700字范文 > The Eskimos believed that a human being is made up of a body a soul and a name and it i

The Eskimos believed that a human being is made up of a body a soul and a name and it i

时间:2020-05-27 12:20:46


The Eskimos believed that a human being is made up of a body  a soul  and a name  and it i


The Eskimos believed that a human being is made up of a body, a soul, and a name, and it is not 1 unless it has all three. This 2 has a great 3 on the Eskimos daily life and runs like a golden 4 through the Eskimos culture.

As for the soul of man, the Eskimos do not claim to know exactly what it is… but, who does? They see it, however, as the beginning of life, and the energy 5 which life cannot continue.

An Eskimo’s name is 6 to give life of 7. It has in it all the good qualities of all the persons who have been called by it. Many Eskimos believe that a newborn baby 8 because it wants 9 name and will not complete until it gets it.

Immediately after a birth, some wise elders 10 to 11 the child. The name that is 12 must be 13 of someone who has died 14. When my son was born, everyone realized that 15 was great-grandfather, Mequsaq(who had died a few months 16,) who had been reborn in him. The newborn baby had a slight squint(看一眼) in 17 eye that old Mequsaq had 18 to the enemy ride in the battle. This was taken as a 19 from the name spirit that the baby 20 be called Mequsaq.

1. A. separate B. complete C. serious D scientific

2. A. thought B. idea C. belief D. theory

3. A. result B. effect C. control D. touch

4. A. thread B. line C. way D. rope

5. A. with B. without C. by D. along

6. A. believed B. taken C. held D. regarded

7. A. his own B. its own C. own D. itself

8. A. sobs B. laughs C. weeps D. cries

9. A. it B. his C. her D. its

10. A. run B. discuss C. gather D. appear

11. A. name B. call C. hold D. dress

12. A. decided B. selected C. elected D. demanded

13. A. this B. these C. those D. that

14. A. recently B. long ago C. just now D. meanwhile

15. A. this B. that C. it D. who

16. A. since B. later C. ago D. before

17. A. the other B. the same C. the different D. other

18. A. hurt B. wounded C. lost D. injured

19. A. choice B. decision C. notice D. sign

20. A. could B. might C. would D. should1-5BCBAB 6-10ABDDC 11-15ABDAC 16-20DBCDD


(答案→)1-5BCBAB 6-10ABDDC 11-15ABDAC 16-20DBCDD



1. B。根据空的前后意思,如果没有躯体、灵魂和名字就不“完整”。

2. C。从文章开头的 believed 一词可以得知上面提到的是一种“信仰”。

3. B。have a great effect on(对…有影响)是固定短语。

4. A。从前面 run 和后面的 through 可以得知,信仰像“金线”一样每天从他们的文化中“穿过”,line 不能指具体的“线”。

5. B。根据文章前后的意思,当生命开始时,要是“没有”能量,生命就不能继续,也就是说,有了能量,生命才能够继续。

6. A。根据文章开头的 believe 可得出答案。

7. B。表示相信名字是他们“自己的”生命。

8. D。根据常识,新生婴儿一出生就会“啼哭”。

9. D。从上下文的几个 it 可以得出答案。

10. C。根据句意,孩子生下来不久,几个老者就“聚集”在一起给孩子取“名字”可以判断出第10和11题两个答案。

11. A。根据第10题,答案不能选call,call是“喊某人的名字”,name 是“给某人取名字”。

12. B。根据后面的意思,名字必须在最近死了的人的名字中“选择”。

13. D。that 代替上文提到的名字。

14. A。根据现在完成时的时态 has died 来得出答案,recently与现在完成时连用。

15. C。从上文第3段最后一句可以得知答案,it 是指婴儿,不确定性别时使用。

16. D。根据时态,过去完成时中表示以前用before,而不用ago,ago用于一般过去时。

17. B。根据句意是同 Mequsaq 一样的眼睛。

18. C。根据后面的在战斗中“失去”了眼睛。

19. D。从下文表示从名字的精神来看可知名字被取是一种“标志”。

20. D。从上文推出这个婴儿的名字“应该”叫做Mequsaq。
