700字范文 > The Danish (丹麦) architect of the iconic Sydney Opera House Jorn Utzon has died at the ag

The Danish (丹麦) architect of the iconic Sydney Opera House Jorn Utzon has died at the ag

时间:2019-12-27 07:36:57


The Danish (丹麦) architect of the iconic Sydney Opera House  Jorn Utzon  has died at the ag


The Danish (丹麦) architect of the iconic Sydney Opera House, Jorn Utzon, has died at the age of 90, after suffering a heart attack.

Mr. Utzon, an award-winning architect, put Denmark on the world map with his great talent, said Danish Culture Minister Carina Christensen. Having won a competition in 1957 to design the building, he left the project before it opened in 1973. Mr. Utzon never visited the completed landmark, after disputes about costs. He had quarreled with the Australian client and the costs overran by 1,000%. Even decades later, he declined invitations to return to Australia, but did design, with his son, a new wing which opened in . In 1998 he said, Its part of education–I can be bitter about anything in life.

Most of the interior(内部)of the opera house was not completed according to his plans after government-appointed architects took over the job.

The Sydney Opera House planned to dim the lights on the sail-shaped roof on Sunday to mark Mr. Utzons death.

The chairman of Sydney Opera House Trust, Kim Williams, said, Jorn Utzon was an architectural and creative genius who gave Australia and the world a great gift. Sydney Opera House is core to our national cultural identity and a source of great pride to all Australians. It has become the most globally recognized symbol of our country.

Mr. Utzon also designed the National Assembly of Kuwait and several prominent buildings in Denmark.

Danish Minister of Culture Carina Christensen paid tribute to him, saying, Jorn Utzon will be remembered as one of the Danes who in the 20th century put Denmark on the world map with his great talent.

Mr. Utzon won several international awards, including the Alvar Aalto Medal for architecture and Frances Legion of Honour.

In he won the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize for his design of the opera house.

【小题1】 Which of the following is true about Mr. Jorn Utzon?A.He was born in Demark and worked in Australia.B.He left Australia before his design was completed.C.He refused to go back to visit the Opera House all his life.D.He disagreed with the government client on the building materials.【小题2】From the above passage we may NOT know .A.what Mr. Utzon has contributed to the worldB.the exact time of Mr. Utzon’s birth and deathC.whether he had a family or notD.when Opera House was completed【小题3】 What did the Opera House plan to do to mark its designer’s death?A.A memorial party would be held on Sunday.B.Another award would be given out to Mr. Utzon’s son.C.The lights on the roof of Opera House would become less bright.D.Another wing would be designed to remember Mr. Utzon.【小题4】 The most proper title of the above passage might be .A.Sydney Opera House architect dies B.Life of Mr. Utzon, a Great architectC.Designer and builder of Opera HouseD.Awards of the Opera House ArchitectC



解析:本文介绍了丹麦建筑师学家Jorn Utzon在一次国际性的为悉尼设计歌剧院的比赛中获胜。但是不是所有人都为此激动。Utzon 在1966年与当地政府发生争执,引起公众对建筑设计的批评风暴后,退出了歌剧院工程。这项工程指导7年后才完成,Utzon也再也没有回到澳大利亚去看过他的作品。在被授予建筑学奖。

【小题1】细节理解题。根据he declined invitations to return to Australia,他拒绝回到澳大利亚,故选C。

【小题2】细节理解题。根据Jorn Utzon, has died at the age of 90,短文中没有给出确切的出生年月和他去世的时间,故选B。

【小题3】细节理解题。根据The Sydney Opera House planned to dim the lights on the sail-shaped roof on Sunday to mark Mr. Utzons death. 故选C

【小题4】标题归纳题。根据The Danish (丹麦) architect of the iconic Sydney Opera House, Jorn Utzon, has died at the age of 90, after suffering a heart attack.

