700字范文 > If you have questions about developing your study practices the first place to look is in

If you have questions about developing your study practices the first place to look is in

时间:2019-04-19 11:14:37


If you have questions about developing your study practices the first place to look is in


If you have questions about developing your study practices,the first place to look is in our Study Guides. However,if you don find the answers you need here, or you feel the guidance would make more sense in the situation of your own work, then you may find it helpful to talk to an adviser individually.

We offer subject-focused sessions(辅导课) -with friendly professional advisers. These 30-nunute sessions (longer if necessary)are tailor-made to your individual needs and completely secret.

What to expect from an individual advice session

Our individual advice sessions are quite informal and tailored to your needs. Your adviser will usually want to talk a bit about how your studies are going generally, and what you would like to discuss. As sessions are quite short, its useful if you can be prepared by tlunking about this before you arrive. It will be helpful for us if you can bring any marked work that you have, so that we can see what areas of your work markers have commented on.

We aimto help you developyour skills to study more effectively andachievesubject success. So we will not correct work for you, but will help you understand what youneed to know to correct it yourself in the future. Everyone works differently, so we may make a number of suggestions - it will be up to you to try them out and see what worksest for you.

If youd like to discuss a coursework assignment which you are currently working on,it may be helpful if you can email your work to the adviser you are seeing oefore your meeting (contact details are here), with a note sessions are quite short, you might prefer that develop your work, rather than reading it!

Please note:

Saying what you would like to discuss. Aswe spent the time discussing how you can. We cannot pravide subject-specific advice. For this,it is best to consult your course tutor. If you would prefer to talk to someone else, try your personal tutor, or the Senior Tutor in your department. Your department or school office will be able to advise on who that is.

We do not proof-read work. See our guide to Effective Proof-reading to help you to develop develop your own proof-reading practices.

Study Advisers are not trained to teach English as a Foreign Language. For basic principles relating to common errors in academic English, please see our guide to Academic Writing. If you feel you need more detailed help, there are also links on the Academic Writing pages to more comprehensive websites, including some with interactive exercises.

If English is not your first language, the In-sessional English SLrpport Programme (IESP) provides training courses in academic writing skills, speaking skills, and pronunciation practice.There is a smll charge for students not paying full overseas fees.

Booking an advice session

Sessions may be booked in advance by calling 0118 378 4242 0r emailing [email protected] Please include a contact phone number in any messages you leave.

【小题1】The underlined word tailor_made in Paragraph 2 most probably means.A.valuableB.suitableC.availableD.acceptable【小题2】As sessions are time-limited,it is helpful if you can .A.predict what suggestion works best for youB.bring some non-marked work for commentsC.prepare what youd like to discuss in advanceD.consult with your adviser on your work by phone【小题3】If a Chinese student plans to take an English pronunciation training course, he/she can see the guide to.A.Study GuidesB.Effective Proof-readingC.Academic WritingD.In-sessional English Support Programme【小题4】What is the purpose of the passage?A.To give some professional subject advice.B.To promote the individual advice sessions.C.To stress the importance of a friendly adviser.D.To provide four websites offering study guides.46-49 BCDB


(答案→)46-49 BCDB


【小题1】B 推理题。根据本句These 30-nunute sessions (longer if necessary)are tailor-made to your individual needs and completely secret.说明这样的课程是适合你个人的需要并且完全是秘密的,不为人所知。故该短语指适合,B准确。

【小题2】C 细节题。根据第四段3,4行As sessions are quite short, its useful if you can be prepared by thinking about this before you arrive.说明事先思考好这样的问题是正确的,主要是因为时间太短了,故C正确。

【小题3】D 推理题。根据文章倒数第二段If English is not your first language, the In-sessional English SLrpport Programme (IESP) provides training courses in academic writing skills, speaking skills, and pronunciation practice.There is a smll charge for students not paying full overseas fees.说明如果英语不是母语的人要想学习英语,那么the In-sessional English SLrpport Programme会给你提供相应的培训课程,故D正确。

【小题4】B 主旨大意题。本文实际上是一个广告,向大家推荐这种私人的培训课程。文章在一开始提出了这个话题,然后做出了详细的说明,故B正确。
