700字范文 > 单词拼写(共10题 每题1分 满分10分)【小题1】Tom told us that when he was

单词拼写(共10题 每题1分 满分10分)【小题1】Tom told us that when he was

时间:2021-12-15 06:04:38


单词拼写(共10题 每题1分 满分10分)【小题1】Tom told us that when he was



【小题1】Tom told us that when he was young, all of his family would watchcartoons(动画片)after supper.

【小题2】Suddenly Alice dashed(猛冲)into the room, grabbed her bag and ran out again.

【小题3】curiously(好奇地) enough, he seems to have known what we well do next.

【小题4】Peter has a sense of humour(幽默) and is able to make people laugh at any time.

【小题5】Please clean up the house, which is in a mess(凌乱) after the party was over.

【小题6】She is old enough to have the freedom(自由) to do as she likes.

【小题7】A collection of rare insects will show us some of his latest discoveries(发现).

【小题8】I respect(尊重)his view, although I do not agree with them.

【小题9】On summer evenings, his parents sit in theshade(阴凉处) of the tree drinking tea and chatting.

【小题10】Disney is a theme(主题) park.



【小题1】watch cartoons 注意复数形式。

【小题2】dash into the room冲进房间里 注意动词的形式,三个动词并列过去式。


【小题4】a sense of humor幽默感

【小题5】in a mess乱七八糟

【小题6】have the freedom to do sth.有自由做某事

【小题7】前面由some of,故用复数。


【小题9】in the shade of the tree在树荫下

【小题10】theme park主题公园。

单词拼写(共10题 每题1分 满分10分)【小题1】Tom told us that when he was young all of his family would watc
