700字范文 > —You don’t seem to be quite yourself today Jim?—I’m suffering from a cold.Nothing serious

—You don’t seem to be quite yourself today Jim?—I’m suffering from a cold.Nothing serious

时间:2022-06-07 15:11:31


—You don’t seem to be quite yourself today Jim?—I’m suffering from a cold.Nothing serious


—You don’t seem to be quite yourself today,Jim?

—I’m suffering from a cold.Nothing serious,.

A. yet

B. indeed

C. though

D. anyway


A. yet

B. indeed

(答案→)C. though

D. anyway

解析:“though”,especially spoken,is used at the end of a clause to add a fact or opinion which makes what you have just said seem less important,or to add a very different fact or opinion etc.又如:I expect you’re right.I’ll ask him,though.She promised to phone.I heard noting,though.D项中anyway相当于anyhow,也是一个修饰整个句子的副词,常置于句尾,but anyway is used to say that someone does something or that something happens in spite of a problem。(无论如何,即使如此,至少),如:He said didn’t know much about computers but that he’d try and help us anyway.
