700字范文 > Tuesday the twelfth was my birthday. I 16a day of cake and presents 17it turned into a day

Tuesday the twelfth was my birthday. I 16a day of cake and presents 17it turned into a day

时间:2021-11-13 13:24:21


Tuesday the twelfth was my birthday. I 16a day of cake and presents 17it turned into a day


Tuesday the twelfth was my birthday. I 16a day of cake and presents 17it turned into a day of mystery(神秘). Someone sent a bottle with a letter and a treasure map 18. It said there was a treasure of over 20 million dollars. I didn’t know if it was a trick(恶作剧) or if I should 19it. If it was 20 , it would be the best present I had ever got. I decided to 21. Two of my friends came and we rented a truck. 22, I thought about turning back twice during this trip, but I didn’t think it was a23decision for me to make. I 24to give this trip twice the effort(努力) I had been putting in. This would take all my trust in order for me to find the 25.

“The map says you have to turn when you see a large stone with a red circle,” said one of them.

“What do we do after the turn?” I asked 26.

“It says we should see a tree. We are 27to turn 20 meters north of it and dig.

We got there and dug. We had 28at first digging but we got better and worked very 29. My trousers were dirty but I kept digging 30I hit something. It was a large metal box. We 31the lock and looked inside. There was a letter. It read:

“The lesson you have learned will be very 32. If you put as much 33in anything you do as you did in finding the 34, you will have found the key to making over 20 million dollars.”

This was a trick from my parents. I thought I would never forget this 35 birthday present.





【小题1】A 动词辨析。A期待B接受C通过D计划;在生日这一天,我期待着蛋糕和礼物、

【小题2】B 上下文串联。我期待蛋糕和礼物,但实际情况是我收到了一封信。

【小题3】C 副词辨析。A上面B远离C里面D附近;指在信的里面是一幅地图。

【小题4】A 动词辨析。A信任B忘记C拒绝D分享;我不知道这是一个恶作剧还是我改相信它。

【小题5】D 形容词辨析。如果它是真的,那就是我收到的最好的礼物了。

【小题6】B 动词辨析。A选择B尝试C请求D思考;我决定尝试一下。

【小题7】D 副词辨析。A幸运地B最后C可能D实际上;实际上在半路有两次我都想放弃。

【小题8】A 形容词辨析。A明智的B大的C不同的D快速的;我认为这不是一个明智的决定。

【小题9】C 动词辨析。A讨厌B失败C需要D记得;我需要在这次行动中付出双倍的努力。

【小题10】B 名词辨析。A快乐B真相C帮助D目标;我想要找到真相。

【小题11】D 副词辨析。A感激B悲哀C生气D严肃;“我很认真地问…”根据上文说明我当真了。

【小题12】B 动词辨析。A允许B要求C强迫D鼓励;我们被要求向北拐20米,然后开始挖。

【小题13】C 名词辨析。A培训B经验C麻烦D快乐;一开始的时候我们挖的不顺利,很麻烦。这是一个固定词组have some trouble in doing sth做某事有困难。

【小题14】A 副词辨析。A迅速B糟糕C疲惫地D细心地;但是后来进展地很顺利。

【小题15】D 固定句式. until…直到…才…我一直挖直到我碰到了一个东西。

【小题16】B 动词辨析。A修理B打开C改变D清洁;我打开了那个盒子。

【小题17】A 形容词辨析。A贵重的B必要的C令人满意的D痛苦的;你们学到的教训是很贵重的。

【小题18】D 名词辨析。A时间B钱C健康D能量;如果你们在做别的事情上能付出和找这封信一样的能量,那么你们就会发现挣钱超过20万的关键。

【小题19】C 上下文串联。如果你们在做别的事情上能付出和找这封信一样的能量。

【小题20】C 形容词辨析。A漂亮B完美C特别D昂贵的;这对我来说是一个很特别的生日。
