700字范文 > Sometimes people come into your life You know that they will help youout who youare or wh

Sometimes people come into your life You know that they will help youout who youare or wh

时间:2021-08-22 23:54:41


Sometimes people come into your life You know that they will help youout who youare or wh


Sometimes people come into your life .You know that they will help youout who you

are or who you want to become·You never know these people may be,possibly your roommate,neighbor,or even a complete stranger.But when youeyes with them,you know at that very moment they willyour life in some way.

And sometimes things happen to you that may seemat first,but in reflection you find that without them you would have neveryour potential ability.

Everything happens for a.Nothing happens by chance orgood luck.Illness,injury,love all occur to test theof your soul.Without these small tests,life would be like aroad to nowhere .The people affecting your life,and theand failure you experience,help to create who you are and who you become.the bad experiences can be learned from,for they arethe most important ones·If someone loves you,love them back unconditionally,because they areyou to love.If someone hurts you,them,for they have helped you learn aboutand the

importance of being cautious.

Make every day .Appreciate every moment,for you may never be able to 53 it again·Tell yourself you are a great individual andyourself. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no. Most importantly,if you LOVE someone,tell him or her,for you never know what tomorrow

may have in store.

【小题1】A.figure B.take C.give D.speak【小题2】A.whereB.how C.who D.what【小题3】A.fill B.lockC.cover D.close【小题4】A.value B.affect C.love D.waste【小题5】A.exciting B.inspiringC.inviting D.challenging【小题6】A.realized B.lacked C.controlledD.tested【小题7】A.profit B.fact C.reason D.result【小题8】A.in need ofB.on behalf ofC.on account ofD.by means of【小题9】A.degrees B.limits C.influenceD.condition【小题10】A.smooth B.snowy C.busy D.heavy【小题11】A.sense B.incident C.successD.feeling【小题12】A.So B.Yet C.Thus D.Even【小题13】A.probably B.exactly C.certainlyD.rarely【小题14】A.persuadingB.allowing C.teachingD.forcing【小题15】A.warn B.forgive C.scold D.charge【小题16】A.agreement B.society C.right D.trust【小题17】A.count B.mean C.go D.change【小题18】A.save B.experienceC.shareD.miss【小题19】A.hold onB.care for C.think ofD.believe in【小题20】A.efforts B.beliefs C.regretsD.directionsA




【小题1】A动词辨析。A figure out 弄清,弄懂;B.take out 拿出,取出;C. give out 分发,用尽;D. speak out说出自己的观点;从语境可知此处是指帮你弄清你是什么样的人,想成为什么人,所以答案选A.

【小题2】C连词辨析。A. 哪儿;B.如何;C.谁;D. 什么。根据下文举的例子possibly your roommate,neighbor,or even a complete stranger可以判断答案选C。句意:你从不知道这些人可能谁,他们或许是你的室友,邻居,或者是完全陌生的人。

【小题3】B动词辨析。A.充满;B.锁;C.覆盖;D. 关。根据搭配以及下文内容可以判断此处指当你把目光锁定到他们身上的时候,你就会知道他们将会以某种方式影响你。

【小题4】B动词辨析。A.价值;B.影响;C.爱;D.浪费。根据文章第三段中The people affecting your life可以判断B选项正确。

【小题5】D动词辨析。A.激动人心的;B. 精神的;C. 诱人的;D. 挑战的。由but判断前后句意具有转折关系,根据语境可知此处指起初有些事情看起来是具有挑战性,是考验人的,答案填D。

【小题6】A动词辨析。A .意识到;B .缺乏;C .控制;D. 测试。从情理可知只有当人们遇到困难和挑战了,人们才会发挥自己内在的潜能,所以答案选A。句意:在反思后你就会发现没有这些挑战,你不会意识到自己所具有的潜力。

【小题7】C名词辨析。A.利润;B. 事实;C. 原因;D. 结果。根据下句Nothing happens by chance or43good luck可知作者在此强调事情的发生不是偶然的,都是有一定原因的,答案选C。

【小题8】D介词短语辨析。A. 需要 ;B. 代表;C. 由于; D.通过,凭借。从空前by chance可知此处也指一种手段方法,答案选D。句意:没有什么事情是偶然或者靠运气发生的。

【小题9】B名词辨析。A程度;B. 限制;C.影响;D. 状态。上文提到有些事情是对人的磨练,是一种挑战,所以这些疾病,伤痛以及爱都是来考验人的,是来考验一个人内心承受的极限,所以答案选B。

【小题10】A形容词辨析。A顺利的,光滑的;B. 下雪的;C. 忙的;D. 重的。上文讲人生的道路是不平坦的,生活中会时不时的有些磨难,没了这些考验和磨难,那么生活当然是平坦的大路了,所以选A。

【小题11】C名词辨析。A. 感觉,意义;B. 事件;C. 成功;D. 感觉。根据空后面的and failure you experience 可知作者指人经历过的成功、失败,答案选C。

【小题12】D副词辨析。A .所以 ;B .还;C、这样;D .甚至。从上下文可以判断,作者认为人们可以从任何经历过的事情中学到些什么,哪怕是不好的经历,由此可知答案选D。句意:甚至你可以从一些不好的经历中学到东西。

【小题13】A副词辨析。A.可能 ;B. 精确地;C.当然;D. 罕见。从语境可知此处强调一种可能性,答案选A。句意:因为他们可能是最重要的经历。

【小题14】C动词辨析。A. 劝说;B. 允许; C. 教;D. 强迫。根据下文they have helped you learn about…..可知我们从别人身上学到东西,换句话说是别人教会了我们一些东西,答案选C.

【小题15】B动词辨析。A. 警告;B.原谅;C. 责怪; D. 指控。根据后句for they have helped you learn about51and the importance of being cautious可知作者在此强调伤害过我们的人也是教会了我们一些事情,所以我们要原谅他们,选B。

【小题16】D名词辨析。A.同意;B. 社会;C.权利;D. 信任。从空后面and the importance of being cautious可以判断从伤害过我们的人身上我们可以懂得要小心谨慎,懂得了什么是信任,其他不符合语境,答案选D。

【小题17】A动词辨析。A. 重要,要紧;B. 意思是;C.去 ;D. 改变。根据下文Appreciate every moment可知在此处作者是激励人们要把每天过的有意义,答案选A。句意:让每天都很重要。

【小题18】B动词辨析。A. 节约;B. 经历;C. 分享;D. 错过。由上下文可以推断作者认为经历过的事情都是财富,一是因为他们教会了我们什么,二是因为我们可能不会再次经历这样的事情,所以答案选B。

【小题19】D动词短语辨析。A. 抓住;B. 照顾;C.认为;D. 信任。从上文Tell yourself you are a great individual可以判断这是作者告诫人们,激励人们的话,所以应该是相信自己。

【小题20】C名词辨析。A. 影响;B. 信仰;C. 遗憾;D. 方向。作者激励人们要走出去,去开创自己的生活,不给自己留下遗憾,答案选C,其他选项不符合语境。
