700字范文 > I suppose that having been brought up in the countryside and close to animals it wasn’t re

I suppose that having been brought up in the countryside and close to animals it wasn’t re

时间:2023-10-18 03:03:21


I suppose that having been brought up in the countryside and close to animals it wasn’t re


I suppose that having been brought up in the countryside and close to animals,it wasn’t remarkable(不平常的)when I decided to become a vet(兽医).Luckily I was also good at all the necessary science subjects. So after the college entrance examination I found myself at a veterinary college,training to look after animals in all kinds of situations. I hoped that I would be able to work in the research field so that I could find cures for animal diseases.

Much to my surprise,I found public health care was a very important aspect of my course. This is an area of animal medicine where a vet’s work has many things in common with the work of a doctor of human diseases. I particularly liked it because I recognized that the study of animal diseases can help human medicine. As we know,many infectious diseases come from animals—including SARS and bird flu.

Some of the infections have only been understood after carefully analytical work in labs by animal doctors. They helped identify the animal source for diseases such as SARS. They were also the first to identify various kinds of viruses. Sometimes vets are also able to suggest a cure for human illnesses. When I found this out I was determined to make public health medicine my chosen career.

After graduation,I applied for a job in public health. Soon I found myself concerned with the problem of bird flu. This is an illness that attacks birds,but humans can catch the disease if they are in close contact with infected birds. Though the job is dangerous,it makes me proud that vets and other animal disease researchers are in the front line helping to fight these unknown human diseases

【小题1】The writer wanted to become a vet mainly because.A.he did well in all necessary subjectsB.he wanted to help animalsC.he was close to animals in his early lifeD.he wanted to find cures for human diseases【小题2】What made the writer particularly like the course of public health care was that.A.it was both important and interestingB.it could help him connect many human diseases with animalsC.it made a vet’s work very much like a doctor’sD.it could help human medicine by studying animal diseases【小题3】What can be followed if this passage continues?A.The writer’s happy family life.B.How the writer did research work in studying bird flu.C.How the writer dealt with the relationship with other workmates.D.What difficulty the writer met in the research work.【小题4】Which of the following is implied in the passage?A.Animals with infectious diseases should be killed.B.Keeping animals is dangerous to humans.C.Dangerous as a vet’s job is,it is significant to the human race.D.Animal researchers work in the same way as human doctors.【小题5】Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Being a vet is helpful to both animals and humans.B.Vets can cure both animals and humans.C.Vets helped identify animal resources for SARS.D.Both SARS and bird flu are infectious diseases coming from animals.C




【小题1】根据I suppose that having been brought up in the countryside and close to animals,it wasn’t remarkable(不平常的)when I decided to become a vet(兽医),故选C。

【小题2】根据I particularly liked it because I recognized that the study of animal diseases can help human medicine,故选D。

【小题3】根据Soon I found myself concerned with the problem of bird flu. This is an illness that attacks birds,but humans can catch the disease if they are in close contact with infected birds. Though the job is dangerous,it makes me proud that vets and other animal disease researchers are in the front line helping to fight these unknown human diseases.所以答案为B。

【小题4】根据Though the job is dangerous,it makes me proud that vets and other animal disease researchers are in the front line helping to fight these unknown human diseases,因此选C。

【小题5】 文中只提到研究动物疾病的兽医对人类的未知疾病的研究有帮助,并没有说兽医可以医治人类的疾病,故B选项表述错误,因此选B。
