700字范文 > 当今过洋节成了年轻人的一种时尚 中国传统节日备受冷落。为了彰显民族文化的优秀传统

当今过洋节成了年轻人的一种时尚 中国传统节日备受冷落。为了彰显民族文化的优秀传统

时间:2021-06-26 13:50:10


当今过洋节成了年轻人的一种时尚 中国传统节日备受冷落。为了彰显民族文化的优秀传统







参考词汇:情人节Valentine’s Day;农历lunar

One possible version:

It’s wrong for young people only to seek western festivals but forget all about Chinese traditional festivals. We should have Qiqiao Festival instead of Valentine’s Day.

Qiqiao Festival, or Double seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, which is known as Chinese Valentine’s Day, which is a traditional festival full of romance in China. It comes from the beautiful Chinese love story about Niulang and Zhinu, who meet each other once a year on this day. Chinese people have been celebrating this festival since the Han Dynasty.

I believe it a good idea to make this festival a legal holiday since it is part of our traditional culture. The long history and the way it is celebrated tell people what true love is and show how we value love in a Chinese way.



One possible version:

It’s wrong for young people only to seek western festivals but forget all about Chinese traditional festivals. We should have Qiqiao Festival instead of Valentine’s Day.

Qiqiao Festival, or Double seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, which is known as Chinese Valentine’s Day, which is a traditional festival full of romance in China. It comes from the beautiful Chinese love story about Niulang and Zhinu, who meet each other once a year on this day. Chinese people have been celebrating this festival since the Han Dynasty.

I believe it a good idea to make this festival a legal holiday since it is part of our traditional culture. The long history and the way it is celebrated tell people what true love is and show how we value love in a Chinese way.


试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,给出写作的要求和要点,学生很容易把握文章的结构和写作要点。考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先确定人称,文章要求有你的观点,所以用第一人称。其次要确定时态,文章要求客观介绍乞巧节来历并陈述把它作为法定节日的理由,所以要用一般现在时。再次是确定文体,文章要求先叙述乞巧节,再提出把乞巧节作为法定节日,说明依据或理由,可知是夹叙夹议的议论文。最后确定篇章结构(用三段式):首段,当今人们对于中西方节日的态度;第二段,乞巧节来历;第三段,我的观点是把乞巧节定为法定假日及我的理由。再有就是不能根据材料逐字逐句的翻译应该注意句子的衔接,以提高作文的档次。考生在写作时要根据写作内容列要点:1、过洋节成了年轻人的一种时尚young people seek western festivals/ western festivals are popular with young people;2、中国传统节日备受冷落forget all about Chinese traditional festivals/ Chinese traditional festivals are ignored;3、七夕节Double seventh Festival;4、农历七月初七on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month;5、牛郎织女相会Niulang and Zhinu meet each other;6、源于汉代since the Han Dynasty/origin from the Han Dynasty;7、把乞巧节定为法定假日make Qiqiao Festival a legal holiday;8、乞巧节是传统文化一部分Qiqiao Festival is part of our traditional culture;9、告诉人们什么是真爱tell people what true love is ;10、以中国方式珍惜爱value love in a Chinese way。最后,考生要利用各种句式和过渡词连词成句,连句成段,连段成篇。

【亮点说明】文中使用了能运用较高级的单词和短语,如:seek, value, instead of, be popular with, 还运用了多样化的句式和句法结构,使行文连贯,增添亮点,如:it作形式主语和形式宾语句型It’s adj. for sb. to do sth.(It’s wrong for young people only to seek western festivals …),believe it +n. + to do sth.(I believe it a good idea to make this festival a legal holiday);定语从句…which is known as Chinese…,…which is a traditional festival…,…who meet each other…,the way it is celebrated;时间状语从句… since it is part of our traditional culture.,宾语从句tell people what true love is and show how we value love in a Chinese way。


当今过洋节成了年轻人的一种时尚 中国传统节日备受冷落。为了彰显民族文化的优秀传统 中国的一些传统节日已经被定为法定假日了。为了进一步扩大传统节日的影响 你要写一篇不少于100词的短
