700字范文 > The day was warm and the sun shone down like a new beginning on my life. I was waving good

The day was warm and the sun shone down like a new beginning on my life. I was waving good

时间:2023-03-05 02:11:04


The day was warm and the sun shone down like a new beginning on my life. I was waving good


The day was warm and the sun shone down like a new beginning on my life. I was waving goodbye to my son, the last one of my fledglings (刚会飞的鸟)to leave home and go to new woods, University actually . I felt so lighthearted after spending many years looking after my four children—cooking, washing, ironing, teaching them how to look after themselves and manage their finances—that I actually thought “At long last, freedom.

But, as I watched my last one leave, although it was a joyous occasion, I realized I had not really prepared for this day, I was too tied up with bringing up these adults of the future to realize that they would all leave the nest and lives independently.

At first I didn know what I wanted to do. I tried a part time job, which ended in me running out in tears. I started a business making soft furnishings, but that didn work either. I grew my own veggies and fruit, which lasted 3 years, until I was advised by my doctor that my feet couldn take any more tools” driven through them.

I began wondering if I had a future of my own. I cried for the life I was used to, and hadn known or wanted anything different.

Then one day I saw an ad. for foster parents, I discussed it with my husband who was always behind everything I tried and with great disturbance , I rang up the number.

I now laugh and sing with my 14-year-old foster daughter, even when my cooker is a mess and my bathroom is a disaster area. I now know, 8 years later, what “I” was meant to be doing with all the spare hours, days, and weeks I had on my hands when my last fledgling flew the nest. The sun shines once again in my home.

【小题1】How did the mother first feel when her last child went off to university?A.Lonely.B.Anxious.C.Relieved.D.Annoyed.【小题2】The underlined phrase “was tied up with” in the second paragraph means “”.A.was occupied inB.was associated withC.was tired ofD.was addicted to【小题3】In the third paragraph, the poor mother did all the things just to.A.live a greener and healthier lifeB.earn more money for her kids’ educationC.shift her attention and ease her anxietyD.start her own decorating business【小题4】What did the empty-nested mother think of her husband?A.SkilledB.SupportiveC.StubbornD.Open-minded【小题5】Thanks to the foster daughter, the author.A.got rid of her busy workB.forgot her other childrenC.found a suitable jobD.knew what she really wantedC




【小题1】细节题。由第一段第三行I felt so lighthearted 说明‘我”宽慰了,如释重负。



【小题4】从my husband who was always behind everything I及下文中提到我”收养女儿可知丈夫是支持的。

【小题5】从I now know, 8 years later, what “I” was meant to be doing with all the spare hours, days, and weeks I had on my hands when my last fledgling flew the nest. The sun shines once again in my home.可知找“我”找到了自我。.

