroyed by a tsunami(海啸) and typhoons.

“If no measures are taken to fight climate change, the beautiful islands will go forever,” scientists told environmental ministers from about 190 countries at a UN climate change meeting.

This week they are meeting in Bali, an Indonesian island. They are trying to reach a deal to cut the world’s emissions (排放) of CO2 , which makes the Earth warmer.

Indonesia is not alone. This year has seen more extreme weather hit the world. Canada and US suffered heavy storms and typhoons, while Australians were caught in the heaviest drought in a century.

In China, the average temperature this year went up by 1.2oC from last year, reaching the highest on record since 1951.

However, other parts of the country got too much rain. More than 700 people were killed in floods, landslides and storms. “These weather extremes are the more obvious effects of global warming,” said Song Lianchun, a climate expert.

Scientists say time is running out. To escape from the worst effects, global CO2 emissions need to be cut from the levels they were at in 2000 by 50 to 85 percent by 2050.

But in recent years climate change talks have been bogged down by arguments over who will pay the bill for cleaner technology. Developing countries are worried that the cut in emissions will slow their economic development.

“China will play a responsible and constructive rule in the meeting,” said Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. The nation is now the world’s second largest greenhouse gas emitter(排放者). “However, developed nations should help developing nations deal with the global issue.”

53. Which of the following is in the correct order?

a. More and more islands are going under the sea.

b. The sea levels are continuously rising.

c. The weather is getting warmer and warmer.

d. Emission of CO2 is increasing.

A. a b c d B. b c d a C. c b a d D. d c b a

54. What does the underlined phrase “weather extremes” mean in the passage?

A. Rising temperature all over the world.

B. Bad weather like floods, drought, and landslides, etc.

C. The disappearance of more and more farmland.

D. Different amount of rain in different areas.

55. Climate change talks have been stopped because countries cannot agree on .

A. who should be responsible for causing climate change

B. who will pay for the cleaner technology needed

C. whether developed countries should help developing ones

D. whether developing countries should cut emissions of CO2

56. What is China’s attitude towards dealing with problems of climate change?

A. China will pay for the cleaner technology.

B. China will take an active part in dealing with climate change.

C. China thinks it is developed countries’ responsibility.

D. China will depend on developed countries to help it.53---56 DBBB


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