700字范文 > When the teacher told the boy to sit down he to her and said she couldnt make him.A. ga

When the teacher told the boy to sit down he to her and said she couldnt make him.A. ga

时间:2020-09-04 23:51:28


When the teacher told the boy to sit down  he  to her and said she couldnt make him.A. ga


When the teacher told the boy to sit down, he to her and said she couldn make him.

A. gave way

B. talked back

C. looked up

D. got down


A. gave way

(答案→)B. talked back

C. looked up

D. got down

解析:talk back 顶嘴;1)Don talk back to me! (别对我顶嘴!)2)Mary talked back when her mother told her to stop watching television; she said, I don have to if I don want to.give way 让路;look up查阅;get down从......下来;记下。
