700字范文 > This was our time our senior year. My best friend Beth and I had big dreams…But in my worl

This was our time our senior year. My best friend Beth and I had big dreams…But in my worl

时间:2020-12-18 22:39:14


This was our time our senior year. My best friend Beth and I had big dreams…But in my worl


This was our time,our senior year. My best friend Beth and I had big dreams…But in my world of “big dreams” this one small freshman did not appear on my radar(关注范围). My best friend Beth was the first to her.

“Kristi,did you see the girl standing by us in the lunch line --- she looks so ,so out of place.” We had heard of a family that had just to our town from the country of Cambodia. We knew there was supposed to be a girl at our school from that family,but we had yet to meet her until now.

Leourn was a small dark-haired beauty. She with the little English she knew and that made it very for her to get to know people in our small town.Every day Leourn kept her eyes fixed on the and we never,ever saw her .

What could we do to help Leourn?With and faith,we decided to let her know that there were people who . We sought out Leourn in the halls and said “ Hi ” and tried to continue to engage her in . Leourn responded to us with smiles and small talk.

When Valentine’s Day(情人节) came,I thought of Leourn and decided I would send her a for the holiday. Thinking that she was learning our language and customs,I simply wrote, “Happy Valentine’s Day,Leourn. Your friend Kristi.”

I will forget that Valentine’s Day.

For the time,Leourn was the one who me out. She found me in the hall with the carnation(康乃馨)in her hands. Then she did something .She actually took her eyes off the floor,looked up at me with beautiful eyes and in a whisper said two words: “Thank You.”

It was a life-changing moment for me.

【小题1】A.weakB.quietC.shortD.passive【小题2】A.acceptB.greet C.noticeD.introduce【小题3】A.lostB.sadC.concentratedD.deserted【小题4】A.settledB.transportedC.travelled D.moved【小题5】A.kindB.strangeC.newD.familiar【小题6】A.struggledB.practicedC.saidD.continued【小题7】A.necessaryB.convenientC.valuableD.hard【小题8】A.tableB.floorC.wall D.ceiling【小题9】A.look upB.look awayC.look downD.look out【小题10】A.curiosityB.interestC.loveD.duty【小题11】A.helpedB.wonderedC.sharedD.cared【小题12】A.conversationB.discussionC.explanationD.argument【小题13】A.finallyB.suddenlyC.immediatelyD.frequently【小题14】A.messageB.callC.cardD.flower【小题15】A.alreadyB.justC.almostD.yet【小题16】A.oftenB.seldomC.neverD.still【小题17】A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.last【小题18】A.madeB.tookC.packedD.sought【小题19】A.politeB.amazingC.interestingD.important【小题20】A.lowB.lightC.clearD.dim(模糊的)B




【小题1】考查形容词词义辨析:A. weak虚弱的,B. quiet安静的,C. short短的,D. passive被动的,从下文的Leourn responded to us with smiles and small talk.可知这个新生是很安静的,选B

【小题2】考查动词词义辨析:A. accept接受,B. greet迎接,问候,C. notice注意,D. introduce介绍,从前面的did not appear on my radar(关注范围).可知是我的最好的朋友Beth第一个注意到她的,选C

【小题3】考查形容词词义辨析:A. lost失去的,迷失的,B.sad难过的,C.concentrated专注的,D. deserted废弃的,从下文的so out of place.可知这个女孩在午餐排队的地方,不知所措,选A

【小题4】考查动词词义辨析:A. settled定居,解决,B.transported运输,C. travelled 旅游,D. moved移动,搬家,我们听说有个家庭刚刚从Cambodia搬到我们镇上,选D

【小题5】考查形容词词义辨析:A. kind善良的,B. strange奇怪的,C. new新的,D. familiar熟悉的,从前面的We had heard of a family that had just 39 to our town from the country of Cambodia.可知我们知道那个家庭会有一个新生到我们班,选C

【小题6】考查动词词义辨析:A. struggled努力,挣扎,B. practiced练习,C. said说,D. continued继续,她知道的英语很少,所以她很艰难,选A

【小题7】考查形容词词义辨析:A. necessary必要的,B. convenient方便的,C. valuable有价值的,D. hard困难的,从上文的She with the little English she knew可知她很难认得镇上的人们,选D

【小题8】考查名词词义辨析:A. table桌子,B. floor地板,C. wall 墙,D. ceiling天花板,从下文的She actually took her eyes off the floor,可知每天她都注视着地板,我们很少看见她抬头,选B

【小题9】考查动词短语词义辨析:A. look up抬头看,查询,B. look away看别处,C. look down向下看,D. look out当心,向外看,从上文的Every day Leourn kept her eyes fixed on the可知她很少抬头,选A

【小题10】考查名词词义辨析:A. curiosity好奇,B. interest兴趣,C. love爱,D. duty职责,和faith并列用love,作者和Beth想让她知道有人关心她,选C

【小题11】考查动词词义辨析:A. helped帮助,B. wondered想知道,奇怪,C. shared分享,分担,D. cared关心,从下文的We sought out Leourn in the halls and said “ Hi ” and tried to continue to engage her in 47 .可知作者她们是想关心Leourn。选D

【小题12】考查名词词义辨析:A. conversation对话,B. discussion讨论,C. explanation解释,D. argument争论,作者她们在大厅找到Leourn,和她打招呼,想继续谈话,选A

【小题13】考查副词词义辨析:A. finally最后,B. suddenly突然地,C. immediately立刻,D. frequently经常地,频繁地,情人节到了,我立刻想到Leourn,选C

【小题14】考查名词词义辨析:A.message信息,B. call电话,C. card卡片,D. flower花,从下文的She found me in the hall with the carnation(康乃馨)in her hands.可知作者想在情人节的时候,送花给Leourn,选D

【小题15】考查副词词义辨析:A. already已经,B. just仅仅,C. almost 几乎,D. yet然而,因为是刚到这个镇上,作者知道Leourn只是刚刚在学习语言和文化,选B

【小题16】考查副词词义辨析:A. often经常,B. seldom很少,C. never从不,D. still仍然,我永远忘不了这个情人节,选C

【小题17】考查序数词:A. first第一,B. second第二,C. third第三,D. last最后,for the first time第一次,选A

【小题18】考查动词词义辨析:A. made制作,使得,B. took拿,C. packed收拾行李,D. sought寻求,从上文的We sought out Leourn in the halls and said “ Hi ”可知这是Leourn第一次把作者找出来,选D

【小题19】考查形容词词义辨析:A. polite礼貌的,B. amazing令人惊讶的,C. interesting有趣的,D. important重要的,从下文的She actually took her eyes off the floor,可知Leourn做了令人惊讶的事情,选B

【小题20】考查形容词词义辨析:A. low低的,B. light轻的,C. clear清楚的,D. dim模糊的,用清楚的低语说“Thank you!”,选C
