700字范文 > Tess was a precocious(早熟) eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad taling about

Tess was a precocious(早熟) eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad taling about

时间:2021-12-10 17:50:20


Tess was a precocious(早熟) eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad taling about


Tess was a precocious(早熟) eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad taling about her little brother,Andrew. she knw was that he was very sick and they were completely money. They were moving to an apartment complex next month because Daddy didn’t have the money for the doctor’s bills and their house .Only a(n) could save him now.

Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly(果冻) jar from its hiding place. She poured all theout on the floor and counted carefully. Three times,even.The total had to be absolutely exact. No here for mistakes. After carefully placing the coins back in the jar, she slipped out of the back door, andher way six blocks to a chemist’s.

She waited patiently for the pharmacist (药剂师) to give her some,but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a noise. Nothing. She cleared her with the most awful sound she could muster. No good.

Finally the pharmacist asked in antone of voice, “What do you want? I’m talking to my brother from ChicagoI haven’t seen in ages,” he said without waiting for a reply to his question.

“Well, I want to talk to you about my brother,” Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. “His name is Andrew and he has something badinside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?”

“We don’t sell miracles here, little girl. I’m sorry, I can’t help you,” the pharmacist said, his voice a little.

There was a man there whose clothes were admirable. He asked the little girl, “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?”

“I don’t know” Tess replied with tears in her eyes. “I just know hes sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can’t payit, so I want to use my money.”

“How much do you have?” asked the man. “One dollar and eleven cents,” Tess answered.

“A dollar and eleven cents ― theprice of a miracle for your little brother,” smiled the man, “Take me to you live. Let’s see if I have the kind of miracle you need.”

That well-dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery (神经外科). The operation was completely charge and it wasn’t long before Andrew was home again and did well.

Mom and Dad were happy but they wonder how much the operation would have . Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost…one dollar and eleven cents…plus the of a little child.

【小题1】A.AsB.AllC.All whatD.That【小题2】A.in needB.in short C.out of D.sort of【小题3】A.miracleB.doctorC.GodD.operation【小题4】A.changeB.jelliesC.candiesD.cookies【小题5】A.way B.doubtC.chanceD.wonder【小题6】A.droveB.foughtC.madeD.struggled【小题7】A.pillsB.attentionC.medicineD.tablets【小题8】A.mouth B.eyes C.earsD.throat【小题9】A.anxiousB.exciting C.annoyedD.tired【小题10】A.whoB.whereC.becauseD.which【小题11】A.findingB.planting C.showingD.growing【小题12】A.andB.or else C.butD.or【小题13】A.soft B.softenC.softenedD.softening【小题14】A.really B.real C.firmD.firmly【小题15】A.backB.for C.offD.up【小题16】A.actual B.exactC.averageD.true【小题17】A.the placeB.the apartmentC.the complexD.where【小题18】A.freeB.free of C.not D.no【小题19】A.spent B.paid C.cost D.took【小题20】A.thought B.valueC.patienceD.faithB




【小题1】B 考查代词辨析 as 作为;all 所有;all what 所有这些;that 这个;句意 她所知道的是他的弟弟得了很严重的病。All 做句子主语,谓语动词是was, all was that he was very sick,she know做all的定语从句,也可换成 all that ,所以选B项。

【小题2】C 考查短语辨析 in need 需要;in short 简而言之;out of 摆脱;sort of 这种。根据下文提到They were moving to an apartment complex next month because Daddy didn’t have the money for the doctor’s bills 他们将到搬到小公寓去,因为没有钱会账单了,所以他们没有钱了,out of money,没有钱了。

【小题3】A 考查名词辨析 miracle 奇迹;doctor 医生;God 上帝;operation 手术。根据第五段提到His name is Andrew and he has something bad inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him now只有奇迹才能救得了他,所以选A项。

【小题4】A考查名词辨析 change 零钱;jellies果冻;cnadies 糖果;cookies饼干。根据下文提到After carefully placing the coins back in the jar, she slipped out of the back door当她仔细把所以硬币放回罐子,她溜出家。所以她倒出所以零钱,仔细的数。所以选A项。

