700字范文 > .第二节完型填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)In terms of teaching style

.第二节完型填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)In terms of teaching style

时间:2023-10-24 06:29:44


.第二节完型填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)In terms of teaching style




In terms of teaching styles, I have had three kinds of teachers since my school days began.

The first kind is the lord(君主) of the class. I call him Mr. Frightening. His ideas can never be 36 . If any student should challenge him even on a 37 matter, he would jump up, red-faced and eyes popping(突出) out, and 38 , “Who’s the teacher here, your or me?” At that moment, if someone was 39 enough to raise one more question, he would 40 at him for three minutes. With their minds locked up, the students are made into 41 machines. They only 42 what Mr. Frightening says, and finally become his “clones”(克隆).

Then there comes Mrs. Boring. She doesn’t look as 43 as Mr. Frightening, at least in appearance. Always 44 a warm smile, she never 45 her temper. In 46 to Mr. Frightening, she is the hypnotist(施行催眠术的人) of the class. She never has the skill of 47 the students’ enthusiasm. When she is giving a lesson, the students are like being 48 in the comfortable sunshine of a spring afternoon and they would soon fall 49 . They can never hear or put down a 50 word she has said.

Finally there is Miss Inspiring. She is full of energy and masters the 51 of stimulating(激发) the students’ appetite(欲望) for knowledge. Instead of offering answers easily, she 52 them onto the path of independent thinking, and encourages the students to find 53 for themselves. She has the magic of 54 the sleeping minds.

Every day I am 55 for more Miss Inspiring to come to my class!

36. A. guessed B. questioned C. understood D. accepted

37. A. small B. big C. good D. bad

38. A. say B. ask C. shout D. cry

39. A. clever B. brave C. excited D. angry

40. A. glare B. look C. watch D. observe

41. A. working B. learning C. writing D. recording

42. A. follow B. hear C. do D. copy

43. A. strictB. strange C. fearsome D. angry

44. A wearing B. making C. sending D. expressing

45. A. keeps B. gets C. wins D. loses

46. A. contrast B. turn C. addition D. replied

47. A. improving B. arousing(唤起) C. advancing(促进) D. occupying

48. A. bathed B. put C. enjoyed D. pushed

49. A. bad B. easy C. ill D. asleep

50. A. new B. good C. single D. valuable

51. A. magic B. trick C. power D. language

52. A. forces B persuades C. drives D. pulls

53. A. answers B. trouble C. success D. mistakes

54. A. pushing B. helping C. awaking D. stopping

55. A. searching B. praying(祈祷) C. standing D. sending36---55 BACBA DDCAD ABADC ACACB




.第二节完型填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)In terms of teaching styles I have had three kinds of teache