【小题5】C考查名词辨析 way 方法;doubt 怀疑;chance机会;wonder奇迹。根据上文提到The total had to be absolutely exact. 总数完全是准确的,所以不可能有错,故选C项。

【小题6】C考查动词辨析 drove 驾驶;fought战斗;made 制造;struggled 奋斗。句意 当她仔细把硬币收到罐子里,溜出家,前往六条街外的医生家。Make one’s way 前往某处。

【小题7】B考查名词辨析 pills 药片;attention 注意力;medicine 药;tablets药片。根据下文提到but he was too busy at this moment 他很忙,所以指她耐心的等待着医生来关注她,故选B项。

【小题8】D考查名词辨析 mouth 嘴;eyes 眼;ears 耳朵;throat 咽喉。根据上文提到Tess twisted her feet to make a noise 她动了动脚发出一点噪音,不管用。然后她清了清嗓子,使大劲发出难听的声音,没有用。所以选D项。

【小题9】C考查形容词辨析 anxious 忧虑的;exciting令人兴奋的;annoyed 恼怒的;tired累的。根据下文提到What do you want? I’m talking to my brother from Chicago医生说,你想干什么,我正在和从芝加哥来的弟弟说话,所以医生的态度不耐烦,所以C项符合语境。

【小题10】A 考查代词辨析及语境理解 句意 我正在我来自芝加哥的弟弟说话,我们很多年没有见面了。考查定语从句,先行词是my brother ,定语从句是I haven’t seen in ages,seen缺少宾语,故用who来引导。

【小题11】D考查动词辨析 finding 发现;planting 种植;showing展示;growing生长。句意 我的弟弟叫Andrew,在他的大脑时长了一个不好的东西,我父亲说只有奇迹才能救他,奇迹多少钱呢?根据语境得知是soemthing bad growing 分词做后置定语。

【小题12】C考查连词辨析 and 和;or else否则;but 但是;or 否则。句意 我们这不卖奇迹,对不起,我不能帮到你。but不可以省略,因为英文中两个句子是不可直接相连接的。必须用连词连接所以选C项。


【小题14】A考查形容词与副词really 真正地;real 真的;firm 坚固的;firmly坚定地。句意:我只知道他真的病了,我的妈妈说,他需要手术。根据语境强调确实是这种情况所以选A项。

【小题15】B考查介词辨析及语境理解 。句意:但是我的爸爸没有钱了,因此我想用我的钱。根据上文提到为了给弟弟治病家里几乎没有钱了,pay for sth 支付…的费用,所以选B项。

【小题16】B考查形容词辨析 actual 实际的;exact确切的;average 平均的;true真的。根据上文提到小女孩说她只有一美元十一美分。所以这个男人笑着说,一美元十一美分就是奇迹的价格,这点钱恰恰就是奇迹的价格,所以选B项。

【小题17】D考查名词辨析 the place 地点;the apartment 公寓;the complex 联合体。句意:带我去你住 的地方,让我看看你需要什么样的奇迹。根据上文提到They were moving to an apartment complex next month because Daddy didn’t have the money for the doctor’s bills得知她住在the complex,所以选D项。

【小题18】B考查短语及语境理解 句意:这位身穿深色西装、佩戴红色领带的人就是神经外科专家卡尔顿·阿姆斯特朗医生。安德烈斯的手术完全免费,他在芝加哥住院期间也没有被收取任何费用。Free of charge 免费。

【小题19】C考查动词辨析 spent a花费;paid 支付;cost 花费;took 花费。句意:爸爸妈妈很高兴但他们想知道手术花了多少钱。cost的主语必须是某物sth.cost (sb.) some money,所以选C项。

【小题20】D考查名词辨析 thought 想法;value 价值;patience 耐心;faith 真理。句意:听到这里,小女孩笑了。家里只有她知道这个奇迹的真正价格——1美元11美分,再加上一个小姑娘的坚定信念。根据当时语境是指女孩的信念,所以选D项。
